stephen harper

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    Canada slapped for being Israel’s colony

    Last month, Canada’s anti-Iran foreign minister John Baird took another unilateral step: he crossed the “red line” and met with Zionist justice minister Tzipi Livni in her office located in the Jewish occupied East Jerusalem. His meeting proved once again the Stephen Harper government in Ottawa...
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    Ottawa: ‘Iran has Al-Qaeda ties’

    Islamophobe Stephen Harper government never misses an opportunity to make its points with Tel Aviv by bashing Muslims and Iran. Canadian author and blogger Greg Felton has called Stephen Harper an Israeli “proconsul”. On March 19, 2013, Felton claimed that Stephen Harper’s majority victory in...
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    Stephen Harper: “thou shalt not defend Islam or Iran”

    On February 21, 2013, the MSN reported that Hamilton resident and long-time anti-war activist, Ken Stone, is being harassed by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) since he attended a conference on Palestine in Iran and writing his views last year about Iran being a peace-loving...
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    Israel’s Gaza attack shows West’s true nature

    The leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah on Thursday condemned the western leaders for their support for the latest genocide of 1.5 million Gazans by the Jewish army. “The bloodshed in Gaza shows the true face of the United states and the West,” he said in a televised...
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    Harper in India with Iran on his mind

    “Harper’s latest act of Zionist fawing was his unprovoked decision to cut diplomatic ties with Iran and expel its embassy staff,” Greg Felton, Canadian journalist, author and blogger specializing on the Middle East. On November 3, Canada’s prime minister Stephen Harper began his six-day Indian...
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    Omar Khadr returns home in chains

    Yesterday, Toronto-born child soldier, Omar Khadr, who spent ten years at Guantánamo Bay concentration camp, returned home in chains. He is being kept in maximum security facility at Canadian military base in Trenton, Ontario. Canada’s Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews, a known Israel-Firster...
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    Jewish group to honor Harper for ‘war on Iran’

    Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper is to be honored by US-based pro-Israel Jewish group, the ’Appeal of Conscience Foundation’. He will be presented with group’s ‘World Statesman of the Year Award by no other than Henry Kissinger, former Jew secretary of state and a war criminal. The award...
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    North American Indian Chiefs to visit Iran

    Four leaders of North American Indigenous peoples; former Chief Terrance Nelson, Chief Frank Brown, Chief Orvile Smoke and Chief Bernard Ominayak have announced to visit the Islamic Republic on October 8-20, 2012. In Tehran, Dakota Chief Frank Brown plans to show members of Iranian Majlis...
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    Canada ‘isolates’ Iran; Really!

    Last month Tehran hosted the largest international event. The leaders from 120 Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and 27 other nations including China and Russia assembled in Tehran and gave unanimous support to country’s nuclear program. The support proved by any standard that the Islamic Republic is...
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    Iranian Judge: ‘Hang the crook bankers!’

    The Islamic Republic of Iran has been blamed for many so-called ‘anti-Semitic’ activities by the Zionist-controlled media – but somehow, this latest one missed the mainstream media. Maybe, because this involved bankers, the criminalization of which is considered unholy in the ‘civilized’ West...
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    Lobby: ‘Canada an influential player in ME peace talks’

    The president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), Ronald S. Lauder, was in Canada last week. During his visit, he held private talks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Foreign Minister John Baird in Ottawa on Wednesday to discuss the situation in the Middle East, as well as rise in...
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    Holocaust Day, Iran and Muslim Holocaust survivor

    This year’s Holocaust Day was no different than the last year’s event. The Israeli, American, German, British, French and Canadian Zionist leaders who attended this year showcase event – all gave speeches about the Islamic Republic and its nuclear program being an ‘existential’ to the Zionist...
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    Imran Khan on Pakistan’s ties with other nations

    Pranay Sharma, associate editor of Outlook India magazine recently interviewed Pakistan’s most outspoken and popular politician. He is leader of a small political party, Tehreek-e-Insaf, and former world renowned cricketer, Imran Khan. The interview was taken at Imran Khan’s farm house near...
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    OAS Summit spoiled by hookers

    On Sunday, the US-based Organization of American States (OAS), wrapped up its two-day VI summit meeting in Colombia. The summit was hosted by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, Washington’s closest ally in Latin America. It was attended by more than thirty heads of state in addition to the...
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    Canadian Mayor and journalist anger Israel Lobby

    Radio-Canada is French-language arm of Canadian government broadcaster, CBC. Its reporter Ginette Lamarche have been under fire, recently, from Zionist media watchdog, the ‘Honest Reporting Canada (HRC)’ for sending pro-Palestinian reports from Israel. In one of her reports, aired in December...
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    Canada arrests a ‘foreign entity’ spy

    The Jewish-controlled mainstream media in the US and Canada reported last week that a Canadian military intelligence officer, Jeffrey Paul Delisle 40, was arrested on charges of alleged espionage on behalf of a “foreign entity”. Since Jeffrey’s religion (as is normal in case of alleged Muslim...
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    O’Canada: ‘Pro-Israel Jewish politicians in the ring’

    I have never enjoyed anything more – than watching two Israel-Firster Jewish politicians pulling each others’ leg. Montreal’s Mount Royal riding has been Liberal Party stronghold since 1940s. Late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau had represented the riding from 1965 to 1984. Now, the riding has...
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    Lobby gets Toronto Muslim Conference cancelled

    Toronto Sheraton Centre hotel cancelled a Muslim conference as result of Jewish and gay organizations ran a smear compaign against some of its speakers. The conference scheduled for October 23, 2011 – was cancelled after daily The Toronto Star published (October 12, 2011) an article, entitled...
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    Palestinian State and Israeli Hasbara

    “Americans make false promises to the world, which, in their own desperate hopes the world accepts at face value. These promises never come true, as with the treaties with the Indians. Every single one was broken,” John Kaminski, an American writer, Sept.9, 2011. The ‘world crisis’ scenario...
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    Hindu Fascists in Canada

    Meet Hindu extremist Ron Banerjee, director of Canadian Hindu Advocacy. He believes that Hindu community (400,000) is the “most victimized in Canada”. There are over 1,000 Hindu temples in Canada, the largest one, Toronto’s Shri Swamynarayan Mandir which was built at the cost of $40 million...