
  1. R

    EU: ‘Thou shalt not watch Iranian TV channels’

    On Monday, European satellite provider Eutelsat SA announced that it has stopped broadcasting several Iranian satellite channels under orders from the European Commission. The company ordered media services company, Arqiva, to take the Iranian satellite channels off one of its Hot Bird...
  2. R

    German Nobelist takes shot at Israel once again

    Germany’s most famous living writer, Gunter Wilhelm Grass, who pulled the rug under the Zionist regime in April by calling it threat to world peace instead of a nuclear Iran in a poem. In the poem, Grass called on German Chancellor Angela Markel to stop the sale of German nuclear war-head...
  3. R

    Rabbi: ‘Jews can pray in mosques’

    Last year, Israeli Rabbi Baruch Efrati told a questioner that Jews are permitted to pray in mosque but not in a church as the later houses idols. “It would be better to pray in a mosque and do so with meaning and after the sun rises, rather than at home, at dawn or at the airport and without...
  4. R

    Do Jews live with ‘animal fear in Muslim states’?

    On December 2, 2011 – Russian Pravda published an article by Yuri Sosinsky-Semikhat, entitled Animal fear of Jews in Arab states, which looks like a page from Israeli ‘Hasbara Handbook’. Interestingly, Yuri believes that every Muslim nation-state where Jews live – becomes an “Arab states”, such...
  5. R

    YES: Islam doesn’t need reformation

    On July 2, 2011 – The Israel-Firster Jewish talk-sow host, author and blogger, Dennis Prager posted an article entitled ‘Can Islam Be Reformed?‘. Interestingly, the Islam-hater, who in his book ‘Why the Jew? The Reason for Antisemitism‘ claimed that Jews have been the object of the most...


    Banish the glaze of objects from the firmament, undo formica & fundament, pinch off the ridges of the Caucasus & irons of clay used in hearths some four millennia ago. Ask how blind urges creolized in burnished arabesque surfaces that once glowed in fire are now backlit in humidity- controlled...

    Black Loam

    It's been another good year. I pitchfork my poems into the air over and over until the black grains of letters pile up into never before thought of things. All winter I'll pound them into dust and bake from that the black bread of meaning which is leavened by death and is its source and...

    Talking about Jesus with Little Richard

    "I am the beautiful Little Richard," says Little Richard as he limps to his piano, "and you can see that I am telling you the truth" before kicking off with "Good Golly, Miss Molly" and going into "Blueberry Hill," alternating between his own...

    Animal Sex Show in London museum

    LONDON (AFP) – A museum in London is throwing caution to the wind for an exhibition on sex in the animal kingdom complete with copulating chimps and randy rabbits -- just in time for Valentine's Day. "Sexual Nature" at the Natural History Museum explores the diverse ways in which animals have...
  10. CASPER

    Tonight No Poetry Will Serve

    Saw you walking barefoot taking a long look at the new moon's eyelid later spread sleep-fallen, naked in your dark hair asleep but not oblivious of the unslept unsleeping elsewhere Tonight I think no poetry will serve Syntax of rendition: verb pilots the plane adverb modifies action verb...
  11. CASPER

    In the Room of Glass Breasts

    Around each word we're hearing, there spins an original flame; the unborn wait in a circle of commas, upright robins wheel to Wheeler & termites with arms in their heads dig under the chairs— It is impossible to describe the world; that's why you get so sleepy listening to poetry...
  12. Unhypnotized

    WORLDSPIRIT - Alex Grey & Kenji Williams (Full-length Video)

    Closed Captions: English, Français, Español, Deutsch (In kurzen!), Português (Em breve!) WORLDSPIRIT is a landmark audio-visual theater experience featuring poetry and storytelling by visionary artist Alex Grey, music by electronic composer and violinist Kenji Williams, and multi-screen...
  13. CASPER

    Three Poems after Montale

    i. Mistletoe, a city of snapshots taped to plaster, blue bottles and a fire's fitful sparks the only glimmers of warmth in your new lodgings. For you, this season without wreaths, I would manhandle a city, conjure a drizzle, then soften it to snow, paint lampposts deep reds and greens and so...
  14. CASPER

    [Wow!] History of Greece: Hellenistic

    The Hellenistic Age marks the transformation of Greek society from the localized and introverted city-states to an open, cosmopolitan, and at times exuberant culture that permeated the entire eastern Mediterranean, and Southwest Asia. While the Hellenistic world incorporated a number of...
  15. CASPER

    [Inspiring] Modern Indian History

    ¤ European Influence Over India The period from 1707AD, the year when Aurangzeb died, to 1857, the year of the Indian Uprising, saw the gradual increase of the European influence in India. The Europeans had been filtering into India for a long time before they actually decided to set up shop...
  16. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History December 23

    357th day of 2010 - 8 remaining Thursday, December 23, 2010 A VISIT FROM ST. NICHOLAS DAY “He had a broad face and a little round belly, that shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.” There’s hardly a soul alive who couldn’t identify this as the description of Santa Claus. These words...
  17. CASPER

    Four Village Poems from the Chinese

    Shift (after Wang Wei) Halfway through the midden of our years we bought a house in a Midlands valley. Now when depression hits I wade with hares through wheat, or walk in pasture with Charolais; I stroll to the ford, then draw in the garden under jasmine, watching the clouds roll past, or...
  18. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History December 22

    356th day of 2010 - 9 remaining Wednesday, December 22, 2010 CHIPMUNK DAY The Chipmunks were at the #1 position on the music charts on this day in 1958 as Alvin, Simon, and Theodore sang with David Seville. The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late), the novelty tune that topped the charts for...
  19. buttman302

    This Day In History December 20

    354th day of 2010 - 11 remaining Monday, December 20, 2010 GOOD DEAL DAY The United States finally took possession of the Louisiana Territories from France on this day in 1803. The treaty that France drew up, giving the Territories to the United States for $15 million, was actually dated April...
  20. CASPER

    from Revelator

    Words torn, unseen, unseemly, scene some far suburb’s mall lot Summer’s theme: this year’s humid —to sweat is to know— pen squeezed too tight yields ink as blood or pus so the phrase scraped, removed offending thine eye: “Outsource Bush” Against which, insource what? Who will do it? Most...