US voices ‘concerns’ over Australia’s internet filter


Truth feeder
Bonnie Malkin
London Telegraph
March 29, 2010

The US government has voiced concerned over Australia’s controversial plan to implement a countrywide internet filter.

Washington is worried about the impact of proposal, which would force internet service providers to block offensive material, including child pornography, bestiality and details on how to carry out criminal activity.

Opponents of the plan claim the scope of the material that could be filtered out is too wide and that the restrictions could be applied to media organisations reporting details of criminal activity.

As part of its assault on internet censorship by governments around the world, the US government has weighed in on the debate.

“Our main message of course is that we remain committed to advancing the free flow of information which we view as vital to economic prosperity and preserving open societies globally,” Michael Tran, a US State Department spokesman, said.

Full article here
