Jews: ‘Ahmadinejad is danger to Brazil and S. America


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United Nations is holding Rio+20 conference on sustainable development in Brazil during June 20-22. The conference is a 20-year follow-up to the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) that was held in Brazil. The conference is expected to be attended by head of states and high government officials from over 110 member countries of United Nations.

According to Press TV, Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad, will be leaving for Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro on June 19 to attend the conference. On the sidelines of the conference, Ahmadinejad is expected to meet officials from Latin American countries and the Muslim East to discuss how to boost Iran’s diplomatic and trade links with those countries.

This will be Ahmadinejad’s sixth visit to South America since 2005.

Ahmadinejad’ scheduled visit to Brazil has angered pro-Israel Jewish leaders in Latin America. Several Jewish organizations across the South America, have urged Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff not to meet with Dr. Ahmadinejad (Ahmadinejad’s office has not hinted about a Dilma-Ahmadinejad meeting). Israeli frustration over Brazil-Iran close ties was summed-up by Walter Feldman, Jewish member of Brazilian Congress. He warned fellow congressmen last week that Ahmadinejad was “a danger to Brazil and South America“. He demanded that Dilma Rousseff should not allow Ahmadinejad to enter Brazil.

Dilma Rousseff is the 36th President of Brazil and the first woman to hold that office. She was a cabinet minister in former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s government. Silva had developed a bond of friendship with Ahmadinejad. He hosted Ahmadinejad in 2009 in Brazil and visited Tehran the next year, when he brokered a deal to allow Iran to enrich uranium in Turkey which was rejected by USrael.

Ahmadinejad did not make a stop-over Brazil during his official visit to four South American nations in January 2012. The Zionist-controlled western media interpreted it as “ccoling off” relation between Iran and Brazil. However, Rousseff administration continues its predecessor’s opposition to sanctions against Iran. Brazil under Rousseff declined to support a USrael-led resolution last fall condemning Syrian President Bashar Assad or a resolution earlier in the year authorizing military intervention in Libya. In both cases Brazil abstained.

In April 2012, Rousseff met Obama at the White House. After the private meeting, both talked to reporters in the Oval Office for over 30-minute and neither mentioned Iranian nuclear program. Iran likewise did not get a single mention in the official written joint statement from the White House.

Brazil is the second largest economy in Americana after the United States and sixth in the world. Brazil, along with India, Japan and South Africa seeks permanent seat at the UN Security Council. Brazil has also achieved ‘nuclear capability’.

Jews: ‘Ahmadinejad is danger to Brazil and S. America | Rehmat's World