finance / economics

  1. I

    (Audio Report) The eeriness around the passing away of PRINCE'S jewish ex-girlfriend VANITY

    The Late Denise “Vanity” Matthews Leaves Most Of Estate To Church. February 21, 2016 We all are still grieving over the loss of our dearly departed Denise Matthews. The singer who was known as Vanity back in the 80s died after battling an inflammation of the small intestines. Matthews had been...
  2. Amaterasu

    [Idea!] They Need Our Consent

    Many have wondered why the psychopaths in control on this planet tell Us - in subtle ways, of course - what They are going to do. The reason is that They need Our consent, outright or implied. They most often get implied consent because We do not say We DON'T consent. Of course... This is...
  3. Truth Vibrations

    18-Year-Old Invents 30-Second Cel Charger

    Perhaps this could be used in other applications, such as cars? Sources:
  4. 100th Monkey

    The Coming Digital Anarchy

    Bitcoin might be the way to kill these banks!!! might be... The Coming Digital Anarchy by Matthew Sparkes Source: The coming digital anarchy - Telegraph
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford April 28, 2014

    Weekly geo-political news and analysis Full Report:
  6. 100th Monkey

    The Cashless Society Almost Here

    The world needs to wake up! The Cashless Society Almost Here And With Some Very Sinister Implications Read more here: The Cashless Society Almost Here And With Some Very Sinister Implications - Waking Times
  7. White Rabbit

    [ALERT!] US Ex-pats! No Foreign Bank Accounts For You!

    They are trying to tighten the noose! Source: Activist Post: US Citizen? No Foreign Bank Account For You!
  8. 100th Monkey

    [Wow!] Woman gives 3 waitresses $5,000 each in tips!

    This is not the first article I read like this. Why are the Elite giving their money away? Or is this just someone doing something good?
  9. Boiling Frog

    Cash Withdrawals Completely Banned by Russian Bank

    Some weird banking news: 1) HSBC required customers to explain why they were withdrawing money. 2) ATMs from Lloyds Banking Group in the UK mysteriously went down. 3) One of the top banks in Russia announces that no one can withdraw cash until the end of next week. Read more here: Cash...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    Accusations against 'David Icke' & 'The Peoples Voice' coming from Sonia Poulton

    What is going on at TPV? Yesterday Sonia Poulton posted this to her FaceBook page: David Icke under the user name The Peoples Voice posted this on the TPV FaceBook page: To which Sonia posted this in reply on her f/b: Today Sonia Posted this:
  11. Boiling Frog

    Loss of internet privacy made official in France

    Stop using technology and they can't take you period! 'Personal data exposé': Outcry in France against new i-snooping law Source: ?Personal data exposé?: Outcry in France against new i-snooping law ? RT News
  12. Lady of Light

    Money Doesn't Solve Problems

    Money has never solved any problems. People solve problems by sharing their love and helping others. Money destroys the good in humanity. It's not the money that helps the people; it's the people that help the people. It is people who share their time, and put their efforts toward helping...
  13. R

    Yellen and the “Den of Thieves”

    President Barack Obama is being hailed by the Jewish lobby for his nomination of current vice-Chairwoman Dr. Janet Yellen, 67, as the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve, country’s central bank. She is being credited with being “the first woman to hold that position”, after “approval from the...
  14. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford, October 7, 2013

    The cabal is down but not out, attack on all fronts until they surrender More: blogdog: Benjamin Fulford The cabal is down but not out, attack on all fronts until they surrender October 7, 2013
  15. Boiling Frog

    Dylan Ratigan's Epic Rant on the International Banking Cartel - looks like MSM is breaking out

    Dylan Ratigan's Epic Rant on the International Banking Cartel: Now everybody needs to follow suit!
  16. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford October 1, 2013 - Cabal buys time with proposal to hand over money to humanity

    Source: Cabal buys time with proposal to hand over money to humanity
  17. 100th Monkey

    The banks are gearing up for the collapse

    Published on Sep 29, 2013:
  18. Denise

    Secret French GMO Study finds GMO causing massive tumors in rats!

    This is from a secret french study.
  19. Denise

    Homeless Man Turns in Lost Backpack Stuffed With $42,000 - Donations Pour In!

    More new to renew you faith in humanity!
  20. Truth Vibrations

    Benjamin Fulford, September 17, 2013

    P2 Freemasons want Pope Francis to be new M1, the controller of money The battle over the control of the right to print and distribute dollars, Euros and many other currencies is down to a few factions, according to multiple sources involved in the fight. In Italy, Pope Francis and his faction...