Masonry in Manila


New member
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines Official Web Site ---> and they're 100 years now LOL.
Well you didn't post a link to the Philippines Freemasons, just put the link up as text only.
Denise I don't believe bringdowndeye is a Mason himself, he's just been researching the Masons in the Philippines and sharing it with us.
The Freemasons run a pyramid scheme, the guys in the top are corrupt and the people underneath know nothing about what the Freemasons purpose really is.
Denise I don't believe bringdowndeye is a Mason himself, he's just been researching the Masons in the Philippines and sharing it with us.

Yeah sorry I guess I understood it that he was a Mason himself I reread, and nowhere does he state that he is a Mason, It was the title of the thread that through me.