How Gun Registration and Confiscation Works in Canada


Truth feeder
Joe Fiorito
The Toronto Star
January 30, 2010

A pounding at the door the other morning; my windows rattled. I was upstairs at work. I don’t always leave my desk to hear the good news about Jehovah. The pounder was insistent. I went down, if only for the sake of the windows.

Oh, jeeze, the cops.
Officers Firth and Kozar in attendance. “What’s up, boys?” My preference was to talk to them through the plate glass door. They wanted to come inside.

Not a chance.
I stepped onto the porch. Who wants two armed strangers in his house, and anyway it was a nice morning.

Officer K. said, “Are you aware of Project Safe City?” I hate it when a guy answers a question with a question.

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