Linda Brown you hateful cunt. I don't give a fuck about how unhappy your worthless life is and whatever it is that is causing you so much misery that you are driven to project that hatred onto others, please know there is a solution.

I fully comprehend that you are a void of compassion, I realize you lack empathy, and your level of apathy is a crime against humanity. I have walked across stepping stones that have been more sympathetic than you will ever be and the fact that you are legally permitted to own and care for animals is an abomination.

However, just because you embody the characteristics of something only Cruella Deville and Ahmadinejad would be able to reproduce, it doesn't give you the right to attack someone that has been raped, insult them for being a whore and then add insult to injury by spitting in their face. That kind of vomitous behavior is the example of when humanity fails, and in your case, forever.

I told you a month ago that your mere existence was a burden on society, and in fact it is a measureless taxation on humanity as a whole. People like you hold back our evolution as a human race, and until we cleanse ourselves of that corrosive acid, our movement will continue to be a digression towards hell.

You have assaulted me because I am homeless, you have insulted me because one of my family members was murdered, you have repeatedly demeaned me in a way that has been identical to how the authorities have demeaned me. Linda Brown you are a condescending and hateful human being and you excrete a vile racist odor that is so pungent and repellent, I am able to detect it from here.

and how the fuck does a white old bitch come off better than shit, for having a black father, because I don't see any resemblance between you and Dr. Townsend .
Linda Brown you hateful cunt. I don't give a fuck about how unhappy your worthless life is and whatever it is that is causing you so much misery that you are driven to project that hatred onto others, please know there is a solution. You are finding it for yourself Ianchris.

I fully comprehend that you are a void of compassion, I realize you lack empathy, and your level of apathy is a crime against humanity. I have walked across stepping stones that have been more sympathetic than you will ever be and the fact that you are legally permitted to own and care for animals is an abomination. Kisses to you too...

However, just because you embody the characteristics of something only Cruella Deville and Ahmadinejad would be able to reproduce, it doesn't give you the right to attack someone that has been raped, insult them for being a whore and then add insult to injury by spitting in their face. That kind of vomitous behavior is the example of when humanity fails, and in your case, forever. My how you ramble.I told you a month ago that your mere existence was a burden on society, and in fact it is a measureless taxation on humanity as a whole. People like you hold back our evolution as a human race, and until we cleanse ourselves of that corrosive acid, our movement will continue to be a digression towards hell. And just how do you believe that you will be capable of "cleansing yourself?"

You have assaulted me because I am homeless, ( Gee..... just like Mikado having his home torn down in front of him.....) you have insulted me because one of my family members was murdered, (Mikado also suffered the tragedy of finding a person close to him murdered and his body left in the snow.) you have repeatedly demeaned me in a way that has been identical to how the authorities have demeaned me.( Funny how " authorities" are able to "profile" similiar character traits, isn't it? and when you get past the local police you run right into all of the other organizations who make a career out of uncovering types such as you.) Linda Brown you are a condescending and hateful human being and you excrete a vile racist odor that is so pungent and repellent, I am able to detect it from here. Well, your ample nose should finally be good for something lets hope.and how the fuck does a white old bitch come off better than shit, for having a black father, because I don't see any resemblance between you and Dr. Townsend .
And who is Dr. Townsend? Really Ianchris.... you have outdone yourself in nastyness tonight.

