UFO sightings from Int'l Space Station late last week

New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
UFO Activities in Space

Astronauts working aboard International Space Station are claiming to have seen a blinking entity or object, which they said was a UFO activity that took place on 18 and 19 April 2013.

Similar episodes have been reported by Scott C. Waring, who edits UFO Sightings Daily. The reports are talking about recordings of multiple UFOs and their activities that took place on the 18th and 19th of April 2013 and were recorded on NASA live cameras.

According to the statements received from the astronauts working aboard, the activities took place while they were working outside the station for setting up an experimental. They saw some flashing or glowing objects, which were also seen on live cameras clearly against the blackness of space.

The reports are not talking about a single sighting but there existed multiple sightings near the space station, clear the astronauts and the live cameras.

According to Mr. Scott Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily, "Multiple UFOs have been recorded by many eyewitnesses on NASA live cam on the 18th and 19th of April 2013".

Many videos have also been posted showing moving objects against the backdrop of dark space. Almost all the cameras on the ISS are showing the similar picture of white or flashing objects flying in the space above the astronaut's heads.
