Free One Card Tarot Readings By Lady Of Light

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My apologies for the delay. :)

Here are your readings:

i would like for you to clarify the reading a bit,

An abundance of peacefulness surrounds he who sits in deep thought, and becomes one with nature and his surroundings.
He who is heralded without good cause. Back from a war that was not necessary.
The earth has spoken, but has not been heeded. Trust the guidance of what is right.
The end of a journey that has been sought by many, but a new day awaits, there is much more to come.
The waters of life that are being put forth and spread by those of the light.
A peaceful family that is at peace with each other as well as their surroundings. A calmness is upon them.
Reflections in the alone times. Taking a long hard look at what was, and what still may be lurking nearby. This is something that must be done alone.

and also i would like to know more about love if there is anything else to know

A lady who wishes to be free of that which seems to hold control over her and watch over her. She wishes to be "unprotected" by those who wish to keep her safe. She dreams of seeing more than what she is locked into at the moment.
A secret meeting "in the shadows", between 2 individuals. One of them looks sad and the other wants to comfort. There is a feeling of despair, and want.
A wise man tinkers with a "shield". He alters it in some way. This shield is not his own, but he aims to perfect it for the new owner.
A woman stands at a time when it is to make a decision. She must choose which path she wishes to be on. She can see where each path will lead, but she must choose wisely. And only she can decide, no one else.
A man and a woman stand in what looks like desolation. All seems to be lost. But this is the time for regrowth, rebirth. A new life begins.
A king, sits in his home, finally done with battle. He is tired, and glad to be back in his home, where all is now well, once more.
I see a man proposing to a young maiden. She is happy, and all her friends surround her. the man looks older than the woman. All is peaceful and well.

and also career and finances,

In a nutshell, this one says that you are in search of something, you will need to make a big decision, there will be a man involved, you will be on top of the world, something is going to come along to try to break what you have, a man will try to gain control over you, and you must not let him, you must remain in control, you will know what you need to do.

also if possible any other angelic messages thatll come up..

you are strong, there are those that will try to 'pull the wool over your eyes' but you must remain in control, there will be loss, a battle of good and evil is in the midst, darkness will fall, and the victorious will return from "battle".

lastly can you please use the cards to tell me about my guardian angel & my guides?

your guides are the ones protecting you, always there. There is a man who watches over you, he is dark haired. He watches you very closely to ensure that you do not fall into any "trouble". They see you struggling at times, but you are always triumphant. You will no longer need their protection once you make your BIG decision, and they will allow you to be more on your own. You are ready for all that awaits you. You are strong.
Wow awesome... I totally adore this reading.. I really do.. As for the Big Decision I will have to make in a month that is lol. The big decision has to do with travel, and where I will be living in the next few months.. I could stay where I am OR move to another state with my sister.. The thing is I have a man here, and I love him & I dont want to let him go, but I might have to.. I know whatll happen if I stayed here, and tried to make a life for me and him & my lil girl I also know what will happen if I go. Ive seen both lives in my mind, and its a big decision because I will be moving to a whole different state and area but Im still mulling it over until the time really comes for me to make a decision.. ill see whatll happen.. Thanks so much for this I totally appreciate it & I will keep this reading to reflect up on it.. :)
Thank you so much for your patience. :) I should mention, the readings are always cryptic. It is done that way because only you can truly decipher the messages that are meant for you.Here are your readings. I have done 3 readings for you, first, the 1 card general reading, second, a 5 card focused on love, and finally, a 3 card general for anything that you need to know right now.

Reading 1: General 1 card

I see a very strong woman who is or has been involved in some sort of ongoing battle. She is out to sea, but has an inner peace about her. She is always looking forward with her head held high.

Reading 2: Love 5 card

Strength and courage. The beast has been tamed.
A jackrabbit whose world has been turned upside down.
Hardship and loss, but also that which has begun to regrow.
One that is alone, but does not wish to be so. Stuck with the memories of what once was. Feelings of loss and aloneness.
Much energy is being put into the water of life. That water is being spread throughout the lands. All things take time, and patience for things to be just right.

