
New member
I'm not sure how popular the use of Brainwave Entrainment, and or Physical Body Entrainment is on this site, but I am in the science section, so i'll give it a go!

This is my own personal experience that I recorded.

We all know the frequency technology is getting bigger, and more commonly known. Binaural Beats, Hemisync, HAARP, the government's use of frequency devices as 'non-lethal' weapons...etc.

I've got a novel experience to share, this is because of the rare effects it seemed to induce, not something your average binaural or hemisync frequency track can produce.

I've used sound frequencies in the recent past (began 2 years ago) which seemed to give me the ability to see the magnetosphere, or possibly my own magnetic field. At the time I was meditating, in my living room in broad daylight, with eyes closed, I began to see a large blue candle flame shape emerge. Directly following there were sweeping masses of blue moving on either side of the flame shape. I felt compelled to remember this and possible paint the image, as I thought it was quite novel and beautiful.
Later down the road I came across, somewhat synchronistically, the very image that appeared to me in meditation.

It was the magnetosphere.

(Actually the scientist who made the files had spoken up about something completely different... and I happened to look into some things regarding what he mentioned, and found that very image that I had seen only a day before! (I hadn't known about the magnetosphere at the time, and especially had never seen it, nor knew of it's movement!)

I had been using the sound files generated by this scientist...and he's made a tremendous effort in generating tons of really effective resonant entrainment files that have blown the minds of tons of people including myself, as shown by the numerous reports coming in to his online groups, which I have joined and read through. (He also posts them by the hundreds on his webpages.)

Anyway if anyone wants links to his stuff just ask, my main point is that Sound effects reality much more strongly than we may imagine. There is plenty of proof of this, if you just look into it. It can effect the body, mind, emotions, and energetic/electromagnetic field.

I know that frequencies are being used in a myriad of ways already known by more and more people, especially people open to fringe sciences.

There's a lot of evidence pointing toward the possibility of using sound frequencies and vibration to effect even our DNA!

This is more than just singing bowls and mantra chants, although it is based on the similar prepositions in science. Frequency, pitch, or tone, designates specific geometric wave-forms that are actually three dimensional or 'holographic' in nature.

Just like cymatics, the images that people are showing through the many experiments showna cross section of what sound actually is. If you place particles on a vibrating plate with specific tones played through (overtones), you get specific geometrical forms taking shape on a two dimensional scale, although sound is actually 3 dimensional.
Check out Hans Jenny and also John Stuart Reid < good videos on youtube. Also Michael Persinger, the neuroscientist. He has a video out called No More Secrets. Very informative.

I've never actually heard of the effects I gained from any other source than the ones I used, but I believe one day, the abilities of this anomaly will become much more well known.

Anyone else here researched the strange effects that can come about from the use of sound frequency use?

Let me know what you think if you like..Especially if you've experienced or heard of this before. I'd really like some actually constructive feedback, though, and not some pointlessly destructive comments like, "that's just nonsense technology", or ,"you're a hallucinating whacko". There would really be no point in posting any response at all like that, unless you have some serious, HARD evidence to back it up.. becausee I DO, have ALOT of seriously hard evidence to back up the claim that SOUND can really effect reality in some pretty intense ways. I've done my homework, and it'd be appreciated if you would too if you even bother to try to discredit anything.

I hope this has inspired at least a few to look further into these possibilities, thanks for reading.

Kat-E <3
I know what you're saying is true. I don't remember off hand what video I watched a few years back that proves exactly what you're saying. It was an old video with sand on plates and different frequencies were used to demonstrate that we, in essence, are made of nothing but frequency. The most interesting thing I found at the time about that video, was the part where the sand, at whatever frequency it was, resembled a spine. So I KNOW what you're saying is 100% true.

Being what people call a 'psychic', I often tune into such things just by 'chance'. I know it's not really by chance, but I say that because it takes me a day or two sometimes to interpret what I see and feel. Even any channeling that comes through is at a particular frequency/vibration.

