[Must Watch!] This is no conspiracy theory

It’s a war in the universe where God chooses his angels and Lucifer chooses his, which side do you think the lapd is on, and which side do you think dorner is on.

The racists lapd cops need to be taught a lesson…PERIOD !

And who needs friends when you have a realist to listen to.

ianchris948 is a realist,and if you wont be my friend,than i will follow chris to hell if i have to.

Dorner is gods avenging angel,just like chris said,so there''sticking out tounge'
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Some say that you can recognize the type of a tree by the fruit that it produces.

Wouldn't it make sense to recognize evil by the fruit that it produces.

Look around you. What are you seeing? What kind of fruit is ianchris offering you?

"which side do you think the lapd is on, and which side do you think dorner is on.

As I recall Dorner was himself part of the LAPD. What does that teach you?
And why is that?
It’s in our books of teaching to never believe in luck, it’s said that luck is just a lesser demi god that man conjured into this world, and because of the boundaries of life, the matrix and balance, that’s how bad luck came into play in this world.
Bad luck and good luck are demi gods created by human’s thoughts that have no limits to reality, destiny or realism as far as the patterns are concerned... to ones true and real future....and true patterns and destiny of ones life.
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As chris said,he's an avenging angel.
It teaches me that everybody has a learning lesson to complete in ones life,a lesson that god will teach you even in tragedy.

In 2014 it will found out that an army service man and his comrades have been making bombs over in iraq and blowing people up,it will come to light that he and his comrades where responsible for over 30 bombs that killed over 900 iraqs in the course of ten years.24 days after this comes out ,one of the mens son will be killed by a stray bulet.

Did his son deserve IT, or did he deserve it,or was it gods teaching or gods wrath?

God doesnt like ugly people and evil people.nothing never happens to sombody with out pissing god off..unless its your destiny.
Some say that you can recognize the type of a tree by the fruit that it produces.

Wouldn't it make sense to recognize evil by the fruit that it produces.

Look around you. What are you seeing? What kind of fruit is ianchris offering you?

IANCHRIS is offering me a new start of learning,a new testament in my studies.In the 'Mothers' teachings the 'mother of all life' the 'Mother and the womb' of the universe.its said in the book of fruits,lol,'its funny that you mentioned fruits,but she teaches us that every human will conjure..Sorry linda,my teacher says that im over steeping my authority on telling what the book of fruits says,so i cant finish my statment.

i dont judge people...i would say he is offering me the same fruit in the garden of eden...if you know what i mean??????????,lol,but who cares,its up to me to except it.
There is much that you have said Gemini that I believe in also. I happen to think that humans have an ability that they don't really recognize and that is the gift of being able to "manifest" either good things in their lives.... or evil things.... actually I don't like using the word " evil" at all.... so I will just say.... positive or negative things.... counting from a centerpoint..... The world needs both.....

I do not give Donner the status of " avenging angel". He is a deeply disturbed man who feels that he can make things right by acting out his agression on innocent people. That never should be allowed to stand. It doesn't matter how much you might agree with how "maligned he might have been..... his actions were not right and I hope that you would agree with me on that.

The rumor right now is that they have caught him. I don't know if that is true or not.... if so....he was not able to fulfill a false gods agenda then. Linda
"i dont judge people...i would say he is offering me the same fruit in the garden of eden...if you know what i mean??????????,lol,but who cares,its up to me to except it.

Who cares which fruit you pick? I do Gemini... its still your decision but know that I care. Linda
There is much that you have said Gemini that I believe in also. I happen to think that humans have an ability that they don't really recognize and that is the gift of being able to "manifest" either good things in their lives.... or evil things.... actually I don't like using the word " evil" at all.... so I will just say.... positive or negative things.... counting from a centerpoint..... The world needs both.....

I do not give Donner the status of " avenging angel". He is a deeply disturbed man who feels that he can make things right by acting out his agression on innocent people. That never should be allowed to stand. It doesn't matter how much you might agree with how "maligned he might have been..... his actions were not right and I hope that you would agree with me on that.

The rumor right now is that they have caught him. I don't know if that is true or not.... if so....he was not able to fulfill a false gods agenda then. Linda
Who's innocent again ?
Breaking news is that Dorner has stolen a white vehicle after tieing up the owners on Club View Rd.... is coming down highway 38 right now.... which is actually not all that far away from here.... and he has a slew of cops after him..... 2008 Dodge pickup... after a shootout with a fish and game guy.

I have to tell you that everyone in my neighborhood is armed.... so if he is smart he will keep right on going. Linda
Innocent? How about the daughter and her fiance. What did she have to do with any of this. You think that she deserved that? Do you have a daughter? Do you want her to pay for your sins? Linda
Gun battle going on right now according to the police scanner.... Two officers down.... a news crew caught in the crossfire and pinned down..... Over heard " Get the fu*k down pal"

Confirmed two deputies wounded....they have moved the newscaster out of the way! He didn't know which way to go because he was only 200 feet away from the exchange..... with his face in the dirt....sounds like they have him pinned down but everything that I am hearing I am sure Dorner is hearing also..... the gunfire has slowed....Jenks Lake Road.....

Strange... I ride up there sometimes... its very desolate so I am sort of surprised that anyone found him... he must have had to surface... run out of food perhaps....

The news trucks are trying to get there but are not being allowed closer..... they haven't even been able to get the downed deputies out of there yet for attention.....

More sirens in the background...... Getting crowded....<g>

OK guys.... signing off .... it should be interesting on the news. Linda
I watch your video and I must say it is strange to say the least, and I am not sure I fully grasp what is being communicated. But I got enough of the message to have an understanding.

These people have been doing this for many years and I thank you for exposing it and doing what is right.

Here is Parts 1 and 2 of the video you speak of:

Parts 3 and 4:

Nothing against adult entertainment, but it has its place, and I'm not sure this place being a non adult entertainment site is the right place for adult entertainment material to be posted; Lady of Light will have to be the judge on that call. Also the adult material contained in the video you posted displays a female in a submissive sexual position that has captions indicating a rap being depicted in the performance corresponding to her co actor male partner who is I assume acting a role of a rapist which I and I am sure many others too here find such a scene being acted out in itself demeaning to woman in general.

I think there could of been better judgements made in getting a point across without the distasteful choice of material to illustrate obviously a very passionate point of view.
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Nothing against adult entertainment, but it has its place, and I'm not sure this place being a non adult entertainment site is the right place for adult entertainment material to be posted; Lady of Light will have to be the judge on that call. Also the adult material contained in the video you posted displays a female in a submissive sexual position that has captions indicating a rap being depicted in the performance corresponding to her co actor male partner who is I assume acting a role of a rapist which I and I am sure many others too here find such a scene being acted out in itself demeaning to woman in general.

I think there could of been better judgements made in getting a point across without the distasteful choice of material to illustrate obviously a very passionate point of view.

That "female" is ME!! ... I'm sorry but were paying attention to the narration or were you just looking at the pictures?