
Truth feeder
Indigo Adult Characteristics
* Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.

* Are very creative and enjoy making things.

* Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.

* Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.

* Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.

* May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.

* Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.

* Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.

* Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.

* May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).

* May have trouble with RAGE.

* Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.

* Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.

* Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.

* Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."

* Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.

* Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.

* Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.

* Have strong intuition. * Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.

* Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.

* May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.

* May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.

* Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.

* Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.

* When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.

Please note, anyone could have a few of these traits, but Indigo Adults have most or all of these 25 characteristics.
what does it mean to be a indigo person? from what i`ve read above it sounds like i may very well be one.. can you tell me anymore about this please?
thank`s ricklbert, well i guess that leaves me out. i guess i`am a little to old to be a indigo person...lol.. darn though maybe i was gona be somebody...lol:fisch:
I still believe that this would stay with a person if they practiced these technical natural enhancements.....ricklbert

well, i don`t know if i am a indigo person or not. but i do have a lot of the characteristics that are in the above post. and a lot of times if i have something on my mind without even saying anything to my wife she will start talking about what i am thinking about. well like i`am sending out my thoughts. and sometimes i can be driving down a road that i have never been on before and it feels like i`ve been ther before. well like maybe in another life . and it makes me feel really weird. and sometimes i maybe talking to someone a they are telling me about things they have done or places they have been and, i feel like i`ve been there or done the things they are talking about. i just can`t explain the experiences and the feelings i have sometimes.
and you know what? i have never told anyone about this before.......
Well I'm undecided weather to be speechless or overwhelmed at the above list . Other than the electrical disturbance from a presence , I strongly recognize every other characteristic from the list above in my life . " Prior and present " . By speechless I feel that , until now for the past 40 years I felt there was something wrong with me . Keeping everything hidden in the caves that line the deep dark canyons in my mind . Although the list above is only scratching the surface of my experiences and unexplained abilities that have been my pillow and shoulder to cry on for so many years . I can feel a sense of actually wanting to share with others , rather than hide caused by thinking that i'm alone in this realm . So thank you :) and i hope to be sharing with many of you . Pete .
Well I'm undecided weather to be speechless or overwhelmed at the above list . Other than the electrical disturbance from a presence , I strongly recognize every other characteristic from the list above in my life . " Prior and present " . By speechless I feel that , until now for the past 40 years I felt there was something wrong with me . Keeping everything hidden in the caves that line the deep dark canyons in my mind . Although the list above is only scratching the surface of my experiences and unexplained abilities that have been my pillow and shoulder to cry on for so many years . I can feel a sense of actually wanting to share with others , rather than hide caused by thinking that i'm alone in this realm . So thank you :) and i hope to be sharing with many of you . Pete .

I don't know how many others on this site besides myself can relate. There is NOTHING wrong with you. If anything, it is more right. Although not having gone through any of this as many years as yourself, I have experienced similar things in my life. I do hope that you continue to share with us all here. Only through sharing can we all grow and use these things to our advantage to change the world for the better.

Lady of Light :)
Hello back , I was speaking with my neighbor today about the Indigo , and as we were discussing the topic , things really started to come back to me from my teen
years , mostly to do with premonitions . It seems as tho they were much more frequent when i was younger . Ravens have been my messengers ever since i can
remember, which would have been when i was about 12 when i began noticing their interest in me . They have been there to warn me of bad news or beware that something bad was going to happen , No they did not talk to me lol... But i could see several ravens in one day , but only one would catch the attention of my
subconscious , so then it's like , Oh great ! now what ? But at least i was prepared for the bad news to come , or forewarned that something bad was going to
happen . I really wish i would have learned to tap into the premonitions , perhaps it's not to late . I still get them , they are far and few between . but they are also much more serious ones . I would have to say that my strongest point is being Extremely spiritually sensitive , my subconscious picks up on just about anything .
Well , perhaps someone out there can shed a bit more light or maybe share some thoughts . Meanwhile I will have to travel down memory lane and try to
remember other experiences iv'e had . Pete :)
Another quick note before i sign off here , I'm into palm reading or tarots or anything , but any time someone has tried to read me or my future , they all came up with the same thing , just a big ray of different colored lights that they can't penetrate or see past . I find that kinda strange and don't really understand it . Pete :)

Interesting post. Thank you for sharing these statements about Indigo peoples.
I've read on some other website, similar things concerning Indigo people and all states on the same *parameters* than you.
But, now that I've read all these, another question comes to my mind ...

If someone is an Indigo ... it probably have a *task* to achieve on earth.
How can this person know what is its work ?
It makes now nearly 2 years I practise meditation ... Many things comes to my mind ... many understanding ..
But not yet a "true road to follow" ...

Any Clue ?

Kindest Regards,