The 20,000 snooper army: Vast number of town hall bureaucrats get power to enter your


Truth feeder
James Slack
UK Daily Mail
Monday, Dec 28th, 2009

As many as 20,000 town hall snoopers have assumed powers to enter people’s homes without a warrant and search for information, a survey revealed last night.​

The research details for the first time how a raft of intrusive laws has allowed council staff to barge into homes and businesses uninvited.

The bureaucrats are benefiting from the 1,043 state powers of entry in primary and secondary legislation – more than 400 of which have been created by Labour.

These include checking for fridges which do not have the correct eco-friendly energy rating, making sure a hedge is not too high and inspecting a property to ensure ‘illegal or unregulated hypnotism’ is not taking place.

Alex Deane, director of Big Brother Watch, which carried out the research, said: ‘Once, a man’s home was his castle. Today, the Big Brother state wants to inspect, regulate and standardise the inside of our homes.
