
Scientists link deadly nerve disease with flu and cancer
Neurologists official warned that vaccine is not tested

A German doctor in Hanover has a warning when the door of his practice suspended: People who may Pig Flu, have no access to the practice. "
On the eve of the start of mass vaccination against the flu, the Mexican British Health Protection Agency (Health Protection Agency) two letters sent to 600 topneurologen, which they warned that the vaccines could bring an increase in any serious, deadly brain disease. In Germany, a leading medical expert warned that the vaccines can cause dangerous allergic reactions and the risk of cancer may increase.

The English neurologists were told that the vaccine, which is also in the Netherlands is a massive set, probably for a growing number of cases of Guillan-Bar Syndrome will. This disease attacked the nerves which paralysis occurs, including the respiratory tract, with potentially fatal consequences.
The letter also shows that the comparable swine flu in 1976 in the U.S. caused more deaths than the flu itself. During the 10 weeks that when the vaccine was administered, there were 500 cases of Guillan-Bar Syndrome (GBS) found. The vaccine caused people to eight times more likely than GBS were normal. Although the vaccine was recalled when it was once clear, the U.S. government to pay millions in damages (The Government Obama has new legislation been pulled down. The government and the medical profession are now completely immune from prosecution, the ongeact effects of vaccinations).
One of the neurologists stated openly to refuse the vaccine because of the much higher risk of GBS. The letter was also read that the new vaccine is not well tested, and that the effects in humans, therefore close watch should be kept.

Vaccine Experts responded well skep substantially as very worried. New vaccines never behave the way you expected, 'said Dr. Tom Jefferson, coordinator of the vaccine division of Cochrane Collaboration. "There was a link to GBS may exist, something that I certainly nobody toewens. But there can be anything done, because one of the components Squale, not of past research studies ever to have done. "
Jackie Fletcher from the vaccine support group Jabs was commented: "The public would not expect if they do not think there is a connection. We are therefore masaal a number of guinea pigs. "
German scientists anxious to see associated with cancer include
Wolfgang Wodarg, a prominent German physician, has stated that there are many risks associated with the H1N1 vaccine. Wodarg, pulmonary specialist and chairman of the Health Committee in the German Parliament and European Council, has serious reservations about the vaccine that includes the company Novartis is developed.
"The vaccine is injected with a hot needle ',' rush Wodarg somewhat euphemistically off. The vaccine contains his cancer of dead animals which may have an allergic reaction may occur. More important still is the fact that some people fear that these cells increase the risk of cancer in humans may increase.

Wodarch described fear of the flu pandemic as georchestreerd. "It is big business for the pharmaceutical industry," he told the new Presse. He calls on the European Council on a calm and controlled response to the expected outbreak of the virus.
John Lowers, President of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, said earlier that the Mexican flu vaccine can cause serious side effects than the actual flu virus.

Xander (partly thanks to tips from Olaf, Youri and Jaap)

World Net Daily
Just Get There
Daily Mail
See also:

07-08: International conference flu expected mass deaths and social chaos
04-08: All Greek population has Mexican flu vaccinations mandatory
01-08: U.S.: griepvaccinatie while shopping in the supermarket?
28-07: International expert praised vaccine would depend on ALL vaccinations
26-07: History shows that vaccinations are often useless and even dangerous
24-07: "WHO is preparing in secret forced vaccinations U.S. and Europe '
20-07: influenza vaccine in both U.S. and EU official index code'666 '
26-06: Journalist complains to UN for attempted mass murder by Mexican flu vaccine
06-05: Government Obama considering mass vaccination flu Mexican
30-04: UN scientist suspected malicious virus in Mexican
27-04: Swine Flu: Is this the planned global pandemic?
12-03: U.S. military study in 1996 'for' flu pandemic in 2009