Linda Brown – Daughter of Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB)

Linda Brown

New member
Typical smoke and fury from Mikado. Still no substance. Name those classmates who you SAY spoke against me....or not.. your choice Mikado.....But you should know that your credibility here is seriously flawed and your constant inability to step up with solid information makes you laughable.


Linda Brown

New member
And this is a direct quote from someone you used to play chess with Mikado.

"Linda ... I haven't read any of M.'s posts yet, but it looks like he is wanting to trash the unhypnotize forum with his usual rants. If he can draw you into another round of he said she said one result might be that some people might turn away, however it's also possible that some others enjoy seeing a good squabble. When you respond, to some degree it legitimizes his nonsense. He has been greatly marginalized. Is this one last feeble effort to regain the spotlight? He has nothing new to offer. By now, how many people are attracted to a rehash of the IP controversy? And etc.? If he can focus attention on his peeves, It disracts from all the great stuff that is coming out on the threads. You can quote this in part or in total as you wish"

So I have.

You never even saw who it was, did you Mikado? Linda


New member
Typical smoke and fury from Mikado. Still no substance. Name those classmates who you SAY spoke against me....or not.. your choice Mikado.....But you should know that your credibility here is seriously flawed and your constant inability to step up with solid information makes you laughable.


My credibility is much better then yours. The due-diligence has links and sources and speaks reams to credibility. Your stories on the other hand are neither verifiable or believable.

So, solid information? I have given out much. You and your phantom cohorts have pitched out quite a bit that isn't.



New member
And this is a direct quote from someone you used to play chess with Mikado.

"Linda ... I haven't read any of M.'s posts yet, but it looks like he is wanting to trash the unhypnotize forum with his usual rants. If he can draw you into another round of he said she said one result might be that some people might turn away, however it's also possible that some others enjoy seeing a good squabble. When you respond, to some degree it legitimizes his nonsense. He has been greatly marginalized. Is this one last feeble effort to regain the spotlight? He has nothing new to offer. By now, how many people are attracted to a rehash of the IP controversy? And etc.? If he can focus attention on his peeves, It disracts from all the great stuff that is coming out on the threads. You can quote this in part or in total as you wish"

So I have.

You never even saw who it was, did you Mikado? Linda

And this is from someone who was broke down on the side of the road and refused to lower the window down? Never saw who it was? You are unbelievable. He was someone who you went to school with and got involved with drugs in Frisco. Knocked up a woman and then left her because he couldn't take the responsibility and it goes on. He was NEVER Morgan as you have described.

So, as usual, "he" hasn't read any posts but certainly has an opinion. The IP's are a fact that cannot be denied. Cry as much as you wish but it doesn't change the truth.

And lastly, he can post here himself but then, there is no way to know if it is you or not, just as the above quote which I highly doubt is from him. Therefore, what you posted could just as easily be you....and it probably is.

You are so unbelievable.


Linda Brown

New member

Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion.

I am sure Mikado that you will eventually work around to claiming that everyone on Lady of Lights Forum is me..... my, my.... I do get around.


Linda Brown

New member
"My credibility is much better then yours" Says Mikado.

A person has to smile.

Flustered? Credible? The person who presented " Merlin" to all of us ..... as a member of the Forum.... when the actual individual had been dead for years? Talk to someone else about your credibility, Mikado. It doesn't actually play well here.

And you make mistakes too I see. Linda

Linda Brown

New member
And this is from someone who was broke down on the side of the road and refused to lower the window down? Never saw who it was? You are unbelievable. He was someone who you went to school with and got involved with drugs in Frisco. Knocked up a woman and then left her because he couldn't take the responsibility and it goes on. He was NEVER Morgan as you have described.

So, as usual, "he" hasn't read any posts but certainly has an opinion. The IP's are a fact that cannot be denied. Cry as much as you wish but it doesn't change the truth.

And lastly, he can post here himself but then, there is no way to know if it is you or not, just as the above quote which I highly doubt is from him. Therefore, what you posted could just as easily be you....and it probably is.

You are so unbelievable.


You must have a slew of interesting chess partners then Mikado. I was speaking of the man who was far better than you at playing the game. The one that you admitted " allowed you to win " occasionally. Does not sound like the same person you have mentioned above..... surely you have had more than one chess partner in all of these years? Linda
Last edited:

Linda Brown

New member
This is a copy from a post that I have just put up on the "token". I thought that it was appropriate and if some of you have been following the Adamski thread here you will see some interaction happening with the knowledge that is bubbling to the surface. All dots looking for each other!


