How to tell if food products have been POISONED - Jim Stone


I discovered this and it's worth the read.

Essentially we need to purchase food products that are labeled with a circled "U" and / or a trangled "K". All the other food products may be chemical poisoned or other wise.

How ingenious, we all know they've got to consume food. This is one way they know what to purchase and keep themselves health.

From Jim Stone's website

NEVER eat artificial sweeteners, gum, Cambpells soup, Lean Cuisine or any other crap. The elite have intentionally sabotaged our foods and the best way to know if something is safe is to look for a circled U on the package. This is their most common symbol for safe food, food that has not been poisoned. This is not a joke. Always look for the circled U and if it is not there, DO NOT EAT IT. SO, this knocks out -

All Campbells soups, and most other canned soup. It knocks out Ramen noodles, Michelenas, and Chef Boyardee. Forget about McDonalds, Wendy's and Jack in the box. This is not a complete list - I can't name all the intentionally poisoned foods, just look for the circled U. Also a triangle around a K, but in America the circled U is most common. You can take two products, one with the circled U, and one without it, and even though the ingredients listed are exactly the same, the one without the U will send you into a fog. It's not a joke.

Burger King, Del Taco, and Carl's Junior tend to be safe. I am not just an idiot spewing, this really is fact. I get banned anywhere I post the info about the circled U, it's a really sensitive topic for the "elite".

Avoid all Fluoride, go to Wal Mart and get Tom's toothpaste with no fluoride. You will see the circled U on that toothpaste, but you won't see it on Crest. Fluoride is a mind control drug that does nothing for your teeth. Forget about what the dentist says, he is as brainwashed as the doctor who wrote a prescription that wrecked you. Drink pure water, I recommend Crystal Geyser because it always has the U and it is cheap. You won't believe how much just cutting out the fluoride will help. Most city water is fluoridated.

If you start to feel normal again, after a while try returning to your previous diet. If you start slipping into a black hole again, well, you are now going to need to be careful with what you eat.

It also (may) help, depending entirely on your situation, to take the battery out of your cell phone, or keep it away from you. But you have to be targeted for this to make a difference so it really is just a spurious after thought, probably nothing.

Don't for a minute think I just spewed a bunch of B.S. here, even if your doctor says so. I did not just rattle this off the cuff - I spent years studying this stuff out and testing it on myself as well. There are very good reasons to avoid artificial sweeteners and fluoride, and as far as the salt goes, the elite told me directly.

That's really interesting. I hope to god it's true.

Naturally, I went around my home checking to see if those symbols were on any of my food. I found some, that made me feel good.

However, I, unlike most (unawake) people, already knew our foods were tainted. But now this is confirmation and should be spread, through emails, and on facebook (for those of you who still use it).
From what I was able to uncover those symbols seem to mean that the product is kosher. Makes me wonder if they also have a double meaning? One meaning for us, one meaning for the elite?

Jim Stone does not seem to mention the exact method on which way he's determined that this is the way to tell if food is safe. Only that he got it from some elite who told him directly.
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Well, regardless, those symbols definitely have some sort of meaning. Kosher is most likely only 1 meaning, cuz I do believe they have double meanings for everything. It leaves them with plausible deniability. And we all know how they love that.