U.S. Troops In Neighboorhood Streets Fully Armed

Boiling Frog

Truth Activist

Guard members previously hunted insurgents in Iraq
Paul Joseph Watson

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A photo showing fully armed U.S. National Guard troops patrolling a quiet residential street in Crookston, Minnesota has gone viral, once again underscoring concerns that Americans are being conditioned to accept the gradual imposition of martial law.

Although the photo is undated, Guard troops from the local Crookston Armory routinely take part in off-base exercises which train the local population to accept the sight of armed soldiers patrolling their neighborhoods as normal.

One such exercise in February 2011 dubbed “Urban Operations Training” involved military Humvees and 27 armed soldiers conducting a drill around the Bridge Street area of Crookston.

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I bet you none of those National Guard troops know what it says in the Constitution, the military should not be patrolling US streets the should be a complete outrage!