Dear Linda,i am the last prophet 527.The green eyed russian

1. How can you see the future without the future already happening before?

2.Suppose somewhere in time….somebody found the Equation of…‘Reality’ and transformed it into…‘Reality’ but through a computer program of some sort. Could it be possible that, we are all one big highly exotic program?

I will try to give the simplest answers here because this really doesn't need to get too complex; at least not from my end. :)

1. It is merely a possibility, or probability based on what we are currently engrossed in, whether we can see those things we are encapsulated in or not, they are nonetheless there. And since Time doesn't exist, it is perception based on what we think we know.

2. Yes.

I know those answers may not help in the immediate, however, if they don't help now, they will. :)
Sorry, upon first glance I saw nothing more to it than the words on the screen, but then when hobbit and Linda were confused I looked closer and that's what I saw. If I'm wrong, I apologize, but you have to admit, it surely does look like it, and there are no coincidences. :)

Just abstracts for the prophet to gleam about.
Thank you for helping us

"Translation "I'm mortal <G> am I close?" That means, am I close to the Green Eyed Russian here, or in other words, is he around here do ya think? I'm mortal and really don't know so I have to ask an immortal. "

I have had the ability to spend some time ON THIS SIDE with the person Gemini refers to as the " Green Eyed Russian". Taking it from the rules that he goes by on THIS side.... You do not go to him or know where to meet him at any one time.... He simply " crosses your path".... So I wish I could help answer your question about whether he is " Near" or not...... I never actually know until I come face to face with him. Linda

He needs a publicist represented in a four dimensional manifold I think where he can book appointments for being interviewed. I'm sure you, Linda, would have much to ask him.
In the late 80s I had gone to a friends house for the weakened, and on Saturday, I had been awoken by my friend’s girl friend asking me to go to go with her to a specific meat market that was out of town, it was her first time and she needed me to look at the road and help her.

We went on to the market and as soon as we walked in, I saw a sign on the top wall that said’99 cent a pound on potatoes’ and that’s….when the dejavue came in, and that’s when for the first time out of 3000 times happening in my life, I just decided to shut up…keep focus, and just love the zone and the rush the normal gets for that 1.2 seconds to 2.2, if lucky in life when you experience a dejavue.

All my life just like all of your lives when young, we all had hundreds of dejevues for that 1 to 2 seconds. This particular day, it wasn’t the normal dejevuues as I kept calm and went to the very end.

Copy written by Img527, on December 12th 3012.

What is a dejavue?

A dejevue is a Glitch…in the program.

A dejavue is a time warp of some type.

A dejevue is a way to your future with out it already happening, and if that’s true than you never had a destiny and you never controlled your life from the beginning of birth.

A dejavue is a way to your future because your future already has passed, just like a book being read from beginning to end, and than re read over.

Copy written by Img527

After the 4.7 second upload, I had found out that a girl is suppose to drop some kool aid packages out the back of her cart.

After the upload uploaded, I decided to keep my mouth shut as I went to go get a another cart to follow her, and as soon as we get around the first aisle of the grocery store…I see a little girl inside the cart as her mother pulled the front, as her legs was swinging in the part where a child fits its legs in side the back of the cart.

Almost fainting and almost yelling in the grocery store, I stayed within my mind as the excitement was getting unbearable, as me and my friend was with our carts on the right, the mother and the little girl was passing on the right, and as I looked out the corner of my eye, she was carrying kool aid icicles and not the packages…as I waited for her to drop it, I decided to look forward instead of turning around and starring, and then…I heard, so I turned around and there it was…she had dropped her Kool-Aid packages / icicles ,and than…I remembered I had this dream 7 years earlier?

What do dreams and dejavues have in common lady of the light ?
in the year 2853,a man will take the ashes of a dead person and mix it into a computer chip...could this be cant imagine what was created.

im going to do a reality ghost show,i know how to capture ghost,its very easy.Just go to the store,and get one of those pisture frames,with the pictureof someone they already have inside ,take that picture frame to a grave yard and leae it there for 7 days,bring the picture back into your home and watch in amazment as one realm comes into this realm,talk about realm jumping,lol.

