Chilean hand puppet: “Jews burned better than wood”!


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Barack Obama, in his speech at the UN General Assembly last year said that insulting Holocaust is as much unacceptable as insulting Muhammad (pbuh) or Jesus (as). However, for many people, it’s hard to accept Holocaust as a new religion.

On Wednesday, leaders of Jewish community in Chile threatened country’s top Gentile comedian, Elias Escobedo, with “action” for making a joke about Holocaust on national television, by voicing a hand puppet saying: “Jews burned better than wood“.

“It lacks humor, there is no reason to laugh and he has injured people’s dignity,” said Gabriel Zaliasnik, the former president of Chilean Jewish community.

The management of the TV network, Chilevision, has appologized to the Jewish community on Wednesday.

As a matter of fact, Elias Escobedo, is not the first one to be chased by “Holocaust Crusaders” – In 2009, American Jewish stage comedian, Sarah Silverstein, made a joke about Holocaust saying: “Nazis killing six million Jews is okey but killing sixty millions Jews is unforgiveable“. And believe me, I did not hear a word of condemnation from “Mr. Israel” Abraham Foxman, the head of Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Watch the video below.

In 2010, the Vatican criticized Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi for making fun of Holocaust. While speaking to emergency workers dealing with the 2009 earthquake, Berlusconi said: ”A Jew hides a fellow Jew in his basement at the time of concentration camps and charge him 3,000 euro a day. The Jew paid up because he had the money but do you think he should tell him that Hitler has died and the war is over”. Berlusconi refused to apologize to Italian Jewish community.

In February 2010, while entertaining Silvio Berlusconi at a gala dinner at Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his guest: “It’s an honor to have you as a friend of Israel“.

Early this year, one of America’s top TV comedians, Joan River (Russian Jewish Joan Alexandra Molinsky), refused to apologize to Abraham Foxman for making joke about the Holocaust on her TV “Fashion Police” show, insisting that was just part of her Jewish humor to remind the public about Holocaust. River’s “Holocaust joke” involved a dress worn by German supermodel Heidi Klum during show’s Oscars episode of her show, saying: “The last time a German looked this hot was when they were pushing Jews into the ovens“.

In 2009, Seth MacFarlane, creator of ‘Family Guy’ TV comedy show, made Holocaust joke at CNN by telling fellow Jewish comedian Alex Borstein: “You should consider yourself lucky. If the Holocaust hadn’t happened, imagine how many Jewish female comedians you would have had to compete with. So instead it’s just you and Sarah Silverstein“. MacFarlane, too, refused to apology to the Jewish Lobby.

Tom Doran, a Zionist Jewish writer, defended River at The Daily Beast, saying she is Jewish – while claiming some “Jews make the best antisemites – just look at Gilad Atzmon“.

German Jewish comedian Oliver Polak had been criticized by country’s Jewish Lobby for making “Holocaust jokes”. His response to the allegations, was: “I’m allowed to do that. I’m a Jew”.

In 2011, French Jewish historian, Dr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce, issued an open letter to Hollywood’s top Jewish producer, Steven Spielberg, saying: “No Sir, you will not find ONE witness who saw 6 millions Jews slaughtered. You will not find ONE witness of Zyclon- B- gas chambers to exterminate 1000 or 2000 people at a time, close to the crematoria. See my ‘Shoa Sherlockholmised’ herewith: it is the summary of 20 years study on the subject. The ‘6-million-gas-chambers myth ‘is an arithmetic and technical nonsense“.

Chilean hand puppet: "Jews burned better than wood"! | Rehmat's World