Are You Worried About the Spread of Swine Flu?

  • Very Worried

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Somewhat Worried

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Not at all Worried

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


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Please move if this isn't the proper area of the forum for this.

This is from an entry that I got off of one of the health websites that I frequent.

Last night we all watched the 10 pm news, whether it was during our break time, or in a patient's room. The talk of town was the sudden outbreak of Swine flu in Mexico City and now, here in NYC. Images of a pandemic were distributed on multiple cable channels thoughout the 30-minute broadcast.
Swine influenza virus (referred to as SIV) refers to influenza cases that are caused by Orthomyxoviruses endemic to pig populations. SIV strains isolated to date have been classified either as Influenzavirus C or one of the various subtypes of the genus Influenzavirus A.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the symptoms and transmission of the Swine Flu from human to human is much like seasonal flu -- commonly fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, and coughing. Some people with Swine Flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is believed to be spread between humans through coughing or sneezing of infected people and touching something with the virus on it and then touching their own nose or mouth. The Swine Flu in humans is most contagious during the first 5 days of the illness although some people, most commonly children, can be contagious for up to 10 days. Diagnosis can be made by sending a specimen, collected during the first 5 days, to the CDC for analysis.
As I listened to last night's news broadcast and compared it with that of this morning's news, it seems as if more states and many nations are identifying outbreaks of this flu. Are you worried? Should we be? HANDWASHING IN EFFECT. Will this reach epidemic proportions similar to that seen in 1918 with the H-Flu outbreak?

Voted other in the poll that was a chance to this.

Have to say that I'm between with this because its hard choose a side
I think they may just want to get vaccines in to people....and like sheep most people will do it! I also think they know they are losing control, and people are waking up and they want to do sometime ASAP to keep control.

Time will tell!
Please move if this isn't the proper area of the forum for this.

This is from an entry that I got off of one of the health websites that I frequent.

Voted other in the poll that was a chance to this.

Have to say that I'm between with this because its hard choose a side
Be very aware of what may possibly be in your vaccines remember the Government and the CDC does not have your best interest on there minds this is clearly another engineered bug and is defiantly put into to place for full control over the public as Rumas has said there is many similar articles on this site regarding these types of maters take a look in the health section and you will find plenty....take care.......ricklbert
I'm not worried about it in the way that they want everyone to be worried about it. I think they are spreading it in the vaccines they are pushing. Or at least putting something in the vaccines to make the people more susceptible to this swine flu of theirs. I'm not worried for myself, but I am worried for others who are sleepers.
rumas, Rick, ladylight,

Thanx for all of your responses to my thread here. All of them are interestin to me and never thought of that way.
ok i was going to vote ..somewhat worried...but after watching this video i voted ....very worried !

check out this video

this bug was probably created so the question is...

did they create it, to get people to accept the vaccine shots or is it some type of bio-terrorism ?
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Great post just as i thought these viruses have been engineered for years and they have mutated these strains no different than how the Aids virus was produced in a lab for population control as well as putting the fear into the public making them line up to get vaccines that will only pollute them even further making vaccinated people carriers of these deadly viruses...this is a pivotal point for the elites to try to take control one last time and bet your bottom dollar this is not over yet this is what scares me for the sake of my children and loved ones....but i still have faith in mankind...ricklbert

Here is Alex Jones take on this subject

Source: youyube
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WHO says it may declare swine flu pandemic soon

June 9th, 2009 in Breaking News, New World Disorder
WHO says it may declare swine flu pandemic soon - Yahoo! News.

GENEVA – The World Health Organization said Tuesday a spike in swine flu cases in Australia may push it to finally announce the first flu pandemic in 41 years. It also expressed concern about an unusual rise in severe illness from the disease in Canada.

WHO’s flu chief Keiji Fukuda said the agency wanted to avoid “adverse effects” if it announces a global outbreak of swine flu. Fukuda said people might panic or that governments might take inappropriate actions if WHO declares a pandemic.

Some flu experts think the world already is in a pandemic and that WHO has caved in to country requests that a declaration be postponed.

“On the surface of it, I think we are in phase 6,” or a pandemic, said Margaret Chan, WHO’s director-general.

Chan said it was important to verify the reports that the virus is becoming established outside North America before declaring a pandemic. “The decision to make a phase 6 announcement is a heavy responsibility, a responsibility that I will take very seriously, and I need to be convinced that I have indisputable evidence,” she said.

Chan said she will hold a conference call with governments Wednesday in order to verify some of the reports she has received before making a formal announcement. “Once I get indisputable evidence, I will make the announcement,” she told reporters in Geneva.

WHO said the virus has infected 26,563 people in 73 countries and caused 140 deaths. Most of the cases have been in North America, but Australia also has seen a sharp increase in recent days.

In most of the 73 countries, the new H1N1 virus has triggered only mild illness. But the fact that some of the deaths have occurred in otherwise healthy adults has prompted WHO to classify the outbreak as “moderate” for the time being.

“Approximately half the people who have died from this H1N1 infection have been previously healthy people,” Fukuda said, adding that this was “one of the observations which has given us the most concern.”

Wealthy countries such as the U.S., Canada and Britain already have large stockpiles of antivirals used to treat swine flu, but many developing countries have no supplies of the drugs and could be more vulnerable to the virus, given their struggle with widespread problems such as AIDS, malnutrition and malaria.

Some pharmaceutical companies are preparing to make a swine flu vaccine, if WHO declares a pandemic.

The number of cases in Australia jumped to more than 1,000 by Monday, with the vast majority reported from the southern state of Victoria.

If the swine flu virus were to be shown to be spreading rapidly from person to person in another world region beyond North America, such as Australia or Europe, that should trigger the conditions for WHO to declare a pandemic, meaning the outbreak has gone global.

“We are getting really very close to knowing that we are in a pandemic situation,” Fukuda said.

He also said it was more important that countries take “the right actions” than that they accurately report the extent of their outbreaks.

With 675 reported swine flu cases in Britain, some experts suspect the virus already is entrenched in communities, but that U.K. health authorities are deliberately not testing for the virus and not reporting cases.

In recent weeks, two Greek students caught swine flu in Scotland — who had no history of contact with any confirmed cases, a clear sign the virus is spreading in British communities.

“Our primary concern is not so much the numbers that are being reported,” Fukuda said. He said countries simply needed to take appropriate actions to handle their outbreaks.

In his weekly update on the outbreak, Fukuda also addressed reports that an unusually large number of severe cases have occurred among Canada’s Inuit population.

“There are reports of infections occurring in Inuit communities with a disproportionate number of serious cases,” he said. “These are observations of concern to us.”