How do they move objects,how do they touch them ?

To get rid of them just take the picture back TO THE GRAVE YARD or throw it away.
I have gotten the sense from the discussion above that it takes a certain amount of concentration to " stay in the moment" of a deja vu.... and where most of us experience just a flash of that knowledge... that some can " concentrate" into drawing it out and staying longer.... Have I sensed that correctly?

I have had a " this side" experience with the entity you all call " Green Eyed Russian". We had walked across a pasture just as dawn was breaking....How we got to that pasture isn't that important.... but we crossed the road into a small and very old cemetery that was between us and the river that runs near Pegram Tennessee.... We were waiting for other transportantion to arrive and wandered respectfully through the grounds. I remembered how very cold it was at the moment... I was anxious for the sun to be fully up... It was March. The man that has gone by several names while I have known him ( Morgan, Logan) hesitated at one little gravestone and said.... her family will never leave this area. She died of a high fever and her father promised her....When he looked at him I had the oddest feeling that he was ALSO somewhere else.... listening to their conversation, hearing and seeing what was happening.... and then suddenly the moment was gone and he was back 100% with me again. But I got the sense that he could have stayed there as long as he wanted to.....

Does that ring any bells of recognition with either of you?

I dont think that I have ever been so aware of the fact that I have never really experienced what you are talking about here. The things that I " see" just come to me and land sort of at my feet.... I don't " go there".... but ... could I , if I tried? Linda
The question I have is.... How do you know what questions to ask someone like "Logan"... Its the questions that really count... so how do I ask the right questions?
in the year 2853,a man will take the ashes of a dead person and mix it into a computer chip...could this be cant imagine what was created.

im going to do a reality ghost show,i know how to capture ghost,its very easy.Just go to the store,and get one of those pisture frames,with the pictureof someone they already have inside ,take that picture frame to a grave yard and leae it there for 7 days,bring the picture back into your home and watch in amazment as one realm comes into this realm,talk about realm jumping,lol.

How do they move objects,how do they touch them ?

To get rid of them just take the picture back TO THE GRAVE YARD or throw it away.

Isn't Arnie, Zak Bagans? Maybe he can show you some pointers on how to capture a ghost.
Can you give me the equation of 'Reality'can reality be broken down.

It just dawned on me that you might be talking about Abductive reasoning. I remember back on History when Man Out Of Time aka mooty and DPD1 for instance would yack back and forth in what seemed to be satirical tit for tats about alien abductions, but now I realize it could have been about THIS> . An equation of reality by dissecting what is reality and examining its rudiments.

Or rather "logical inference" example
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So you have always wanted to bring something back? Do you think that possible?

Captain Dave on another Forum thread suggested that regarding my " Rain on the window" papers and the experience of finding them and reading Dads note ( written in 1944) where he wrote.... " Daughter, these words are as true as the rain on the window above your head.) Now Daves suggestion is that perhaps if I put myself in that situation again.... that perhaps if I concentrate and somehow am allowed to do it.... I could " go back " to the moment that Dad wrote those words. Do you think that might be possible?

I have never experienced what you have....the reason that I asked you about the " Green Eyed Russian Dude..." is that I have experienced him on THIS side... in this dimension.... but I know that he is capable of going elsewhere. If he can do it.... could I? I have never tried. All the information that comes to me.... comes to me without my asking it.... sort of like I have a bunch of scouts that somehow go out, round up stuff and then dump that information at my feet. I have never actively tried to " set something up"
The green eyed dude cautions me to be careful here. But I wanted your impression.... Dave would not have mentioned it I think if somewhere and somehow he felt that it was a possibility.

And if you could bring something solid back... what would it be?

