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Well, just mentioned this morning, I don't think anyone really wants to think their leader would do something like this, but here's the story, now I'm wondering. Who do you think it is the President or the Illuminati? It's still most probably the Illuminati pulling the strings for want of a better phrase.

Another idea came to mind, maybe some of these false flag attempts were planned, but maybe just maybe people got wind of it and started talking and writing about it and this prevented them from carrying on the plan. What do you all think?

Who do you think is more capable of it, the President or the Illuminati?

The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012 Elections

by Susanne Posel

The DHS are seeking to hire “role players” for TSA and Air Marshall programs beginning in December 2012.
The use of role players facilitates training exercises for the US armed forces. Those same training exercises that were conducted during the 9/11 attacks which caused confusion and may have been the catalyst to allowing for the globalist-controlled destruction the Twin Towers to go through without disruption.

The president is just a puppet getting his strings pulled. He doesn't really do ANYTHING. He is a frontman, and just a small part of the Illuminati as a whole. The people that are higher up are doing all the string pulling and making all these false-flag events happen. They gauge the situation and do what they think they need to do based on how the public reacts.

I think at THIS point, they're ousting puppet Obama and getting those marionette strings ready for Mit Romney. This is what they do EVERY election. I think they originally WANTED Obama to be in for another term, but the plans have changed. They're getting rid of the current puppet from the "presidential" office and bringing in someone who the people are more willing to follow.

It's all a bunch of crap in my opinion. I haven't voted for years because it's all rigged anyway, and that's been proven.

If something DOES happen, just know that it IS staged and it's all just a damn show.
I don't vote either, because I believe the same as you it's a dog and pony show. It's riggged from the top to bottom.

think there is more to the Presidency then meets the eye. I know if it is staged it'll be a big false flag.