
  1. Boiling Frog

    Peru's isolated Mashco-Piro tribe 'asks for food'

    They think where is 12,000 and 15,000 people from "uncontacted" tribes living in these jungles. With all this crap we are putting up with, there is still 'Stone age' cultures on earth. Wow, put some things in to prospective. Sort of reminds me of this thread from 2011...
  2. R

    British physicist under ‘Israeli knife’

    World renowned British physicist, professor Stephen Hawking 71, is being chased by Israeli racist squad for boycotting Presidential Conference in Jerusalem, a major Zionist annual Hasbara (propaganda) event to be chaired by Zionist president Shimon Peres, a war criminal. Hawking informed Peres...
  3. R

    Vatican II and the Zionist Jews

    The Vatican has a long history of “love and hatred”. Many anti-Catholic Jews have accused Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) for not doing much to stop Jewish ethnic-cleansing by Nazis. John Cromwell in book “Hitler’s Pope”, called Pope Pius XII an antisemite while Robert Wistrich argued he was...
  4. R

    Turkish anti-Resistance propaganda for Israel

    Forget Israeli propaganda that Turkish Muslims support Hamas because they too hate Jews. Just watch ‘Building Bridges’ – an interfaith dialogue show on Turkish television A9TV. Two of its hosts, Ece Koc and Gulsah Gucyetmez Resimler, tell their audience that Palestinian military resistance...
  5. R

    Antisemitism vs Anti-Semitism

    What’s the difference between ‘Antisemitism’ and ‘Anti-Semitism’? The Berlin-born Jewish professor Shmuel Almog (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), has claimed that the term with hyphen and without it has different meanings. The term ‘Antisemitism’ was coined by Wilhelm Marr in the 1870s. It was...
  6. R

    Al-Miqdad: A new Lebanese Resistance group

    In response to kidnapping of their son, al-Miqdad family abducted on Wednesday more than 20 members of the western funded and trained Salafi/Wahabi militant groups known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The family announced its “military wing” had abducted several members of the “FSA”, in...
  7. R

    Rabbi Weinreb: ‘I’m worried about Iranian nukes’!

    On August 3, Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb in his Jewish World Review Op-Ed piece, entitled ‘Worrying about idolatry’ wrote: “I worry about the economy, and I worry about Iran’s development of nuclear weapons’. I must admit the Zionist rabbis have always puzzled me. For example, Rabbi Wolf Gunther...

    [Rant] Moses, Israel and The Sun - God's Chosen People? Or, Sun Worshipers?

    Sungazing, The (appendix system) as well as our digestive system, Moses in the desert and the IsRAelites and them being the “chosen people” It came to me today as I was thinking about having just absorbed massive amounts of what the sun has to offer for about 1 ½ hours, that we are so ignorant...
  9. R

    Zionist symposium on Balochistan

    The US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), a subsidiary of the Pentagon, is planning to hold a controversial symposium on Pakistan’s province of Balochistan in Washington DC next week. In order to guess who could be behind this symposium – my fellow Canadian, Tarek Fatah, will be one of the...
  10. R

    ‘When and How Was the Land of Israel Invented?’

    Remember the ‘self-hating’ Jewish historian and author, Professor Shlomo Sand (Tel Aviv University), who pulled the rug underneath Zionist Jews in his 2009 book, ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’. Well, the good-old professor has just published a new anti-Semitic book, entitled ‘When and How...
  11. R

    A Pastor’s search for the historical Jesus

    The other day I came across an interesting article by Rev. Howard Bess, entitled Hiding the True Jesus in which he challenges Christian dogma about Jesus, Christianity and the Gospels. In my comments, I tried to explain that some of Rev. Howard Bess narratives of the life and Jesus’ message are...
  12. Denise

    13 Freaky Facts About Friday the 13th

    Does Friday the 13th freak you out? If so, hold on to your rabbit's foot extra tight, because there are three of these supposedly unlucky dates in 2012, and today (April 13) is one of them. 1. This year is a special one for Friday the 13ths: There are three of...
  13. Lady of Light

    Limitless Possibilities: Our Physical And Non-Physical Limitations And How To Overcome Them --- Lady of Light - March 10th 2012

    Lady of Light March 10th, 2012 Limits The number 1 thing to remember is: There ARE no limits. The Illusion: Limitations need to be broken, now more than ever. get rid of the illusion of limits. Anything and everything is possible, especially now. Great energies are in...
  14. R

    Who killed the ‘Proud Jew’ Andrew Breitbart?

    “You cannot be objective when it comes to right and wrong. And Israel is the right. So, I’m a biased journalist, and I’m having a great time doing that,” Andrew Breitbart speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition event in 2001. On March 1, the Jewish daily Forward in its editorial proclaimed...
  15. Denise

    2012 Meditation - Manifesting 5D ~ Archangel Michael ~ Ron Head

    Everything you wish for is attainable, dear people of the Light. Of course you know this already, through your understanding of the universal laws. But in this timing, in the time of ascension, there is a great urgency to manifest your desired outcome more efficiently. And so we assist you...
  16. R

    Alan Hart: ‘Israel makes Holocaust II inevitable’

    Alan Hart is a British news correspondent, author (Zionism: The Real Enemy of Jews) and blogger. He had interviewed several world leaders including Israeli prime minister Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, King Hussain of Jordan and US president...
  17. R

    Libya – Qaddafi loyalists return

    West’s bad dreams in Libya has started shaping-up. Last week, western-client rebel government of National Transitional Council (NTC) No.2 man, Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, was forced to resign as result of protests by members of various armed gangs working for NATO in the past. Abdel Hafiz Ghoga was...
  18. White Rabbit

    The Tribe That Hides From Man (1970) - Who can blame them?

    The Kreen-Akrore are a forest Indian tribe living in the Amazon basin of Brazil who successfully managed to evade the cameras and crew accompanying the Villas Boas brothers during their attempt to make first contact with these hostile and entirely unknown people. The search for the Kreen-Akrore...
  19. Lady of Light

    The Pyramids, The Face On Mars (Cydonia), The Sphinx, and Stonehenge - Lady of Light - January 11, 2012

    Channeled by: Lady of Light January 11th, 2012 The Pyramids (Primarily Egypt) There are more pyramids. They are not what they appear to be. They are of a much greater design. They are all connected. They are a network, a very large network. The pyramids on mars are another...
  20. CASPER

    Up to 50,000 flee South Sudan violence: U.N.

    Up to 50,000 people have fled violence in a remote border area of South Sudan, the United Nations said on Monday, after days of clashes between two tribes. South Sudan became independent in July last year under a 2005 peace deal with Khartoum to end decades of civil war. But the new nation is...