[Wow!] The Earth is Groaning - Unknown sound phenomena occurring 2011

You've got that right. Scientists will be the last ones to acknowledge what's happening. And the last ones to explain it. They need "rigorous testing and scientific method" followed by "peer-reviewed publications" to see what's right in front of them. Creativity and thinking outside of the box isn't their forte. They created the box and are holding onto it for dear life.

Looks like we'll have to do the meet-and-greet ourselves, eh?
It's possible that the scientist that were hired to find the source were told they would only get paid once they completed their task. So, they completed their task by picking the easiest scapegoat, Zug Island. Also, because we're on the border with the United States, for them to pick something American is easier because then they don't have to do any actual investigation into it because it's across the border. So you end up with a kind of "Well, it's out of our hands" thing.

Like I keep saying, I don't buy into the Zug Island deal. Not only because it sounds like a load of B.S., but because it's happening worldwide. It gets stranger by the day, especially with the cover stories.

All I know is that it's not going to stop anytime soon. I would like some real answers, but unless I can channel them, I just have to go with a big 'ol shrug of the shoulders I don't know.
It probably is just Zug Island. Did you take a look at it? It's highly industrious.

Go ahead and think what you want. You are entitled to your opinion. I don't believe the excuses for where it's coming from. Zug Island is, to me, just an excuse to look no further into the truth.
It doesn't help that when scientists find the truth, they are paid to look the other way and find an alternative solution, or else.
2011 Sound phenomenon - Incredibly loud growling/rumbling noise heard

Here are some more to add to this thread:

This one from Montreal Canada recorded in September 2011:

Here is one in Arizona:

Here is one in Poland:

The one in Montreal sounds close to the surface, not underground like the Windsor one sounds.

They sound identical. the Montreal and Arizona ones. Arizona seems more constant that Montreal though

Poland is a cross between the Ukraine one and the Montreal and Arizona ones.

Much more surface like. Sounds like a ship sinking.

Either somebody's finding the same sound effects for all these videos, or there's something going on here.
This video doesn't do the audio of the actual sound any justice, but it's better than the previous ones I captured. This video/audio was taken approximately 1/2 hour ago. So, roughly 6:15pm Dec. 3, 2011.

It's not the greatest, but you can somewhat hear what we've been hearing around here, in East Windsor anyway. It's the best I've got so far.

It was very loud tonight, and it, again, sounded like a diesel engine. I could hear it better from in the house, the walls seemed to filter all noise out except for the bassy rumble. It's still there now, but not quite as strong as it was just a little while ago. (It never really goes away.)
What are they? Mysterious unexplained noises now being reported across the globe

January 17, 2012 – World – A series of unexplained noises are being reported across the globe and the frequency of these events appear to be increasing. The sounds range in description from “bizarre and creepy” to “industrial and mechanical.” The sounds appear to be omni-directional and seem to have no single traced source of origin or horizontal source of degree graduation- leaving one with the impression they are coming from directly overhead or directly underneath the earth. The videos below are reports of the unexplained acoustic phenomenon. Are these sounds omens of an impending disaster, or the deep-churching in the Earth an indication the lithosphere is becoming unsettled, mistpouffers, or something else? You decide. – The Extinction Protocol

Full article here:
I thought I would add this to this thread. The sounds that I have heard on videos from around the world are familiar with sounds from NASA. Take a look and compare the sounds yourself:

Scientists confirm Earth Sounds are real - heres why

Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real

Dr. Elchin Khalilov, a geophysicist and a professor in Azerbaijan [map], has been conducting research into the recent wave of strange sky sounds.

Dr. Khalilov refers to the phenomena as “sky hum.” As a geophysicist, he has become intrigued by the numerous reports and recording of the sky sounds. While others in the research community might be inclined to dismiss the whole thing as nonsense, Dr. Khalilov has been working with other researchers to explain what might be causing it.
In a recent article at GeoChange Journal (geochangemag.org), Dr. Khalilov responded to some questions about the sky hum phenomena.

“We have analyzed records of these sounds and found that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, i.e. is not audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds. They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz.

In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular. There can be quite a lot of causes why those waves are generated: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, etc. However, the scale of the observed humming sound in terms of both the area covered and its power far exceeds those that can be generated by the above-mentioned phenomena.”

There is one more possible cause of these sounds and it may lie at the Earth’s core....

...“In both cases, even though the causes of acoustic-gravity waves are of a quite understandable geophysical nature, they are indicative of the expected significant increase in solar activity and the geodynamic activity of our planet.

There is no doubt that processes in the core rule the internal energy of our planet, therefore, we should expect by the end of 2012 a sharp rise in strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and extreme weather events with peak levels in 2013 – 2014.”


I love how they have no clue and just blame everything on the earth's core or the "increased solar activity". They have no clue what it is, but can't stay completely silent because people are hearing this around the globe. Makes me laugh. Do they have meetings over this stuff? They sit around and brainstorm about what to tell the public? 'Hey, let's say it's global warming/climate change.' 'let's say its increased solar activity, they'll buy that right?', 'no, we'll say it's because of the earth's core and the shift of the planet', 'i know, we'll mix them all together and they've got to buy that, it makes sense, they believe everything else we tell them'. I'm sure it's a little more sophisticated of a session, but you get the idea.

Yes, there's stuff happening, these people don't know, they just get paid to tell us a cover story. I think it's partially the earth / solar system / sun, but partially the illuminati with their haarp and stuff.
Well, tonight seems to be a very active night. Starting about 5 minutes ago (11:15pm EST), there's been quite the strong bassy sounds once again. Tonight's are stronger than the nights that I tried to catch the audio of before. It is so strong and so loud that it is hurting my ears. I could feel it as well.

I went to investigate because I thought it might be a neighbor with loud music cranked up, or maybe an event happening across the river in Detroit, but low and behold, none of those proved true. There is no constant beat to the bass, so I would have to say it's not music related. Therefore, I can only conclude that it is the phenomenon once again.

It's now approx. 11:30, and the sound is no longer extremely loud; it has dulled down to it's usual roaring hum.

Oh, and I should probably add, the farce of a cover-up of Zug Island being the cause would seem to be proven as just that, a farce and a cover-up, as this is happening world-wide. There are some sounds as we have here in Windsor, and there are other sounds that are more like the ones heard in Kiev. The sounds are being rationalized as coming from the air. I believe there are both air as well as underground sound emanations.
Could this sudden increase be due to the solar storm going on right now? It's promised to be a big one so if the activity correlates to the duration and intensity of the storm, you might have one piece of the puzzle in place.
It started up again really loud at around 12:40AM (last night), lasted about 3 to 5 minutes and dulled again. It seems to be worse at night. At least that's been my observation, thus far.

Now, I won't deny that the solar activity may have something to do with it, but not all the sounds are originating in the air. The flares an easily be affecting not only the air, but the ground as well. So, yes, it could very well be due to the increased solar activity.