Baffled police log six incidents of snowball fights as ’serious violent crimes’


Truth feeder
Daily Mail
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Children caught throwing snowballs are being recorded as ‘serious violence crimes’ by confused police officers.

Six incidents were logged in the same category as murder or using a weapon to inflict injury by the Greater Manchester force during the cold snap in January.

Officers admit to being baffled about how record log government crime statistics, resulting in the blunder, despite no arrests being made and no one being injured.

It is thought they assumed a snowball should be regarded as a weapon if it is thrown at someone.

Chief Constable Peter Fahy cited the incidents as he lambasted his own officers for over-recording incidents of crime.

He said many officers at GMP were not applying common sense and were ‘too cautious’ in their work.

Full story here.
