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Nibiru or UFO or Hoax

Saw this posted and I'm like the guy on the video what is it? It doesn't appear to be moving could be Nibiru, if it is it explains the chemtrails being sprayed all the time to prevent us from seeing it. If so, somebody screwed up, this time and let it be seen. Could be a UFO, as they're known to hover. But it's hovering for quite awhile in full view of someone. Unfortunately had the volume up and distractions from the outside couldn't hear where he was located.

What do you think it is?

Nibiru? UFO? I Dunno...But It's Huge! | Paranormal
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Wow, whatever is he's looking at it seems to be very big. This guy sounds like he has an Australian accent, whatever he seeing the sky we probably are not capable of seeing it in North America.
Yes, I know, wish he'd have thought to give location, though. Too bad other people don't sign in on that one and tell us.
Re: Nibiru or UFO or Hoax

So, you're saying that chemtrails are sprayed to color the sky from everyone's observation points. That's the entire sky. That's a lot of planes my brother! I'm sure that would be noticed at least, and I've seen just the usual air traffic.
Re: Nibiru or UFO or Hoax

Sorry for the delay in a reply, too many irons in the fire I guess. But to answer. I don't pretend to know what's going on. I have seen the difference between chemtrails and contrails though. Maybe I phrased that statement wrong, I think what I meant was they do sprray the sky with these chemtrails, I've noticed it in the morning and or evening they're covering or creating something. I've always been a sky watcher, never saw a UFO myself though.
True but like I said I don't know what they're covering up or creating and never seen a UFO myself. This is all speculation anyway. But as a kid I don't remember seeing the contrails dissolving like teardrops when the lines in the sky are there.