Mexico sending 5000 troops to besieged city


February 27th, 2009 in Breaking News

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Mexico sending 5000 troops to besieged city - World - Sunday Star-Times.

Mexico is sending up to 5000 new troops and federal police to the country’s most violent city, where law and order is on the brink of collapse in a brutal war between drug gangs aided by corrupt police.

The army said on the new deployment could take the number of soldiers and federal police to over 7000 in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas.

This month drug hitmen killed 250 people in Juarez, where a meeting of cabinet members on Wednesday (Thursday, NZT) was rattled by bomb scares.

“In yesterday’s meeting (government officials) talked about sending 5000 troops and police to Ciudad Juarez,” said army spokesman Enrique Torres. “They are expected to arrive in the next few weeks.”

At the heavily guarded meeting, Interior Minister Fernando Gomez Mont said the troop reinforcements would be “notable” but declined to give more details.

Torres said there were 2020 troops and 425 federal police in Ciudad Juarez, a city of around 1.6 million people.