mahmoud ahmadinejad

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    Ahmadinejad’s Ghana visit irks the Zionist world

    Two weeks ago, Iran’s out-going president Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad paid a two-day visit to Ghana which caused quite a furore. Zionist ambassador Sharon Bar-Li was the first to jump into the ring. She warned Ghana rulers to be very careful of hob-knobbing with someone who is fighting with the West...
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    Uniting Muslim nations through gas pipeline

    Tehran’s gas pipeline diplomacy to free Muslim nation-states from western economic strangulation has finally start paying off. Islamic Republic has long planned to bring its Muslim neighbors, Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Jorda, Lebanon and Syria together through a network of gas pipelines –...
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    NYT: Israel has no right to exist

    I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw an opinion post at the New York Times on March 9, 2013, that I can actually agree with. The NYT editors and writers are welknown for their blind support for the Zionist entity and crucification of its critics. It’s surprising that NYT will publish an opinion...
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    Ahmadinejad attends Chavez funeral

    Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad along with more than two dozen head of states have arrived in Caracas to pay final respect to the most popular Latin American leader, Hugo Chavez. After hearing the sad news of Chavez’s death on Tuesday, Ahmadinejad reportedly said in Persian that Chavez...
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    Iran-Pakistan Gas pipeline irks Canada

    Canada’s foreign minister, John Baird, who was one of speakers at the Israel Lobby (AIPAC) conference in Washington DC on March 3, told Islamabad on March 1 that Canadian government was very much disappointed by Pakistan’s decision to go ahead with the $7.5 billion Iran-Pakistan (I-P) gas...
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    Americans should choose Iranians over Israelis

    The Zionist mafia has never stopped reminding Americans how the Iranian took 52 US Embassy staff as “hostages” after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. However, the Zionist mafia never tells the Americans how Washington-Tel Aviv plotted a coup in Tehran against the first democratically-elected...
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    Ahmadinejad: No direct talks with Obama

    On February 10, 2013 – Iranian president Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while addressing a huge rally at Tehran’s Azadi (Freedom) Square to mark the 34th anniversary of Islamic Revolution (1979), said that he will not negotiate Iran’s civilian nuclear program with P5+1 (US, UK, France, Russia, China...
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    Israel outraged at Iran-Argentina joint ‘Truth Commission’

    Israel’s foreign ministry has lodged a protest with Argentinian ambassador in Tel Aviv, showing country’s outrage over Argentina’s Jewish foreign minister Hector Timerman for agreeing with Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi to establish a joint “truth commission” to examine the 1994...
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    Biden: US wants direct talks with Iran

    Last week, a frustrated Obama administration announced that it’s ready to have direct talks with Iranian leaders – only if they’re sincere to reciprocate. In other words, Israel-Firster Joe Biden, US vice-president in his self-denial believes that like Washington, Tehran is also affraid to...
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    Bibi loses election but Israeli fascism stays

    Benjamin Netanyahu is set to form the next Zionist regime even though his warmongering coalition lost 11 seats. However, the election results show that the new regime would lack the necessary muscles to screw US president Barack Obama on the US foreign policy. Netanyahu called for early...
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    Peres: Palestinians don’t need to accept Israel as ‘Jewish State’

    Zionist president Shimon Peres and prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu hold totally opposite views when it comes to dealing with Palestinians or Iran. However, both are considered war criminals by many independent commentators. For example, Israel-born Jewish author and Jazz-player, Gilad Atzmon...
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    NYT: Ahmadinejad sacks “the only woman minister”!

    Pro-Israel New York Times did it again! On December 27, 2012, NYT foreign desk, assignment editor, Rick Gladstone (a Zionist Jew), committed another serious journalistic malpractice. He claimed that “Iranian president Ahmadinejad dismissed his health minister (Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi), the only...
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    Israel invokes Europe’s Holocaust guilt

    On Tuesday, Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman, in an effort to invoke western anti-Jewish guilt, criticized the Western nations for not joining Israel-US-Canada- Czech Republic against Palestinian Authority’s (PA) victory at UN General Assembly last month. Lieberman compared European...
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    Gaza War and the British anti-Semite cartoon

    The award-winning British cartoonisist Steve Bell did it again. His latest cartoon (at the top of this post) publish in Guardian (November 15, 2012) shows Israeli warmongering prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking Israeli Jews to vote his hawkish Likud party back into power while two top...
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    French President: ‘Netanyahu is obsessed with Iran’

    French weekly Le Canard Enchaine reported last week that French Jewish President Francois Hollande had criticized Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “being obsessed with Iran” and using memorial service at Toulhouse for political gains. “Netanyahu came to France to campaign (for his...
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    Israeli ‘PR’ war games on Iran

    On November 5, BBC-Channel 4′s Dispatches aired Israeli PR documentary speculating that an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities will not only kill the country’s nuclear program but Iran would be defeated and demoralized with a very little damage to Israeli airforce or the public. Channel...
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    Elie Wiesel: ‘Mossad should kidnap Ahmadinejad’

    “Elie Wiesel, the Master propagandist – Any political movement would give its eye teeth to have him on its side,” Jewish magazine Tikun Olam. The ‘Father of Holocaust Industry’, Elie Wiesel 84, in an interview with Israeli daily Ha’aretz Ofer Aderet, published on November 2, 2012 had proposed...
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    Jill Stein: ‘Obama-Romney are Israel’s slaves’

    “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it,”Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, Kol Yisrael radio, October 3, 2001. I know it’s very anti-Semitic of me to repeat an eleven-year-old statement...
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    Peres tells Brazil to boycott Ahmadinejad

    The visiting Brazilian Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota told Israeli president Shimon Peres that Israel’s threats of military action against the Islamic Republic (just propaganda barking to force Obama to attack Iran on Israel’s behalf during the election year) over its nuclear program are...
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    Iraq shows its independence from the US

    On October 9, 2012, Moscow confirmed to signing more than $4.2 billion (Dh15.42 billion) in arms deals with Baghdad during the second half of the year to make it the nation’s largest weapons supplier after the US. The deal includes 28 training jets, 30 Mi-28 attack helicopters and 42 Pantsir-S1...