Ha Ha, Ian Chris, You have made me laugh this Paddies day morning, the TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU. Ironic really, today it is 24 years since I tested positive for HIV and still there is so much hatred in the world. I have to be honest, Linda reminds me of some of the females that torture me with their sound, stating comments that just make me laugh. I would also like to add that the only people who have shown me humanity and respect have been men, the female part of this whole shenanigans in London are the girlfriend's of the men(So to speak). Like you said Frank (Billionaire) likes to watch straight men having sex and he likes to get straight men into situations with gay men and film them. There is so much money to be made from these pictures and film clips, plus identity fraud. The original post of this thread referred to Illuminate Agent Frank creating theatrical type events which I have experienced and looking at that side alone it is an incredible piece of theatre which involves, puppetry, holograms, sound, theatricals and sub plots that most people only experience on drugs. This is a very sophisticated type set up similar to that used by someone called Derren Brown, in the UK. I believe the people I am involved with are very intelligent and sometimes bored with so much money and need to satisfy an appetite for something different which does involve pushing the boundaries around sex. They are what I call the good guys, having been an actor in the West End for some twenty years and working with many new Broadway productions that have made it over here. The bad side have taken it further which I have also experienced and that is painful torture. They get you drugged and rape you in your own home and it is watched by their members live on special channels through satellite TV. They are into BDSM and Euthanasia, breath control, torture and humiliation. I friend saw me at a party called the 'Torture Garden' once when I was being transmitted from my home. If i didn't do things they suggested I received electrical shocks and pain so bad it was easier to just do it. Linda will never understand this so don't rise to the bait when it arrives. If she is looking for a job with animals she could apply here in London, as they treat you like an animal in your own home. That side of things has changed since seeing Perretta and knowing her. They hated the fact that I saw her which meant I could link others to her over time. She told me about someone in New York years ago that used to treat her badly. I think there is a link between Frank and her from old. Anyway, my friend, we have to look after each other and try to focus on the good in our lives. For what it is worth, I love reading your stuff as you right really well. Your experience has connected us so that is a real positive for me. For you Linda, I am not saying anything today to shock or impose my sexual experiences on anyone; I am just stating what is very real and out there. When you have a person with a mind like Illuminate Frank and the likes their stimulation takes them to another level and they use Hypnotherapy and Mind Control. I actually understand it after all these years and am now go and practice my 'River Dance', yeah right I hear you say. Happy St Patrick's Day..
Ha Ha, Ian Chris, You have made me laugh this Paddies day morning, the TOP OF THE MORNING TO YOU. Ironic really, today it is 24 years since I tested positive for HIV and still there is so much hatred in the world. I have to be honest, Linda reminds me of some of the females that torture me with their sound, stating comments that just make me laugh. I would also like to add that the only people who have shown me humanity and respect have been men, the female part of this whole shenanigans in London are the girlfriend's of the men(So to speak). Like you said Frank (Billionaire) likes to watch straight men having sex and he likes to get straight men into situations with gay men and film them. There is so much money to be made from these pictures and film clips, plus identity fraud. The original post of this thread referred to Illuminate Agent Frank creating theatrical type events which I have experienced and looking at that side alone it is an incredible piece of theatre which involves, puppetry, holograms, sound, theatricals and sub plots that most people only experience on drugs. This is a very sophisticated type set up similar to that used by someone called Derren Brown, in the UK. I believe the people I am involved with are very intelligent and sometimes bored with so much money and need to satisfy an appetite for something different which does involve pushing the boundaries around sex. They are what I call the good guys, having been an actor in the West End for some twenty years and working with many new Broadway productions that have made it over here. The bad side have taken it further which I have also experienced and that is painful torture. They get you drugged and rape you in your own home and it is watched by their members live on special channels through satellite TV. They are into BDSM and Euthanasia, breath control, torture and humiliation. I friend saw me at a party called the 'Torture Garden' once when I was being transmitted from my home. If i didn't do things they suggested I received electrical shocks and pain so bad it was easier to just do it. Linda will never understand this so don't rise to the bait when it arrives. If she is looking for a job with animals she could apply here in London, as they treat you like an animal in your own home. That side of things has changed since seeing Perretta and knowing her. They hated the fact that I saw her which meant I could link others to her over time. She told me about someone in New York years ago that used to treat her badly. I think there is a link between Frank and her from old. Anyway, my friend, we have to look after each other and try to focus on the good in our lives. For what it is worth, I love reading your stuff as you right really well. Your experience has connected us so that is a real positive for me. For you Linda, I am not saying anything today to shock or impose my sexual experiences on anyone; I am just stating what is very real and out there. When you have a person with a mind like Illuminate Frank and the likes their stimulation takes them to another level and they use Hypnotherapy and Mind Control. I actually understand it after all these years and am now go and practice my 'River Dance', yeah right I hear you say. Happy St Patrick's Day..

24 years living with AIDS Paddywack. You are a very lucky man.... to have survived it.... Not to have contracted it in the first place.

ST Paddys Day. You have to be in Boston to really appreciate that Holiday I guess.

I still have a horse that was born on St. Paddys Day in 1985. He is a good sort, with plenty of courage.

I know that such things as you have described go on. I know that there are certain elements of the "Intelligence" agencies that have locked on to the world that you describe here . I know also that I have been protected from hearing about the worst of it..... but that some techniques of mind control and subversion have been in operation since even before World War II. Mr. Twigsnapper has told me of the way the English in London would set male prostitutes out to compromise married members of the Military and Political establishments there.... spys against spys..The Russians were doing the same thing........ everything and ANYTHING was fair.... and when Mr. Twigsnapper says that EVEN HE was embarrassed about the lengths to which they would stoop to accomplish their goals.... well.....I didn't need to press for details.

So all of this goes on with the underbelly of humanity that no one wants to talk about.
OK... thats established.

That you and Ianchris have found each other and can relate and tell your experiences out in the open...I would say thats a move in the right direction.

REmember with the Riverdance.... you have to keep your arms stationary and to your side.... its tradition.......sort of being like a duck..... calm on the top.... paddling like heck under water. Its all a matter of style. isn't it?

