Citizens Hearing on Disclosure thread

Top Secret Canadian Memo: "the most highly classified subject"

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Grant Cameron testifies before the committee describing and reading from a Top Secret 1950 memo from the Canadian government. In the memo it states the U.S. saying “The subject is the most highly classified subject in the United States”.

Re: Top Secret Canadian Memo: "the most highly classified subject"

That is a very familiar phrase to me..... it was issued by an associate of Dr. Robert Sarbacher to the Canadian Wilbert Smith.... and later the memo of that somehow escaped being destroyed after his death and was leaked to the public.

As I have said before... the fellows in this particular " circle" did not leave shadows. But I have always wondered if perhaps this was intentional. I can't see the video of course but I am familiar with the characters..... even the ones here who are not mentioned.

Robert Sarbacher was the man who was strongly associated with my Dad all through the fifties. And if anyone would have known about a " most highly classified subject" it would have been him.

‘Deathbed testimony’ about UFOs given by former CIA official

Video testimony by an anonymous alleged former CIA official was shown at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Friday, May 3. “Anonymous” alleges that, after an invasion threat from President Dwight Eisenhower on Area 51, he and his superior at the CIA were allowed inside the secretive Area 51 in Nevada to gather intel and report back to the president. There, “Anonymous” describes seeing several alien spacecraft, including the craft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Then, he and his superior were taken to the S-4 facility southwest of Area 51 where they observed live extraterrestrials.

2 Living Ets Working With U.S. Government

2 Living Ets Working With U.S. Government

Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada reveals:
- Some ETs Species who have visited and still visit Earth: Zeta Reticuli , Pleiadians, Orions ETs,
- Tall Whites living on US Airforce Property
- CABAL: Military Industrial Complex, Builderbergs, Cartels
- Shadow Governments, Ruling Elite, Rockerfellers, Bush etc.

The archives of the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure are now available :)

The archives of the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure are now available
Purchase your English ARCHIVE STREAMING PASS to the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure for $3.80. purchase your Spanish ARCHIVE STREAMING PASS to the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure for $3.80.

Subscriptions include evening lectures given by Hearing witnesses.

We will be updating the web stream portal over the next few days. Each hearing session will be separated into easy to understand playlist. Please be patient.

Please note: For the next few days the Archives will be updating and may be a little unorganized. Please be patient as we are working hard to label each hearing session as well as make available both hi-rez & lo-rez streams.

I believe there will be Chinese language translation available also soon...

And interestingly...since I purchased the live streaming pass I am getting the archives now ... so if you purchased the live streaming the archives are now available with no extra charge...

CHD Webcast (English)
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure Video Day 2

Here is day 2 of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

Day 2 part 1

Day 2 part 2

Day 2 part 3

Day 2 part 4

Day 2 part 5

Best Speech Ever on UFOs

Best Speech Ever on UFOs: Richard Dolan

Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure

Published on May 8, 2013

Richard's fantastic speech on the last day of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure organized by Steven Basset in Washington DC, best 10 min summary on UFOs ever, way to go Rich!