Some of you might recognize the name. I know that I was entranced when I noted that she had written the Introduction to one of George Adamskis books. My " bells" all started clanging when I read what she had written in that introduction.

In the introduction to this book I wish to begin by stating that while none can help but find the contents deeply fascinating, I am fully aware that incredulity in varying degrees is bound to follow.
Some will accept George Adamski’s claims that his experiences inside the space slips were real and factual.
Many, feeling the sincerity with which he tells his story, will brand him as an honest but self-deluded man and toss his adventures into the category of the mental or psychic.
Still others, trained to reject everything not yet proven in the familiar three dimensions, will enjoy writing it all off as a clever hoax.
Although I myself have seen the space ships on several occasions, both here in the Bahamas where I live and at Palomar during the several weeks I stayed there this past summer, I have never been inside one.

And again I hear Mr. Twigsnappers repeated wisdom..... REMEMBER THE WOMEN.


And already I have learned some very surprising things.....One of them coming from a quote in a Boston paper... is this our Charlotte.... if so she is a well travelled lady... ... 44,4897789

I noted that they particularly called her "MRS BLODGET".... something I had never picked up on before.....and it was curious when I found this.....

Obituary: William Power Blodget,
1902-William Power Blodget, a retired architect, died at his home in Boston, Mass., on October 25, 1946, at the age of sixty-one. He was formerly a member of the firm of Strickland. Blodget and Law of Boston, designers of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and the Junior League Building in that City. Born in Providence, R. I., Mr. Blodget was a graduate of Harvard University and studied in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. During World War I he was a captain with the artillery and served on the Lorraine front with the French 165th Division. His wife, Mrs. Charlotte Wilson Blodget, survives.

I am a little puzzled by his age, listed as 61 when he died..... His birthdate seems to be in question?? Following up on that.....

But Charlotte Blodget seems very well established on a very small island in the Bahamas.... I remember Eleuthera..... I spent several weeks on Harbor Island in the company of Charles Miller and my Mother. Dad had found a very pleasant upstairs apartment for us that overlooked the square in Dunmore Town... and once we were safely stashed ( there is no other way to describe it) he left for other business ...... When we finally left that area together we took the ferry across to the tip of Eleuthera and then drove by cab quite a distance to the airport, visiting at a place called " French Leave" for a business meeting that Dad had with someone still un named.

Now I realize that I was probably very close to Charlottes home.....was that why we were there???? I never saw the person he was meeting with.... I spent my time wandering the grounds of FRENCH Leave and admiring the huge white Parrots they had posted almost as sentries! The year we were there was 1962.... Just ten years after her association with George Adamski.....

I know that the dots seem a distance apart.... but I think that they are significant.

And then you appear Dr. K..... because of a connection with Charlotte??????

Remember the women Twigsnapper said. Linda

Linda Brown

New member
Mikado....I just happened to read your last comment a few minutes ago and realize that I just have one thing to add to this sorry feud.... you said

"My credibility is much better then yours

Then prove it. Stand up.... name who you actually are.....instead of hiding behind the mask of Mikado. Don't dare make a statement like that when no one here has the slightest idea who you actually are.
Put your name and face out there and stand up to critical review as I have done here. Until words mean nothing.

Moving along now to more important subjects.


Linda Brown

New member
As you all can see this post is drawn from a much earlier message on the Token and thought that the things that were talked about there need to be reintroduced here. Any comments? Orpheo3... especially, any thoughts that you can share with the members of this Forum?

Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:18 pm

GMan... I like the intensity of your dark haired Avatar.

I am even not as up to speed as I should be on the books that Adamski wrote... though by now you would think that I would know all about him. I did pretty much the same thing that you did... the minute he started naming the people he met from Venus I dropped along the side of his road and never stepped back on.

But there are some strange things going on here that need to be explored. Thats one of the reasons that a "certain someone" and I decided to start a book that is going to be a fictionalized account of a mild and brilliant scientist by the name of Henry Drake. And a character such as George Adamski would have had some interaction I believe with Henry.... and so by following real the best of my ability.... it gives me the material that I need to fill in the blanks in this special book which is of course PURE speculation.(using that background of facts)..... on what may have REALLY been going on.

