
  1. Denise

    March Against Monsanto

    'March Against Monsanto' planned for over 50 countries. List of Events
  2. Denise

    'Monsanto Protection Act' To Expire, Won't Be Part Of Continuing Resolution

    -Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-OR Source: 'Monsanto Protection Act' To Expire, Won't Be Part Of Continuing Resolution
  3. White Rabbit

    Monsanto sneaking extention of Immunity into fiscal bill!

    Now why would they need a thing like that?
  4. Boiling Frog

    Monsanto Stock Being Dumped

    possibly even more good news: More: Hedge funds, insider traders begin dumping Monsanto stock as reality of GMOs sinks in across Wall Street
  5. Boiling Frog

    Monsanto Buys BLACKWATER the largest mercenary army in the world

    This may just be a rumor, but if true...its not good... Source:
  6. Denise

    Seeds Of Death - Full Movie

    Published on May 24, 2013
  7. Denise

    Monsanto Executive Receives World Food Prize: Global Leaders Outraged!

    Some old story, make "the company" look like a super hero in the public eye. Give it fake awards so that people have something to point to when judging "the company".
  8. Boiling Frog

    The Canadian classic rock band Chilliwack has a new song about Monsanto

    The Canadian classic rock band Chilliwack established in the 1970's has a new song about Monsanto, GMOs, media manipulation etc. Monsanto part start at 3:00 min.
  9. Denise

    Monsanto Surrenders: Ends All GMO Lobbying In Europe

    We just need a few million people to march in the streets and our government leaders will stop succumbing to all the bribes too. June 3, 2013 More:
  10. 100th Monkey

    Monsanto GMO Scandal Rocks Famous Walla Walla Agri Region, Outrages Local Farmers

    Then. Now: MONSANTO: KILLERS IS WHAT THEY ARE Altered wheat on Oregon farm rattles markets The Associated Press and The Washington Post As of Friday, May 31, 2013...
  11. Denise

    Sign Petition - Monsanto vs. Mother Earth - 1 million signature in just 36 hours!

    It’s unbelievable, but Monsanto and Co. are at it again. These profit-hungry biotech companies have found a way to gain exclusive control over the seeds of life – the source of our food. They’re trying to patent away varieties of our everyday vegetables and fruits like cucumber, broccoli...
  12. Denise

    Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

    Great news!
  13. Denise

    Monsanto Protection Act' to be voted on by Congress

    Should Congress approve a proposition included in an agriculture bill up for vote this week, biotech companies like the Monsanto Company could win yet another victory in Washington. The US House of Representatives is expected to weigh in on the Agricultural Appropriations Bill for Fiscal year...
  14. Truth Vibrations

    Global Mass Hypnosis - David Icke & Payday Monsanto!

  15. Denise

    How GMO foods alter organ function and pose a very real health threat to humans

    The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, explains how studies in cell research have demonstrated the mechanism by which micro RNA from genetically engineered foods may alter organ function in humans 11 YRS OLD EXPOSES MONSANTO AND TELLS MONSANTO WHERE THEY CAN SHOVE IT
  16. L

    [Must Read!] Famer in Australia fighting Monsanto

    Can This Farmer Finally Defeat Monsanto? | Care2 Causes This is a fight we have to win, no matter where we are in the world. Australia being an island had the opportunity to keep this country clean, but it has been polluted by Monsanto. This has to be one of the MOST corrupt companies to have...
  17. Truth Vibrations

    I called Monsanto - You won't believe what I heard!

    Oct 2, 2012
  18. Truth Vibrations

    Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF

    Lets hope this is a new trend: Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 07, 2012 4:31 PM I don't know about you, but I would label my personal knowledge of Hungary as wanting, if not painfully incomplete. It's not an easy country to come to grips with, not least of all of...
  19. Denise

    FDA Deletes 1 Million Signatures for GMO Labeling Campaign!

    ~support: ~credits video: 93% of Americans want the FDA to label Genetically Engineered Foods ~more info: While the Food and Drug Administration has seemingly reached the limit for unbelievable behavior, the...
  20. Denise

    Gardeners: Comprehensive list of Monsanto Seed brands to AVOID:

    Beans: Aliconte, Brio, Bronco, Cadillac, Ebro, Etna, Eureka, Festina, Gina, Goldmine, Goldenchild, Labrador, Lynx, Magnum, Matador, Spartacus, Storm, Strike, Stringless Blue Lake 7, Tapia, Tema Broccoli: Coronado Crown, Major, Packman Cabbage: Atlantis, Golden Acre, Headstart, Platinum...