

What an interesting "pack of deception" ..... this technology may be associated with a liquid fuel technology ... but the cloud-like emission of hydrogen and oxygen ... is the by product emission of a very advance machinery technology ...

It is works of a dielectric field of liquid H2O held under cold fusion ... it is supplying power to some domicile structure below surfaced ...

The inner structure of Saturn has a similar cold fusion technology in operation which is the actual cause of what is referred to as the Saturn Rings ... rings

see this facility having the capability of opening an underground stargate portal ... yet many sounding of a portal stargate openings are set in the vacinity of the sun and in distant space ...

Yet such a portal being opened from the other side into this reality ... could open up at anytime, in any place ...

And another name for the blasting of a so called loud speaker ... would be the sounding of a trumpet ... or the blowing of a horn ... both of which would have to do with the opening of an entry into or out of the vicinity ...

Now I would consider that as frequency of the veils fall, which kept hidden matters of the celestial world ... an illusion of their appearance would be established as such celestial facilities come into view ....

And then following the image illusion ... will come such a deception explanation of what the structure really is ... just as the deception explanation of what most sink holes are caused from ...