So the idea of a woman coming from the Bahamas to help this hot dog vendor write a book.... which became world famous... and the design so world famous that even as UFO sightings were made around the world they were discounted because people were actually calling them the " Adamski Venusian Scout Ship" quite particularly. Then of course when you have George A on one side spouting wild stories about all that.... and on the other side you have credible reports.... but the people call what they have seen a Venusian Scout ship... its REALLY easy to discount all of it. Out with the bathwater!!! and that worked for a very long time. But what was that covering up. Was it the same model that I played with as a kid when no one was looking. Dad called it once the most expensive paperweight in the world!!!! I can just imagine.

In 1957 Dad handed me an enormous stack of raw sighting reports that had been forwarded to him by the secretary who was still working for NICAP at the time. He knew that I was interested in things " flying saucer" so he handed me the stack and asked me to pull out the ones that " wobbled". Never explained himself other than to say the wierd statement. "Those are ours". So NOW if I take him seriously.... if the ones that were being sighted all around the world were "OURS" if they wobbled.... thats an interesting statement. you think????

I know that some people will say..... Thats such an odd thing for him to say... didn't you ask him. OURs? what do you mean OURS.... but you have to understand that by this time I had already experienced a lifetime of learning that the stuff I was supposed to know about... I would be told. Dad would volunteer the information. If I had to question him about something that effort would be useless... because he never really explained anything that he was doing or the things that were happening around us. I think I only asked... Why are we moving ? When I was about six.... after that I never bothered... I just knew that the move was important... Mom was OK with was an odd situation. I know.

But now the questions to be answered are coming at me like an avalanche and I wonder if Dad didn't already realize that this would happen. Its as if he treated me as his private recording device. I was safe you see because no one would expect me to know stuff or be witness to anything. He did it so well that I am beginning to realize that even I don't know how much I know.... yet. So much fun.... Linda
Linda Brown

Posts: 4292
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:08 pm

Linda Brown

New member
At the very beginning of this thread Lady of Light was kind enough to say this.....

" Linda Brown – Daughter of Thomas Townsend Brown (TTB)
Well, it has become apparent that we need a separate thread for those who wish to prove or disprove that the woman who calls herself “Linda Brown” is truly who she says she is, that being Linda Brown daughter or Thomas Townsend Brown (also referred to as TTB).

There are people from other forums who have been for one reason or another accusing Linda of not being who she claims to be. Personally, I see things from a whole different viewpoint, so identities are meaningless, but there are those who don’t feel the same as I do, so I’ve decided to provide THIS thread for that debate so that the other threads that are affected with this topic can go back to being the discussions they are meant to be.

Please, be kind, be respectful, and keep your discussions of this matter out of the threads where they don’t belong. Any discussion of Linda Brown’s identity is to be made here. Thank you.

Linda, I’ll leave this to you to provide whatever further information that is necessary on your part, I won’t be copying or moving any of the previous discussions into here, but you copy it in if you wish.


Strangely those who were so busy trying to challenge my authority and my very name have disappeared other than Mikados occasional rants I hope that you have all accepted that I am in fact who I have claimed to be. That puts me in a strange and wonderfully unique position which I am now realizing is important in the entire story of my Dad and his work.... I can not really speak to the science of things.... I will leave that to others... all I can do on that score is offer encouragement and continue with my history of supplying material as it comes to me. But the major thing that I can do ( which no one else can do with the same strength) is offer insight into my Dad and how he lived his life and the things that affected him. THAT I can do. And maybe thats one of the reasons others have worked so diligently to either challenge me or discredit me. With Lady of Lights help... I seem to still be here and so I would like to continue to share things about my Dad that perhaps others haven't known about yet. They are just glances from my perspective... from my point in time...

This is something I recently wrote on the cosmic-token. I invite you to discuss what this observation might mean from your viewpoints today........

by Linda Brown » Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:48 pm

And while you are writing.... what style do you adopt?...Its interesting to me to watch how various people take the energy that is developing with them and finally put it down on paper.

Of course the keyboard here makes it easier for me. I used to print everything out... all my journals are written in print.Books and books and books.. not sure why that was... it was just always easier for me to print my words (and faster too)... I discovered that I liked that style a few years before I started writing in my official Borham and Pease notebooks in 1963.... it was a biology class where I was required to keep some sort of journal during the class. I printed it....I liked it.... I liked the look of it. The instructor marked my work down because my printing style mixes capital letters and does not exactly follow the rules. So I got an A minus because of that. I figured it was worth it.