Ha ha now that's what I call a message Linda, thank you.. I am sometimes asked is it better to know what I know and I always say yes.. I only have to look at the news or read a newspaper to realise the positive side of me.. I do feel for IanChris and his pain and I know he is being honest. I believe being a recovered addict and HIV has given me a certain inner strength and humanity I could not have got before.. Possibly could have but I will never know .. Have a great Sunday 17th March

"Spiritually advanced enough to see what? That this person who was portrayed as one thing and was something entirely different? How in God's holy and blessed half-acre do you rationalize such a statement?

Precisely Mikado. There is no explanation that makes sense. You either see it, or not. You didn't. Linda

If God only has a holy and blessed half-acre, who has the rest of it?

Curious Cat
Now there is a combination. Ianchris, Paddywack, me........... and a curious mystical cat.

Where else in the world could there be that kind of combination except here on this Forum.

Cat you mentioned Mikados response to me in red. I had said to him ( to sort of review) that the person he knew of as " Smith" was not the entire person and that he was missing something extremely important and just was unable to see it. That still prevails.
"Smith" was known in Mikados neighborhood as being an alcoholic, a recovering drug addict, a person who spent years living in the woods and even under bridges. I don't think that there was much that he didn't learn about that tough life. But thats not all he was.

And I say to both of you Ian and Paddywack... no matter what your past experiences have been ...... NO MATTER....... THAT is NOT what you ARE.

There are some people around you that will see that..... and some who will not. Thats a sad reality of our lives here together.

Read the exchange between Mikado and me again........ thanks to CAT....

Spiritually advanced enough to see what? That this person who was portrayed as one thing and was something entirely different? How in God's holy and blessed half-acre do you rationalize such a statement?Precisely Mikado. There is no explanation that makes sense. You either see it, or not. You didn't. Linda

And Cats play on the phrase that Mikado used is the most important question.... THINK ON THIS

If God only has a holy and blessed half-acre, who has the rest of it?
Hi Paddywack great to see and here more of your experiences. Since I have met you I have only met a few of these characters but connecting the pieces so that they fit has been difficult at times. Your experiences and those of IanChris make it more understandable although I fear that others that contribute on this thread deliberately change the way things are moving on in here. I have recently tried to contact British journalist June Sarpong who has been doing some investigative reporting with Jesse Ventura on his Conspiracy Theory show. If you havent had the opportunity to check out this show then you should! I believe you can get the episodes on you tube. I have not been successful contacting June Sarpong even though she is in London right now filming with Sky TV. I look forward to hearing more on this thread!
The disappearing Tardis on Davids Avatar is great.

I have been wondering why it was important for this thread to be in existence. I know that some respond to inspirations when they create a thread and Jedora seemed to do that with his questions about " Frank Webster"..... but why I wonder is this subject particularly important? Was it needed because Iancris had even more stuff to get off his chest?... that Paddywack was able to make a connection with him?.... and now that you are searching for something that you think is important David.??? I was here because I was hoping something positive would surface.

The whole discussion here, as you can tell.... is out of my comfort element. I do not actually enjoy being subjected with images that I consider pornographic ( though I am probably pretty prudish and raised partially in Philadelphia to boot.... so I react differently than what might be acceptable in different social group). I am decidedly a misfit in this thread.....and have to admit being insulted by the name that Iancris felt appropriate to use in my direction. Its not appropriate to use that kind of language I believe... it was over the line... it was a slam against women in general and me in particular and what is most surprising observation to me was that it was overlooked.... which tells me that either people who share my values are not even reading what is being written here or are reading and giving Ianchris a " hall pass" on his actions.... which I am not sure would happen anywhere else. Thats disturbing. But I will get over it.

So... I think that I need to channel my energies elsewhere... at least out of this thread. You boys have a good time. Linda
Hello Linda, I am getting ready for work but had to quickly reply to you. The problem with what I am experiencing is it takes you away from who you really are. You reminded me of who I used to be, and I should not forget that. If it wasn't happening to me I would probably doubt anything I am claiming, but the sad part is it is true. Thank you for reminding me to be more tolerant of the person who has not experienced this. The best I can hope for is that anyone who has not experienced this to keep an open mind. There is a Frank Webster, highly intelligent and inventive and there are the homophobic, racist, hate crime individuals present, who have something so powerful at their fingertips that cause most of the heartache and horror.. I need to remember that you have not lived it. Apologies if you have been insulted, it is not my intention to become the people who control me.. Have a good day

The disappearing Tardis on Davids Avatar is great.

I have been wondering why it was important for this thread to be in existence. I know that some respond to inspirations when they create a thread and Jedora seemed to do that with his questions about " Frank Webster"..... but why I wonder is this subject particularly important? Was it needed because Iancris had even more stuff to get off his chest?... that Paddywack was able to make a connection with him?.... and now that you are searching for something that you think is important David.??? I was here because I was hoping something positive would surface.

