[Update!] how things are going


New member
Well Friday was rather an upsetting day. My friend was about to be discharged from the Home Health Care service provided by the hospital. Her Occupational was going to do the discharge when she took the vitals. (This person is very nice she's the one gave us some Borax for the roaches we got from now evicted neighbor,she also got a bath bench for my friend to use.)

Anyway as I was saying she was about to be discharged, however, she's had a swelling in her left foot and ankleand her blood pressure was not good, the bottom was at a 180/100, Andrea almost had her transferred to the hospital. Instead now she has to make an extra trip to the Dr. who hadn't needed to see her until Dec 20th. We hope she doesn't need to go tomorrow, we have to arrange for our taxi driver to pick us up he is very nice and doesn't complain about pushing her wheelchair. I just wish she would build up strength in her legs tp walk with the walker she has. It would be alot easier. As for her foot/ankle it's still swollen. We don't know why.

Then I find out that the e-mail service is getting even more intrusive with their quest for being nosey. They want more information then they need to have from me or my friend. I have found a new one and wish to use this one more often.
This is from me:

That left leg is bad. I couldn't do anything with it. It was showing up black from the knee down, and then it would disappear. I feel so bad for her. I can only heal healthy (that is, not so far gone that it doesn't exist / or is not so far gone it is still able to be healed) level.

This was channeled:

Things are never as bad as they seem. The moment we realize that is the moment things start to change for the better.
Thank you for your sympathy. You've helped quite a bit.

I don't know she has Paget's disease in that leg. Hopefully it's just that, plus her old Dr. who wouldn't perscribe perscriptions for her for two years, he used to give her dieritic, she hasn't had any for awhile. She says she has no pain,, just a slight numbness. I forget, too, that she also has veins removed from that leg for her bypass surgery. I know she doesn't drink enough water, even though I try, to get her to drink more.

She's a good woman strong for what she's been through, sometimes she'll say though sometimse I wish I would drop dead. Worries me.

Thank you for the channeled message. I will write it down and read it as often as I feel the need to.
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P.S. Foot is better today, has dr's appointment tomorrow. (Just when we thought she would have a break what with the price of gas and tipping our cab driver luckily the dr. is close by, so close if I were a stronger/taller person and she didn't have the heat stroke to get to her, I could take her up there myself.)for awhile, and be able to squirrel away a little bit. (We just were there last week and half ago. Oh, well, what can you do?