NBC News (CORPORATE SHILLS) - Reports: stock up on cangoods before May 31 2013'


New member

Are we to really believe this, if it were the truth, would the anchor actually be sitting there in the studio calmly, without sweating, reporting on an extinction level event?

Is this another end of the world scenario designed to keep us browbeat, scared little chicken little's, as we flock to the store and buy on the advice of a corporation, another corporations goods and services that we don't need, but will transfer money out of our pockets into theirs?


If so why is it that the so-called news media isn't reporting on the true state of the world economy on facts that are turning the world's population into debt peonage?

-$70,000,000,000,000 - The approximate size of total world GDP.

-$190,000,000,000,000 - The approximate size of the total amount of debt in the entire world. It has nearly doubled in size over the past decade.

-$212,525,587,000,000 - According to the U.S. government, this is the notional value of the derivatives that are being held by the top 25 banks in the United States. But those banks only have total assets of about 8.9 trillion dollars combined. In other words, the exposure of our largest banks to derivatives outweighs their total assets by a ratio of about 24 to 1.

-$600,000,000,000,000 to $1,500,000,000,000,000 - The estimates of the total notional value of all global derivatives generally fall within this range. At the high end of the range, the ratio of derivatives to global GDP is more than 21 to 1.

SOURCE: America?s Bubble Economy Is Going To Become An Economic Black Hole

Are we really to believe that NBC or any of the other corporate shill networks is concerned about the well being of the economic serf class, or is this a thinly veiled attempt to fleece our pockets?

You decide!
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