The whole discussion here, as you can tell.... is out of my comfort element. I do not actually enjoy being subjected with images that I consider pornographic ( though I am probably pretty prudish and raised partially in Philadelphia to boot.... so I react differently than what might be acceptable in different social group). I am decidedly a misfit in this thread.....and have to admit being insulted by the name that Iancris felt appropriate to use in my direction. Its not appropriate to use that kind of language I believe... it was over the line... it was a slam against women in general and me in particular and what is most surprising observation to me was that it was overlooked.... which tells me that either people who share my values are not even reading what is being written here or are reading and giving Ianchris a " hall pass" on his actions.... which I am not sure would happen anywhere else. Thats disturbing. But I will get over it.

So... I think that I need to channel my energies elsewhere... at least out of this thread. You boys have a good time. Linda

Well sorry to see you leave the thread. Well being a born and bred Londoner it would be great to find out who these individuals really are once and for all. My friend Paddywack has been abused and exploited sexually and financially. He is in fact tortured by these individuals all of his life. By being able to find out Who? Why? And Where? These individuals are so that we can turn the tables on them and put them through a similar ordeal would be great. This thread is started in London which being my town I am passionate about. But hearing a constant 'ding dong' from yourself and IanChris has been comical but really has No place on this thread. I have been a bit confused by your comings and goings with IanChris. Is there something your not telling us about you and him. My main aim in this thread is to expose and shame those responsible for infiltrating London then to help or assist my friend Paddywack in his journey and be at the end of a phone line when ever he needs me.
A few things to say... still..... Paddywack... it was not you who insulted me. Read the posts. The insult is easy enough to find if you go back again.

And David. You interest me too. You have a passion for London which of course is important when it is part of the thread... location, location, location... they say in real estate. Location means everything....

BUT why do you discount the interaction between me and Ianchris?

and why do you say this?

"Well being a born and bred Londoner it would be great to find out who these individuals really are once and for all. My friend Paddywack has been abused and exploited sexually and financially. He is in fact tortured by these individuals all of his life. By being able to find out Who? Why? And Where? These individuals are so that we can turn the tables on them and put them through a similar ordeal would be great

So you are here then to exact revenge? Is that why you are busy trying to find out Who, Why and Where???? Is that the sum of your effort? So you can " turn the tables on them" so that you can " put them through a similar ordeal?" WHAT then have you REALLY learned?

"But hearing a constant 'ding dong' from yourself and IanChris has been comical but really has No place on this thread. I have been a bit confused by your comings and goings with IanChris. Is there something your not telling us about you and him."What are you really asking me? Why are you interacting with him? Whats in it for you? " Are those your questions?

You finally responded with your goal.....

"My main aim in this thread is to expose and shame those responsible for infiltrating London then to help or assist my friend Paddywack in his journey and be at the end of a phone line when ever he needs me.

And maybe my goal has been to help all three of you....If you couldn't see what was happening on that score then it was not an important effort.... ask yourself.... just for me.... Is turning the tables and exacting the same kind of discomfort on your enemy actually what your goal in this should be?

Paddywack.... you said....

"I need to remember that you have not lived it. Apologies if you have been insulted, it is not my intention to become the people who control me.. Have a good day

So...... Don't become the people who control you. Become you.... and their control will fall away.

After the Spring Equinox the old will fall away and the new age begins. Do that for yourself.

I know more about this world than you think. Linda
Well Linda if I wanted the entertainment that you and IanChris provide on this thread I would watch either the Jerry Springer show or the Richard Bey show what's wrong with that?
Yes I am passionate about London. It's my city of choice. Now If Frank and Lorraine want to reside here rather than New York then they should Jolly Well behave themselves!!
Well Linda if I wanted the entertainment that you and IanChris provide on this thread I would watch either the Jerry Springer show or the Richard Bey show what's wrong with that?

I for one have found nothing "entertaining " relative to the garbage coming from whoever Ianchris is, I find it repulsive and below contempt.
You would perhaps find it entertaining if He was within a clear punching range from Me, as I may be tempted to revert to My council house upbringing and deal with Him such.
You and Mr. Twigsnapper had the same background Hobbit.... He was very proud of the fact that he was William Stephensons sparring partner very early in his career because I think that they were in the same weight class. I know the one thing that Twigsnapper stressed to me was that a boxer always and constantly has a follow up punch and a plan. I agree with you. Iancris crossed the line.

And David...."Well Linda if I wanted the entertainment that you and IanChris provide on this thread I would watch either the Jerry Springer show or the Richard Bey show what's wrong with that?

Haha... I agree.... but I think that Iancris crossed even the Jerry Springer line. Don't you?
And what does that say about what you enjoy watching David?
