New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
NASA has announced that it has found "Puzzling structures" on YU55

"a number of puzzling structures on the surface that we don't yet understand. To date, we've seen less than one half of the surface, so we expect more surprises."

From Richard Hoaglands facebook

The nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) test did NOT take place today!

Portions of the nation DID have "some kind of "test" (in San Diego, according to our first-hand reporter, local television broadcasts were interrupted for 35 full minutes!).

In other sections -- like here, in Albuquerque -- NOTHING.

If, as we speculated earlier, this much-ballyhooed "test" was actually designed to allow the White House to comment on and calm fears around "anomalous behavior" of YU55, the fact that AFTER YU55 flew by without incident, such a "test" was also canceled, should not surprise us ....

And, so far, there has been NO official FEME or FCC explanation of "why" this test did NOT occur as announced ... and planned.

Just more "weridness" ....

What DID happen is this remarkable story re YU 55, put out by the BBC earlier today, in which THESE words leaped off the screen--

"Although invisible to the naked eye, scientists said they spotted STRANGE STRUCTURES ON ITS SURFACE as it [YU55] spun past at 30,000mph (48 280.32 km/h) [emphasis added] ...."

Very interesting!
Strange indeed. I don't watch much tv so I wasn't actually aware of the scheduled test this time around. But, that IS odd that they would cancel it like that. And, not to mention, replace it in some areas with a long-ass presidential message or whatever it was, I'm not quite understanding that one, like I said, I don't watch that much tv, so I missed it.

But, as for the 'asteroid', maybe it's not actually an asteroid. What if it's something completely else? Floating city? Ship? Fully controlled little world? Something on 'auto-pilot'? Just some thoughts on it.

So, is this message released about it a message of FEAR? Looks that way to me.