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This post has nothing to do with British journalist, author and blogger, Alan Hart’s book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. It’s about the Radio National Venezuela (RNV) which has claimed that Venezuelan opposition presidential candidate, Henrique Capriles Radonski, has Jewish family roots.

As we all know that it’s customary for the Zionist crowd in the US, Canada and Europe to link every Muslim politician, businessman and charity in the West with Al-Qaeda or Muslim Brotherhood or call him Islamist even if he dine-and-wines with his girlfriends in clubs. However, the Zionist crowd is very sensitive about some politicians being exposed as having Jewish family roots, like Nicolas Sarkozy and his opponent Francois Hollande, Karl Marx, Lenin, former president Eisenhower, Pope John Paul II, John Kerry, David Cameron, Stalin, Hitler, to name a few.

Simon Wiesenthal Center, Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee and several other Jewish lobby groups have issued statements urging Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to personally intervene against the RVN article, entitled “The enemy is Zionism: a loser as a promise“. In the disputed article, its author Adal Hernández has claimed that Capriles Radonski as “a descendent from a Sephardic family in Curaçao, on his father’s side, and from a Polish-Russian Ashkenazi family from his mother’s“.

Interestingly, none of the Jewish groups has questioned Capriles Radonski’s Jewish roots – but are all claim that his Jewish ancestry should not be reported as he practices Catholism. However, according to Jewish law, being born to both Jewish parents, Capriles is 101% Jewish.

“We urge President Chávez to put an end to this campaign that will surely become more threatening as the elections date approaches. Chávez carries the ultimate responsibility for his own media outlets and can personally stop their hatemongering, in this case, by publically condemning and disciplining Venezuelan National Radio and ordering its Director to issue a public apology to Capriles Radonski and the Jewish people for its antisemitic remarks,” stated Dr. Shimon Samuels, director for International Relations of the Wiesenthal Center.

Capriles’ so-called “Feb. 12 primary victory” is being accused as fraud created by anti-Socialist foreign agents.

“The people of Venezuela should forcefully reject the tactics of the Chávez regime to recycle classical anti-Semitic canards branding Jews as disloyal, as a menace to the values of the country, as capitalists responsible for the misery of others, and as being part of an international Zionist Lobby,” self-denial Abraham Foxman, national director ADL whined.

The Jewish groups’ problem with Hugo Chavez is that he maintains very close relations with Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad and had expelled Israeli ambassador from Venezuela. Chavez was also a close ally of Libyan leader Qaddafi. Chavez has praised both Hamas and Hizbullah for their tireless resistance to Jewish occupation of their lands. Chavez is also credited with making several ‘politically wrong’. statements. For example, in an interview with pro-Zionist Aran network, Al-Jazeera TV, in July 2006, Hugo Chavez had said: “The greatest menace to the future of humanity is the United States, and one of its instruments of aggression in your part of the world is the state of Israel. The Secretary of State has said that the US will change the map of the Middle East. This plan was made in advance and in great detail in the Pentagon, except that Israel is the executor. They want to transform the map of the Middle East in order to guarantee the dominance and control of the largest reserves of oil and energy in the world“.

The Jewish population in Venezuela is 1% of country’s total population of 29 million. There are close to 100,000 Muslims in Venezuela. Venezuela is very attractive to the US for its largest oil reserves, over 100 billion barrels.

Venezuela: ‘The enemy is Zionism’ | Rehmat's World