Philadelphia Experiment


Truth feeder
I don't know if this has been posted before but does anyone recognize any of these men who are being interviewed? They seem to be talking fairly openly about this.

Unhypnotized... I just " happened" across this older message and wanted to bring it to the top and ask those who can actually see this... ( which most of you know that I can not).... what the names are here that you are asking about?

I seem to be one of the senior members in this group... and added to " being around" for a long time! I have had the distinction of " being around" in some of these circles perhaps... So maybe I can shed some light here.....

if someone doesn't mind having a look at this thing and telling me who is featured and who it is that seems to be speaking about the "Philadelphia Experiment".

Anybody willing to go in this direction? Standing by ( Oh, except for most of tomorrow.... they say they are working on the electric lines around here and we will be without power all day.... so expect that delay from me... but other than that... I promise to respond. ) Thanking you ahead of time <g> Linda Brown
I took some screen captures for you Linda. The video is a preview for a film "The truth about the Philadelphia experiment". No names are given to the 3 men shown in the footage. Maybe you'd recognize them, maybe not.

Man 2 Philadelphia Experiment.jpg

Man 1 (2) Philadelphia Experiment.jpgMan 1 (1) Philadelphia Experiment.jpg

(There are 2 of this man because he sits in shadow so I got 2 angles to try to identify him better.)

Man 3 Philadelphia Experiment.jpg
1=Preston Nicholls
2=Duncan Cameron.
3=Al bielek

Thats the first of the three just released, Al Bielek starts of explaining why two projects,
Operation rainbow,
Operation Phoenix ,
Had to be combined ...1943 linked to 1983.
It was stated that a private none governmental organization achieved this, thankfully.
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Thank you Hobbit. The photo of " Duncan Cameron"...... does anyone else have more pictures of him? That they can post here for comparison? He is the only one of the three who looks at all familiar to me.... The names of course are familiar but I don't think that I have ever seen pictures of anyone.

When was this supposed to be released?

I don't mean to sound like I live in a cave.... but sometimes the results are the same! Linda