Activists want British company which experiments on babies to leave Argentina


"They also spray-painted graffiti reading "Murderers" since they accuse the company of testing experimental vaccines on thousands of Argentine babies."

While administration of President Cristina Fernandez urges the UK to sit at the negotiating table to discuss sovereignty of Malvinas, certain political sectors demand more radical measures to be taken.

Left-wing political group Patriotic Revolutionary Movement Quebracho rallied outside headquarters of pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline in the province of Buenos Aires as part of its campaign to boycott all British-owned firms that operate in Argentina and that, according to the leaders of the organization, "seize the country´s natural res".

Chanting "English out of Malvinas, Yankees out of Latin America", activists burnt tires and the Union´s flag at the company´s main entrance.

They also spray-painted graffiti reading "Murderers" since they accuse the company of testing experimental vaccines on thousands of Argentine babies.

Police, firefighters and company´s employees showed up due to the incidents. GlaxoSmithKline´s representatives refused to answer Press TV´s queries and gave no official statement.

Demonstrators also repudiated British lawmakers´ visit to Malvinas days before the anniversary of the War Argentina and the UK fought over the disputed Islands in April 1982.

Members of Quebracho said they will continue to protest UK´s moves over Malvinas and supported Argentina´s transport union´s decision to boycott ships flying the British flag that was announced earlier this week in response to British militarization of the South Atlantic."