Now I write, normally late at night, sitting here behind this keyboard and I watch the words stream out. Its an interesting and detached sort of process.More physical than mental..... and sometimes I only know what I have written much later the next day when I stop to read the entry... and sometimes ( no joke) my response is...." I don't remember writing that."

I wonder if that was the same for Dad when he was producing those very complicated patent applications? Had he mulled them over in his head while swimming and sun bathing so that when he finally got Mothers attention he could just sit quietly down and just let her capture what rushed forward? Is that the way it worked for him?

What would have happened if Mother hadn't been there for him during all of those years?

I say " sit down" but thats not always accurate....... when he was really working he would stand ...and sometimes slowly walk around the room.... as if that was part of the process somehow.

Mother would be capturing his words on those conventional yellow pads. He always made sure that Mother was comfortable before he started..knowing that once the process started there was no stopping until he reached the end of the patent application. Not one change, not one reconsideration once he began. Usually he would speak quickly and it was all she could do to keep up with him.....

I suppose thats where I actually really learned how to type....I used to practice... typing up the yellow sheets that Mom would rip off and hand to me as Dad continued to dictate. Soon we were working as a team and she could actually hand the yellow pad to me and know that I would not miss a word.... and she could take a momentary break from the chore....soon we were working as Dads full support team.... He would be dictating and mother and I would be writing or typing....... when the process was over..... we would take a break....but all of the work was usually typed up and waiting for his approval. He went through with his notorious red pen ( to catch the typos...... never to edit) and then in the morning Mother would quietly type the final draft and we would all be done....... while Mother was quietly typing that important piece of work Dad would be down by the lake... napping in the morning sun... and she would laugh and say that he was simply " recharging his batteries".

This is an interesting process for all of us. I have learned to pay attention to it. Linda
Linda Brown

Posts: 4300
Joined: Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:08 pm
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And thank you again Lady of Light for this special spot. Linda


New member
Linda, did these dictation sessions by your dad to your mother take place earlier than Adamski's first contact with ETs on November 20, 1951?

Linda Brown

New member
I am not sure that I can answer that accurately Orpheo... Adamskis first contact happened at the same time that Mom and Dad had returned to California I believe. He was holding " demonstrations" of his " discs" flying around a " maypole" some described it. I would have to look up the exact dates... but my impression was that from the very start he was dictating his thoughts to mother for her to " transcribe them and type them up. When they were dating and even before they were married in September of 1928 she was typing things up for him at his lab.... I am not sure when his first patent was applied for but it is the famous one which was rejected here in this country but accepted in England... I will look that up. And of course I have many files here. her initials show up on most of Dads correspondence. I would wager a guess that his style of putting things down on paper was much the same earlier than the Adamski experiences but of course at the moment I have no way of proving that.

Its an interesting thought and question though that deserves more thought. Thanks for that. I will get back to you.


Linda Brown

New member
Rose has been mentioning " Timelines" very specifically on the cosmic token....and that applies here too... I need a map and a list of things that happened at specific times because something is calling out to be noticed. Too many people have responded to the vibration. Linda

Linda Brown

New member
Thinking of that Timeline though... from 1947 to 1950 or so... Mom and Dad were basically living apart. Dad found an isolated spot on Kauai.... got us set up in what was called a " rough camp" and then left without too much explanation about where he was....Just before his demonstration at Pearl Harbor he told Mother that she could divorce him and stay on the islands if she wanted to.... that if she stayed with him the next five years would be " Hell"..... but then he told her that he loved her and that he was sure that ..... she would discover that she missed him. She smiled when she told me that story....and basically said that she had decided to stick with him because she indeed felt that she had found someone that was a very special person....and she couldn't imagine life without him.... as difficult as she knew it would become.

The next five years the " face" being presented was that he had spent his families fortune on this wild harebrained idea of a " Flying Saucer propulsion system" was obvious that he had no real money left..... Mother and I stayed at a farm for about six months just outside of Zanesville and the town gossip was that his cousins had been gracious enough to " take us in" while Dad was off on another one of his "pipedreams". The FBI apparently had a cover on his bank accounts and on the mail.....Dads letters to Mother were filled with sort of a family code that basically said...." Hang in there sweetie, everything will be alright.".... Finally after we moved to Washington DC and Dad opened a " laundry" and was reported to have said that he was " finished with science forever".... THATS when the FBI ( and I am sure the soviets who were watching him as closely) shut their case on him.....