Reading 3: General, That which you need to know right now 3 card
The rapid growth of all things natural. The Essence of Life itself.Preparation has been halted and should not be pressed upon. A blockage of time itself.The eternal spirit looking down upon a knight or king. The spirit world coming into our current realm. The overlapping of the realms is taking place and coming into view.

As I read this after reading the other reading. It makes sense and I know what it is talking about... Thanks again for this. I really do appreciate it.[/COLOR]
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Hello Lady of Light I would love to have a reading too.

Thank you for your kindness in doing this:)

No problem. :)

I'll even throw in a more in-depth reading as well.

Would you like your results posted here in the forum, or would you like them by PM?

Lady of Light
I hope I am not asking to many questions but as far as my BIG descision i would like to know i I will be forced to make the decision or would i be able to make the decision myself.. thats all really thats all lol if you can answer this for me itll be greatly appreciated.. & adore your readings.. :pirate2:
I hope I am not asking to many questions but as far as my BIG descision i would like to know i I will be forced to make the decision or would i be able to make the decision myself.. thats all really thats all lol if you can answer this for me itll be greatly appreciated.. & adore your readings.. :pirate2:

From what the cards showed, it is a decision that is at your sole discretion. It is up to you to decide, and it makes little difference which path you choose because both will lead to the same ultimate end goal. But, you MUST choose which way to go; which path to follow.

My suggestion to you is to go with your instinct. That gut feeling is usually always right no matter how it may seem in the immediate.

Lady of Light :)
Hello Lady of Light I would love to have a reading too.

Thank you for your kindness in doing this:)


Here are the results of your readings. Please note, all readings will be somewhat if not entirely cryptic, but this is how the cards present the information.

Reading 1:

I get the feeling of protection, this could be physical, emotional, or just a shield against the world in some way.There's a massive shield up around you. There is also a coming out of the "shadows" or "darkness" into the "light". The old being "blown away".

Reading 2 (a more in-depth reading):

Destruction of an establishment, those in rule seeking guidance, a hero returns after a long battle.

There is a major change surrounding you at this time in your life. You are at the end of a stage in your life. From this will come news from afar, triumph, and a change in the balance of power.

Love and life flow upward.

Lady of Light
Lady of Light,

I would really love some help from you. I recently had my first psychic reading from Psychic Readings, Psychic Phone Reading, Psychic Mediums, Psychic Hotline and Psychic Tarot Reading from Wishing Moon . It has left me feeling really confused about my future. Please help me with a second reading. What do you need me to answer?

If you are looking at getting more specific answers, you need to provide some specific questions for whatever is confusing you. By being specific in what you ask, this can clarify things greatly. So, specific questions will help, otherwise I can provide a basic general reading, which may end up having you even more confused. You can ask as many questions as you want, I no longer set any limits. :)

Also, would you like your reading posted publicly here in the forum or would you like it by PM?

Lady of Light :)
ohkk.. this thread is old as f**k, but i would like to enter.

can I get a reading done? thanks a lot :lemo:
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ohkk.. this thread is old as f**k, but i would like to enter.

can I get a reading done? thanks a lot :lemo:

The age of the thread has nothing to do with its relevance, lol. It's a thread about Tarot readings, and if it was no longer valid it would be closed so that no more readings would be asked for. :) Besides, the latest posts are very recent. :)

Would you like your results posted in this thread in public view or would you like them via private message?

Lady of Light :)
The age of the thread has nothing to do with its relevance, lol. It's a thread about Tarot readings, and if it was no longer valid it would be closed so that no more readings would be asked for. :) Besides, the latest posts are very recent. :)
Lady of Light :)


Would you like your results posted in this thread in public view or would you like them via private message?

hmm.. could you please do a private message? thanks a lot.
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