Men In Black on Security Camera Footage - After UFO Sighting (MIB)

Wow! That's an awesome catch!! The description matches what can be seen in the video, with the way they're dressed anyway. You can't see any details about their faces or anything, but it looks like the standard "men in black" to me! The description matches perfectly!
These are the people that are responsible for going in and cleaning up any damage that you a UFO might have done to the population and essentially muzzling all the witnesses.
They only come for certain ones, though. Are they coming for the government ones? or are they coming for legitimate ones? They for sure come for a crash, and they come for most of the major sightings, but not all, and if they do, they are not reported to do so. There are millions of sightings each year, and they aren't there for all of them. So what is important that needs to be kept under wraps for this incident. Makes you wonder doesn't it? I'm just pointing that out.
This is exactly like a classic men in black visitation, definitely really strange. Apparently the man black are reanimated dead corpses.