
  1. 100th Monkey

    First they tried "Real ID" now: Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform

    There is always another trick up their sleeve!
  2. R

    Ex Israeli spy’s house torched in Montreal

    On Sunday, ex Israel military intelligence officer, Ari Ben-Menashe’s, three-story house on Jean-Girard St. in Montreal’s affluent Westmount neighbourhood was set on fire by some unknown person (s). The Montreal police and the Zionist-controlled mainstream media have called it case of arson. Ari...
  3. R

    US officials detain Imran Khan at Toronto airport

    On Friday, the world famous former Pakistani cricket-team captain turned politician, Imran Khan was pulled out of a Toronto-New York bound flight by US immigration officials. He was taken into custody and grilled for two hours over his opposition to deadly US drone strikes over northern part of...
  4. R

    UNHR Envoy: ‘UN must boycott Israel’

    On October 25, a frustrated UN Human Rights special Rapporteur for Israel and Occupied Territories, Richard Falk (Jewish), in his latest report to the UN has urged the member nations of the UN General Assembly to boycott companies that do business with the Zionist entity. Washington’s envoy at...
  5. R

    Lithuanian youth leader denies Holocaust

    Julius Panka, the head of Lithuania’s national youth association (ULNY) has denied that 30,000 local Jews were imprisoned in his country in 1941. ULNY is the largest youth NGO in the country with more than 200,000 members. “Documents have been falsified and there are false statements on the...
  6. R

    Sarkozy hits the bucket: ‘Iran wins?’

    Socialist Party’s Jewish candidate Francois Hollande defeated his half-Jewish opponent UMP’s Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday to become the next President of France. Sarkozy is the latest victim of a wave of European voters’ anger at wars, government spending, bailouts for the privileged 1% and...
  7. R

    Lobby: ‘Sarkozy’s defeat is Iran’s victory’

    Richard Prasquier, the leader of the French-Jewish umbrella group CRIF has endorsed France’s incumbent president Niclas Sarkozy. In an Op-ed in Israeli daily Ha’aretz (April 25, 2012), Prasquier, claims that Sarkozy is better ally of Israel than his main opponent, François Hollande. The reason...
  8. R

    Israeli concentration camp for African workers

    Israel’s European Jewish population feels threatened by the large numbers of Black Christians and Aboriginal immigrants and workers. These poor Africans are lured into Israel from war-torn African countries to occupy the menial jobs that were performed by native Palestinians from Gaza and the...
  9. R

    German Presidency and the Israeli factor

    Though, German Presidency is ‘ceremonial’ – German Presidents are expected to have moral power – like the Israeli Presidents (just joking!). On February 15, German President Christian Wulff, 51, was forced to resign for being accused of corruption before becoming head of state in 2010 as...
  10. R

    France: ‘Old Zionist hatred never dies’

    French presidential election is due in April. According to an Ifop poll results released on Tuesday Socialist candidate Francois Hollande leading with 29% followed by current French president Nicolas Sarkozy (23%) and Front National’s Marine Le Pen (18%). Both Francois Hollande and Sarkozy are...
  11. Denise

    Terrified Woman From Another Universe Wakes Up Here..!

    Tuesday, 3 January 2012 What would you do if you found yourself in a strange bed, your workplace had changed, and you discovered your lover no longer existed? A woman named Lerina García claims this is exactly what's happened to her. Could you be next…? Lerina discovered she was in...
  12. R

    Bibi: ‘Thou shalt not marry an American Jew’

    Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu did it again. Even though he himself is a dual US-Israel citizen, his ministry of immigration and absorption has created a set of Hasbara (propaganda) ads campaign which warns the Yordim (expat Jews living in the US) that they would loose their Jewish...
  13. R

    Harper: ‘Islamicism biggest threat to Canada’

    As the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 terrorist attack carried out by Israel approaches – CBC is set to broadcast Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s exclusive interview he gave to CBC chief correspondent Peter Mansbridge on The National Thursday Night. Stephen Harper, who is listed as an...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Red Alert: Help Stop False Flag Terror

    Prison Friday, May 6, 2011 Alex Jones calls in to warn about the potential for another false flag attack, urging listeners to activate, call the White House and try to stop the attack. Counter-terrorism expert Dr. Steve Pieczenik concurs with Alex’s outlook and urges the good men...
  15. R

    Barak: ‘Israeli Jews should move to Finland’

    On April 10, 2011 – Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Israel Radio: “Those who came here in order to set up a national home have to know how to stand firm. For those who want complete quiet, there is Finland and there is Western Europe, and they can go there.” He also said Israel would...
  16. CASPER

    Mexican gunmen tap bus passengers in mass killing

    MEXICO CITY – The buses crawled to a halt to obey roadblocks manned by armed men, who boarded like military or police doing an inspection. One by one, they tapped certain passengers, all men, mostly young, to get off: "You. You. You." Relatives and travel companions watched in horror as the...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Government Shutdown 2011? – 16 Things You Need To Know

    The American Dream April 7, 2011 Is it actually going to happen?* Are we actually going to see “Government Shutdown 2011″?* Will the streets of Washington D.C. soon be eerily quiet as hundreds of thousands of federal workers are temporarily sent home?* Right now Barack Obama, Harry Reid and...
  18. R

    Playboy, Israel and Helen Thomas

    Michael Fechter, whose both parents are Jewish, wrote in Charleston City Paper that when his highly religious Jewish brother-in-law told him that Playboy’s owner Hugh Hefner, is Jewish, he told his brother-in-law: “If Hef’s in (Jewish), I’m out (of Judaism)”. Playboy, in its April issue has...
  19. CASPER

    Fearful migrant workers on the move in Libya

    RAS AJDIR, Tunisia – Thousands of migrant workers were on the move in Libya on Saturday, trying to flee the fighting between rebels and forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi's regime, U.N. refugee agency and immigration officials said. Most of the thousands of foreign workers in Libya's rebel-held...
  20. R

    John Galliano irks Jewish groups

    The French fashion flagship Christian Dior, has suspendend its chief designer, British designer John Galliano (born 1960) in Paris. According to British daily The Mail (February 27, 2011), Geraldine Bloch 35, gallery curator of exhibitions at Paris’s Institute of Arab World, told police that...