Google: No, Atlantis is not detected Monday, February 23, 2009


Google: No, Atlantis is not detected
Monday, February 23, 2009

Google speaks against that the new Google Ocean the sunken city of Atlantis was rediscovered. Users of the global ocean map mysterious straight lines were discovered on the seabed off the coast of Africa.

On a thousand kilometers from the coast, near the Canary Islands, was five kilometers depth discovered a huge rectangle with a kind of pattern, like the streets. The spot corresponds to a description by the Greek philosopher Plato said about the city, 9,000 years before Christ in the waves would have disappeared.

But Google, the discoverers disappoint. The grid pattern is caused by the way at this point the sonar images of the ocean floor made the boat in straight lines back and forth hazards. These strips are then glued to the computer.

"There are many beautiful things through Google," says the company in a reaction, "an unbroken forest in Mozambique with unknown species, a coral reef in Australia and an ancient Roman villa, but not this time."



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