Conspiracy Theories: Poll Results

100th Monkey

New member
I found this to be proof we are winning the truth war!!

12 Million Americans Believe Lizard People Run Our Country

About 90 million Americans believe aliens exist. Some 66 million of us think aliens landed at Roswell in 1948. These are the things you learn when there's a lull in political news and pollsters get to ask whatever questions they want.

Public Policy Polling has raised weird polls to an art form. During last year's presidential campaign, the firm earned a bit of a reputation for its unorthodox questions; for example, "If God exists, do you approve of its handling of natural disasters?"

Today PPP released the results of a national survey looking at common conspiracy theories. Broken down by topic and cross-referenced by political preference, the results will not inspire a lot of patriotism. If you need to defend your fellow countrymen, be sure to note that the margin of error is 2.8 percent.

We took the findings and arranged them from most- to least-believed. And, just to inspire additional shame, figured out how many actual Americans [...] must believe in things like the danger of fluoride in water. (28 million, if you're wondering.)

View the full question asked for each conspiracy.

ConspiracyPercent believingNumber of Americans believing:

JFK was killed by conspiracy......................51 percent.........160,096,160

Bush intentionally misled on Iraq WMDs......44 percent.........138,122,178

Global warming is a hoax...........................37 percent.........116,148,195

Aliens exist............................................. ..29 percent..........91,035,072

New World Order.......................................28 percent..........87,895,931

Hussein was involved in 9/11.....................28 percent..........87,895,931

A UFO crashed at Roswell...........................21 percent..........65,921,948

Vaccines are linked to autism.....................20 percent..........62,782,808

The government controls minds with TV......15 percent..........47,087,106

Medical industry invents diseases..............15 percent..........47,087,106

CIA developed crack.................................14 percent..........43,947,966

Bigfoot exists...........................................14 percent..........43,947,966

Obama is the Antichrist.............................13 percent..........40,808,825

The government allowed 9/11...................11 percent..........34,530,544

Fluoride is dangerous.................................9 percent..........28,252,264

The moon landing was faked.......................7 percent..........21,973,983

Bin Laden is alive.......................................6 percent..........18,834,842

Airplane contrails are sinister chemicals......5 percent..........15,695,702

McCartney died in 1966..............................5 percent..........15,695,702

Lizard people control politics......................4 percent..........12,556,562

Just to further inspire conversation, PPP broke down belief in each theory by whom the respondent supported in the 2012 election. This yielded some genuinely interesting results.

[see graph at linked article]

For example, only three conspiracies were more commonly believed by Obama supporters: that Bush intentionally misled America about Iraq's WMDs (a massive 69 percent of his supporters believe that one), that the CIA launched the crack epidemic, and that the moon landing was faked.

There are two theories with equal support among Obama and Romney supporters: that aliens exist and the one about fluoridation.

Everything else, from lizard people to vaccines and autism to global warming being a hoax? Believed by more Romney supporters.

No conspiracy was less commonly believed than one suggesting that the government is populated by lizard people. But that's mostly because only 2 percent of Obama supporters believe the theory while 5 percent of Romney supporters do.

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