For myself... I choose a token! It says right on it.... Good for one fare! <g>

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions. Linda
When you go to sleep

'Imagine you'>'looking in a mirror'
Create a mirror inside your world and look intoit as you fall asleep , and tell me what happened ?
When you go to sleep

'Imagine you'>'looking in a mirror'
Create a mirror inside your world and look intoit as you fall asleep , and tell me what happened ?

can i play too? I want to do it too.

I bet you could recreate something like what's explained in this article out of mirror pieces.

OR... How about a hypercube animated onto an I-pad for instance with a reflective sheen on its surface and have the animated hypercube seem as if it coming out at you as you look into the screen to the point it places you into a hypnotic trance before you fall asleep.

In case anyone is wondering:

A hypercube

Maybe even make one out of glass panels like this paper one
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Here is my experience as promised a few days ago. This type of thing has ONLY been happening while I sleep, so anyone who doesn't know anything about this kind of thing would of course chalk it up to 'dreaming' and 'imagination'. This was no dream, and I'm sure you all will very much agree, especially if you've experienced other things similar, and I know some of you have. :)

I don’t really know how to begin this or how to lay it all out to make the most sense so I’m going to do my best. Just to warn you, it WILL be jumping back and forth as I have a habit of doing that when I’m describing these things. I go over the main happenings and then once that’s out of my brain, other details pop in. I’m sure that this will not be the only post on this as I’m sure more details will surface after I post this.

Here goes.

I was an observer for the majority of these events, but I DID step in near the end, and I think I may have been removed shortly following.

On or about December 4th 2012:

There was a boy, I’m guessing he was about 10 years old, blonde, short-haired, kind of a bowl cut roundish hairdo. He was in front of some dirt caves, rock caves, not sure, brown anyhow, on multiple levels. As he stood looking at one of these cave entrances, a message came to him, I could hear it, it said “Close the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] door!” So, he went over and closed the ‘cave’ door. Then, he was told “You must close the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] door!” The voice, a male voice, was quite urgent. As the boy went to the ‘5[SUP]th[/SUP]’ door, he was being followed by a large swarm of bees. He had to close the door before the bees got to it. He managed to close the door. At this point, he thought he was done, I watched as he was back in his bedroom. Now he was told he must close the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] door, and then the third, and finally the second. Upon getting the message for the 4[SUP]th[/SUP] door, he was back at the level of caves being followed by the bees.

He made it to the second level, and there, he met a woman. She looked to be in her early to mid twenty’s, curly hairdo, light brunette, length was about half-way between chin and shoulders. She was wearing a light floral pattern dress. Summery; hung down to the shins and was short sleeved. She may have been wearing earrings; the ball kind, pierced ear, small, silvery.

She followed the boy and spoke with him about being awake and stepped out and how people can’t see what’s going on, like what a lot of US have been doing, that kind of talk. I didn’t follow the conversation, but I knew what was going on.

The boy went to close the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] door, and the bees got him. He lost his life as in a video game. I could see him turn into what people would call a ghost or soul leaving a body. The woman watched in awe, she couldn’t believe they got him.

The setting has now changed to what looks like a small courtyard, or ruins of a chapel or something similar. Stonework structure, with pillars and benches, and vines all over the walls.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him walking past behind her. She turned to talk to him, he was walking with an austere man and woman, as if they were posing as his strict parents. The boy was not the same. He had been absorbed into the masses that he seeked to free. The woman, almost nun-like, that was with the boy, didn’t show a face, but she did have one. The three of them, man woman and boy walked into a doorway and stood there as if they were going to go up in an elevator that didn’t appear to be there.

At this point, either it was the man walking with the boy or it was another man, I’m not sure, came over and sat with the woman on what looked like a pew from a church. The man was dressed like some sort of priest or reverend or preacher, black suit (not today’s styles) and a round large brimmed hat with white or silver trim. I call him ‘padre’ for ease of reference. As the man sat there, the lady in the dress talked to him and couldn’t believe what had just happened. She felt like she was all alone in this now and didn’t know what to do. Up until this point, I was just a bystander and wasn’t interfering with the events.

