[Info!] Have You Been Feeling Ill Lately? Can't Find A Solution For It? If So, You May Want To Read This!

Lady of Light

Lately, there has been a great energy come into play that has been affecting many people causing them to feel very ill, with little to no resolve. This energy is very strong, and is not going away anytime soon. In fact, there will be more of a barrage of energies of different frequencies that are on their way.

There are people who are more sensitive than others to these energies and those people will be experiencing the greatest effects on what feels like their physical bodies. What is happening is not actually happening to the physical body, it is happening to the energy field of the body.

Unfortunately, no matter what pills you may want to take, no medication will help you to feel any better, so there is no point in trying. (Or, if you do try, and it doesn't work, stop immediately; don't take anymore.) The only thing you can really do is to user your own energy to combat this. By "combat this" I mean you need to alter how your energy field deals with those energies that are bombarding you.

This is just a short explanation of what is happening, to inform those who don't know what is happening and why you all feel very sick and don't know why. This will be added to as more information becomes available.

Lady of Light
One thing can bring some relief, though it is unusually short-lived, and that is to ask to raise your vibration. It seems we just can't keep up with the changes. This is a good thing, in that those who are simply unable to keep up at all (i.e., those who have not awoken yet or will not keep up in any case) will no longer be with us - one way or another.

Meditation is recommended, though in my case this has only increased my sensitivity. This is actually the desired effect. Keeping up with the changes in the energies is what is needed to stay onboard, so to speak. Raise your vibration and feel the love - even if it does make you sick to your stomach! lol
Something just sprang to mind. I've felt a sort of hangover/morning sickness/food poisoning combo-type thing. I feel A LOT better when I'm doing what I "should" be doing. In my case (and I suspect everyone else falls under this umbrella too) I am meant to be getting rid of anything and everything that is of little or no *genuine* worth in my life. This includes relationships (bye, Mom!) and stuff for hobbies that I've never really got into, to all those old clothes I've just never thrown out or donated, and all those books I've read but didn't enjoy enough to read again. Bin them all! Just get rid of it all. They're all laden with old energies that serve no one now. Get rid of stuff. Let it all go to the landfill and be returned to the Earth.

Drink more water. Eat pure foods and eat only twice per day. Eat only when you're really hungry and delay that by a couple of hours if you can. It will help. And keep meditating. Raise your vibration. Smile at everyone, most of all at you.
To touch on that raising the vibration, that kotn mentioned, raising your frequency to match that of the energy coming in is a good way to handle the ill effects. If you are at the same frequency that the energy is on, you become in harmony with it and you are in essence combating it.

However, not all the frequencies that are coming in are of a higher frequency, so therefore you don't necessarily want to match them all. A higher frequency is more able to deal with lower frequencies than a lower frequency trying to deal with higher frequencies. So, yes, to raise your frequency is best.

I agree with kotn with allowing the energy to be there no matter how sick it may make us, and we should embrace it instead of fight it.

I also have had the same feeling(s) as described by kotn in the previous message. "Hangover/Morning Sickness/Food Poisoning" type feeling is the absolute best way to describe it. Not to mention, a total lack or drain of energy that almost feels to come in waves.
Also, something that has just come to light is that when you feel this chaotic, hectic, restless, <insert other adjective here> ill feeling, get up and do something productive. Do something like, as mentioned about, throwing stuff out. That makes way for new to enter your life. I've just spent the past little while getting rid of stuff that I had quite inexplicably held onto for no good reason other than perhaps nostalgia or sentimentality. Now that they are gone, I feel suddenly quite strong and powerful. I don't feel any of the stuff that had been washing over me, literally in waves. I'm in a good place.

Over the next few hours I'm going to do more of this until I can't find anything else to throw out. But I will also reassess what's still lying around should that ill feeling return even a little. Quite a good exercise and a really fine solution to this problem.

I would like to say that I've known about this "getting rid of stuff" for quite a long time so I'm mentally and emotionally prepared for it. It may not feel quite so peaceful to anyone just doing this as a recommendation, but again it may be exactly the thing. It would be great to hear about others' experiences so please do write in!
I have felt something like sickness over the past week and a half, I usually give only a light attention to it. As a practitioner, I know that all physical discomfort or sickness I feel is my dissolving (repaying) past karma. As I practice, cultivate my mind-nature and meditate, as I try to raise myself up, I know I, like us all, must endure. There is no way around this :)

I reply simply to bring another voice to the topic, not to influence anyone. Personally, I believe meditation is a key to raising awareness of one's self and intention/vibration. I also believe that practices that raise one's energy level are beneficial. Authentic Qi-Gong cultivation, Solar gazing and sitting in awareness meditation are the pillars of my practice.
Lady, a pleasure as always and kotn, nice to meet ya :)
That would be the right time-frame for this to have been happening. The last week and a half to 2 weeks now. You are feeling it for sure. Thank you for coming here and sharing. I just hope that others will do the same.

It's important for people to know what is happening and why the "sickness" won't go away no matter what they do.
Yes I've been feeling drained as of lately. I haven't been working are driving but I feel tired. So this must be exactly what you guys are talking about. Thanks for putting a write up about it I thought it was just me.