I know that by increasing our own bodies vibrations, we can achieve so much more, both in the physical and the non-physical.

I haven't, however, heard anything about these "resonant entrainment files" until now. We should probably get some links here about them, I think it would be very interesting to delve into a little deeper.

I also know that these 'technologies' have been used against us for years now through our televisions, and radios, and movies, etc. With all the new upgrades with the HD everything, and Blu-ray, etc, we have been bombarded more strongly with these frequencies. After all, light and sound are both frequency.

Anyway, I hear where you're coming from, although I haven't officially looked into things, and so hadn't heard of some of these technologies officially, I know they're there, always have, and I've felt them get stronger over the years. And, I do find this stuff really interesting, and although I don't go in search of this information, I'm always willing to look at it when it's placed in front of me, as it was this time. Love the post, very interesting and informative, and I look forward to more. :)

Lady of Light
I know what you're saying is true. I don't remember off hand what video I watched a few years back that proves exactly what you're saying. It was an old video with sand on plates and different frequencies were used to demonstrate that we, in essence, are made of nothing but frequency. The most interesting thing I found at the time about that video, was the part where the sand, at whatever frequency it was, resembled a spine. So I KNOW what you're saying is 100% true.

Being what people call a 'psychic', I often tune into such things just by 'chance'. I know it's not really by chance, but I say that because it takes me a day or two sometimes to interpret what I see and feel. Even any channeling that comes through is at a particular frequency/vibration.

I know that by increasing our own bodies vibrations, we can achieve so much more, both in the physical and the non-physical.

I haven't, however, heard anything about these "resonant entrainment files" until now. We should probably get some links here about them, I think it would be very interesting to delve into a little deeper.

I also know that these 'technologies' have been used against us for years now through our televisions, and radios, and movies, etc. With all the new upgrades with the HD everything, and Blu-ray, etc, we have been bombarded more strongly with these frequencies. After all, light and sound are both frequency.

Anyway, I hear where you're coming from, although I haven't officially looked into things, and so hadn't heard of some of these technologies officially, I know they're there, always have, and I've felt them get stronger over the years. And, I do find this stuff really interesting, and although I don't go in search of this information, I'm always willing to look at it when it's placed in front of me, as it was this time. Love the post, very interesting and informative, and I look forward to more. :)

Lady of Light

Thank you. I really do enjoy helping share such intriguing things like this. I have a plethora of information collected that explains the true nature of frequency, and the ability of technologies in the field.

This one developer.. he's generated these as a tool to help shield against the onslaught all the different ones in our reality here, as well as create the ability for people to (en)train their bodies to strengthen their natural abilites.

I'll try to get the links in here once I have made my 10 posts.
You must be referring to a video about cymatics. The imagery is a cross section of the holographic structing of sound itself.

This is a quote from one of the subpages hosting his sound frequencies, and loads of information about them:

"New : Neuro-Clustering

Bio-Feedback Entrainment Tool

Imagine the possiblity of having and using a frequency that allows you to direct the tempo of a
certain thought or emotion to offset external stresses. This unique tool and method is unlike any
other on the planet and is the result of over fifteen years of dedicated research and development.
Highly precise acoustic models of parts of the conscious mind itself, something our body-mind is
already familiar with on a primal level, it already knows these sounds intuitively for these are the
sounds it naturally recognizes from nature and that it, itself generates and uses!



The internal rhythmic tempo associated with various internal states, emotional, mental, physical

are mapped. These psycho-somatic patterns are captured as hyper-dimensional geometric forms.

The complex numeric series representing the movement of this object through space-time is translated

into sound."

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Thank you. I really do enjoy helping share such intriguing things like this. I have a plethora of information collected that explains the true nature of frequency, and the ability of technologies in the field.

This one developer.. he's generated these as a tool to help shield against the onslaught all the different ones in our reality here, as well as create the ability for people to (en)train their bodies to strengthen their natural abilites.

I'll try to get the links in here once I have made my 10 posts.

I look forward to it!