There was some conversation between the lady in the dress and the padre, and somewhere along the line, not sure if it was before or after the padre showed up, it was mentioned something about programming in reference to the boy. The padre had with him a book, that appeared to be a bible of sorts. This bible contained pages and pages of programs, all of which were individuals and god only knows what else. I guess I must have become visible at this point because I think I was in on the conversation about getting the boy back. The padre offered us to remove only 1 program from the book. I reached over the back of the pew and grabbed a whole bunch of pages out of his book and I mean I TORE them out and scattered them. He wasn’t angry, but I think I may have been.

I was removed from this place within what seemed like second after I took those pages.

I’m sure more of this will surface, but this needed to be shared especially after ImmortalGeminii’s travels to the 6[SUP]th[/SUP] dimension and it being closed off. There’s a reason I haven’t been able to get this posted until now, but I knew it needed to be here.

I know you will all have thoughts and comments on this and I look forward to it. I am only beginning to separate these experiences from regular ‘dreams’. I’ve always experienced such, but never formed until recently the ability to separate.

I’ll share more on this as it comes back, but that is the majority of it. I tried to incorporate as many details as possible, but I know that I left some out; I have vague images of other little things, but words are not there and nothing clear enough at this time to share more.

What do dreams and dejavues have in common lady of the light ?

What you describe in your dejavu/vision, I must say, I only usually experience THAT type of dejavu while asleep in a dreamlike state. I will be in a 'dream' that I have NEVER had before, and know that I had. I will then be able to, if I want to, change whatever I feel like; sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. These happenings are occurring more and more often. I've never had something happen (as of yet) that I 'dreamt', however, I'm sitting on a big one that I've recorded that looks like it may actually take place; I know the where, I just don't know the WHEN, except for it was warm out and sunny.

Let's just say I've finally broken free of the point of 'strange' and gotten to the point of REAL. Although I'm still learning to control these situations, that ability is coming to me quicker than ever, and I'm taking every opportunity I can to tune myself into it all. This stuff was kind of suppressed from me and my sisters when we were kids; my dad being a very strong psychic and all who didn't want to be, tried to shield us from those things and denied it the whole time growing up. 33 now, I've been working on this stuff for the last 20 years or so, but just now it's really getting strong. But, my entire life, I've had experiences. Maybe one of these days I'll share the one from when I was 5. Maybe you guys can all chip in and help me figure it out. The ONLY recurring 'dream' I've EVER had. Another time for that. :)

Anyhow, I'll leave you all with that; today's contribution. :)
BTW, Linda, I still have to talk to my sister about that time travel stuff and coming onto the forum here. I thought I would've had a chance last weekend, but there was too much going on and a houseful of distraction so I didn't get a chance to talk to her. I will though. :)

Oh, and just to let everyone know, I may or may not be chipping in as often until after Christmas, things are busy this time of year around here. :) I'll be here, watching things, but I'm stretched pretty thin right now. I'm sure the same could be said for most of you, too. :)

However, IF there's more on my end on any of this kind of stuff, I'll be here to post it for sure. :)
Each of us will see what you have posted here differently.... thats the way that its supposed to be... We will all respond in a different way. I particularly was interested in the bee reference because of this quote from my Dad years ago

"Men are like bees in a hive...
They respond unknowingly
to the warmth of their unseen

T. Townsend Brown, 1975
"At this point, either it was the man walking with the boy or it was another man, I’m not sure, came over and sat with the woman on what looked like a pew from a church. The man was dressed like some sort of priest or reverend or preacher, black suit (not today’s styles) and a round large brimmed hat with white or silver trim."

And this of course meant something to me because in the early days of his interaction with Paul Shatzkin the man that he later chose to call " Morgan" was referred to as " The Reverend"....