A few months later he was in Paris running those vaccuum tests....results of which have just now come out of the black.

So the timeline is important to see.....

I didn't become aware of his abilities to dictate complicated material like that until about 1955 when I watched he and Mother working together.... Previous to that Pearl Harbor demonstration and her declaration that she was going to hang in there with him.....there was no opportunity for them to develop that kind of interaction I think. By 1957 it was a well honed technique between them that continued for the rest of their lives. She told me that on one of their first dates he told her that he was getting very strange and wonderful dreams....and that she realized then that he needed her confidentiality.... and her.... and would for the rest of his life.... and she was absolutely right. Linda


New member
I still need to go map shopping. A combination of things on Rose's blogs, plus a rerun of Cold Case the other day got me looking at what's around the places we travelled when I was young. The space coast is rather self explanatory. But what about the middle of Wyoming, or upstate New York? I'm finding dots to connect. Probably need post-it notes too. Handy for writing the year and the company presence.


Linda Brown

New member
I will probably beat you to the map CAT....I am just going to start slapping the pins where the flashing is occurring.... and the sticky notes is a good idea too.

We are going to probably start looking like poor John Nashs' study.....

Hey.... just stay one jump ahead of the guys with the white coats and the electroshock treatments and everything will be fine! <g>

Interesting to me that you are getting flashing from the middle of Wyoming and upstate New York. Nothing on that for me.... I am getting..... Pa..... Wythville Virginia...West Virginia......San Antonio..... Kingman ARizona...and oh yes... haha.... my back yard practically.... Giant Rock... California...



New member
Linda, your story about how and when your dad dictated his (patent-able) ideas reminds me of Joseph Smith's production of the Book of Mormon and also the process of his subsequent revelations. It also reminds me even more of Helen Schucman's 1965 process, which soon became A Course in Miracles. However, the contrast of the backgrounds between Smith and Schucman couldn't be more different. More later....

Linda Brown

New member
I have discovered that ......for reasons not entirely understood by me... I have avoided some subjects ( that you would think would interest me)I have, for example, passionately avoided any discussions with UFO " experts".... when I have bothered to go to a " Congress" of those enthusiasts I have always stayed in the background. Even when informed that a certain speaker there had been in " contact" with " Townsend Browns daughter" I maintained my silence and actually said to him that I understood that she was a very private person.... " Yes" he agreed...." She is an odd duck".....I congratulated him on the interesting talk about Townsend Brown that he had just given and then faded to black in the crowd......

I haven't kept up with what has been going on and even now am seriously doubting that I will go to the newest MUFON meeting which will be held in Las Vegas.....with my history with Dad and NICAP you might think I would be more interested but something always seems to block my path.

Thats been my history anyway. Lets see what the future brings.


Linda Brown

New member
Rose was the first to point out to me that the papers I had called " Rain on the Windows Papers" were in fact almost word for word translations of certain CHANNELED messages by various people through the years. The mystery of it was so great that I couldn't even wrap my head around it. How could I have papers that I believed that my family had had for years.....and then be told that the exact words were used ( and published ) years later????? It made no sense. No matter how I pushed it around in my brain there was no rational explanation. So I have just set it aside for right now... simply concentrating on the pages that were left behind for me because I seem to have a closer tie to those. Some of the " advice" in those pages has been a real help to me and some of the predicitions made, have already come true. I don't know the history of them and I don't understand that process at all... but I sense if I spend time trying to ferret that all out that I will miss something else important..... and the how of it will eventually reveal itself anyway and maybe thats not my chore.

I didn't know that about Joseph Smith.... in fact I know very little about the Mormon religion. Others have told me that Dad also did what they called " Automatic writing".... where he would scribble something important on a blackboard without understanding at the time what it meant. I never saw him do that but "Morgan" has told me that he was known to be very good at that....

Which adds the question to my mind. Why didn't I know about that part of his abilities?

And please.... if anyone wants to talk about those strange Rain on the Windows Papers... lets meet ot the thread that Lady of Light so generously set up for us. Best to keep those discussions separate...Thanks........... Linda