4,700 asteroids orbit close enough to Earth to warrent more fear porn

100th Monkey

New member
NASA says that roughly 4,700 asteroids orbit close enough to Earth for us to be concerned for our safety — at least a little.

Just when we thought we had escaped Armageddon, this: NASA announced late Wednesday that approximately 4,700 potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) are currently buzzing around “near” Earth. The estimate — which could be off by as many as 1,500 PHAs — is based on analysis of new information gathered by NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope.

NASA defines PHAs as any asteroid within 5 million miles of Earth that has a diameter greater than 330 feet (or 100 meters). At that size, the asteroid would be large enough to survive the plunge through Earth’s atmosphere, thus allowing them to wreak havoc on humanity.

The updated PHA estimate comes as a result of the a WISE mission called “NEOWISE.” As part of NEOWISE, NASA scientists sampled 107 PHAs to come up with their 4,700 PHA figure, as well as other predictions about the population of PHAs in general. Only about 20 to 30 percent of the PHAs have yet been detected.

More: http://www.digitaltrends.com/intern...-asteroids-pose-risk-for-earth/#ixzz1vJzOqqar
Of course there's asteroids in close orbit the earth, it's called the asteroid belt its between us and Mars. Any of those asteroids could be put on the potential impact course with Earth. And if it happens what is there a fear? nothing!
I don't think any of those asteroids in the asteroid belt are actually a threat to Earth, I think this is just a way to keep people in fear of a potential asteroid impact on Earth. If it happens, it happens. I' am not to live my life worry about it.
Yep, I have to agree, it's a matter of fear porn. Keep people in fear of a non-threat, and take their focus off of the REAL matters. The things that will make a difference in their lives. That's all it's about, distraction.
This is definitely more fear porn, there's nothing to worry about if a asteroid does impact the planet I'm pretty sure we have the technology to remove the threat. Unless of course that's not what our leaders want? I wouldn't worry about it, without this planet the people in power wouldn't really have the tools to enslave us any longer.
If an asteroid were to hit the planet it would only be a matter of minutes befor you were vaporized and you wouldn't be worrying about it any more. So why worry about it now and stress yourself out?