[Must Read!] **What is one thing that you dislike about TV shows, and Movies??**


New member
One thing that I am tired of seeing on TV, and Movies is death, dying and funerals.. They portray death, dying and loss as if its nothing. I mean I understand that everyone dies sometime, but to portray killing, ALL THE TIME is NOT COOL. Especially gruesome death, and killing. To me by showing death, and killing, shows people that killing is sort of OK. That all you have to do is shoot someone and run away, and get a good lawyer and then till all be OK. To me that's not right.. :nightmare:

What do you think??

Good post/question. I don't like how the family is portrayed, It's all a fantasy well to do families and well behaved kids, artificial problems yet overall perfect lives. Dad works, helps with the homework and has time for the school play, Mom works and takes care of the house, cooks, cleans. The kids are straight A students and they live happily ever after. What a bunch of baloney. And the reality shows are staged so there goes that. I think a real show in a real home, with a family struggling to make ends meet dealing with real issues would be better than anything on TV. Especially after watching the video series posted by Sungazer "The Truth Exposed" which fits in with this post and which I enjoyed/learned a great deal from is a must watch.
I would say the overall "normal" of everything and everyone that is portrayed. The normal that is shown on tv and in movies is (from what I believe) what is wanted for society to act like. It creates a world of people striving to be something that they are not so that they can 'fit in' with everyone else. If people would relax and be themselves instead of what the tv tells them they should be, then the world could easily be a better place.

So, "normal" is what I dislike most about TV and movies.
The things "wrong" with mainstream TV and movies are too many to name, what came to mind instantly is the portrayal of promiscuous sexual attitude as appropriate for children 13 and older. Example: A new movie, Pitch Perfect. This is a movie with a pg-13 rating and I am sure NO sex scene but, even in the trailer, talk of promiscuous sex as common. This is a musical comedy (think glee) intended for younger audiences.

The thing I dislike about mainstream TV and movies the most is the lack of intelligent and honest subject matter.
If the elite wanted a sweet, loving, kind society of 7 billion people, you wouldn't see NEARLY as much death and gore in the programming. But unfortunately for us, 7 billion people is just too much for them to be able to control effectively, and there is a depopulation/"population stabilization" agenda going on. And part of getting YOU, as "the public" to accept (at least on a subliminal level) the death of your fellow human beings or even yourself, is to slowly integrate dehumanizing and family-unit-dissolving themes into your programming. Look at the prime-time TV lineup for the fall: Every single show has a family that's fallen apart, through death, divorce, or some financial disaster that forces them into a "hard life". There's no trust between family members anymore, and "normal" relationships between husbands and wives are being portrayed as being more and more hateful of each other, with divorce just a hop, skip and a jump away (indicating that in this "New World Order", your best friend or soul mate one day could be your worst enemy the next, programming you to not get close to anyone)...I don't remember TV shows being like this even back in the 90's. Looking at all of it from a Jungian perspective, it's pretty sick. We talk about this kind of stuff all the time on Truth Frequency Radio, ya'll should listen in sometime. We've had Michael Tsarion and others on talking about the psychology of the mass media and the consensus seems to be that they're essentially turning us into farm animals without any real connection to each other, so we can be "herded" more easily.
I saw a video last night and meant to post it, had trouble with wi-fi again. The consenses of the video at the end is what I remember the most, it's time for us to rely on each other and not so much as big government, was what it said, Nibiru was what was being discussed.

The thing I dislike the most about tv, is the sitcom, maybe I've lost whatever sense of humor I had, sometimes I think so, but to get back on track, the clips they show of these sitcoms, it strikes me as not being funny, but stupid. Needless to say I don't watch them.Maybe there's something wrong with me, being preocupied with other stuff?
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I saw a video last night and meant to post it, had trouble with wi-fi again. The consenses of the video at the end is what I remember the most, it's time for us to rely on each other and not so much as big government, was what it said, Nibiru was what was being discussed.

The thing I dislike the most about tv, is the sitcom, maybe I've lost whatever sense of humor I had, sometimes I think so, but to get back on track, the clips they show of these sitcoms, it strikes me as not being funny, but stupid. Needless to say I don't watch them.Maybe there's something wrong with me, being preocupied with other stuff?

I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with you for not seeing them as funny. I also have taken that side of things in recent years. I think what it IS is the fact that we have become more aware of the falsities that are encapsulated within these shows and how they keep us subdued and not focused on our world and how it's going down the tubes. There are a lot of things (sitcoms, comedians, etc.) that I no longer find funny and actually find annoying and insulting.

So, no, there's nothing "wrong" with you, but rather that is one of the things that is RIGHT with you! :)

(sorry for the big words, lol, those only usually come through when channeling. :) )
Thank you, :) my friend also finds just the clips of these shows unfunny and stupid. :)

Is o.k. about the big words, if I don't understand I can look it up and see what it means, good way of increasing one's vocabulary. :)

Glad to know we're not alone in this opinion. Most of the things they have these actors saying for laughs (normal people don't say those things, I catch it sometimes if I pay attention) and they are pretty insulting to one's intelligence. They are most definately playing it to the dumbed down people, I think.

Glad we still have our intelligence, so far despite all the subliminal stuff they try :)
Agree, too much violence, movies, TV, and those realistic looking video games, lyrics in rap and hip hop, we're surrounded by this mentality.
What is one thing that you dislike about TV shows, and Movies
i hate that 87% of all movies are aimed at controlling your brain.
I hate that we have to counter some of the bs that they use to make you believe things in masses so it can come true in this realm.
So do I.

It's just a shame that what is a deemed a "credible" source of information MSM doesn't give us the whole truth. they cherry pick it and put a spin on it.

The networks like to go along with showing the TV shows, and movies, just for the ratings and money from the advertising. :(
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So do I.

It's just a shame that what is a deemed a "credible" source of information MSM doesn't give us the whole truth. they cherry pick it and put a spin on it.

The networks like to go along with showing the TV shows, and movies, just for the ratings and money from the advertising. :(

true.. sad
I know right, especially since they've long forgotten their true purpose, and that was to watch forthe shenanigans of politicans and warn us about the goings on: Re: 4th Estate :) now it's like who gets the scoop first and how scandalous is it?
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These movies are the way they keep a global mindset, and desensitize us to how bad they really are. What kind of world would we live in, if we turn on the TV and there's truth and enlightenment on almost every channel? Would there be shootings like there was at Sandy Hook?
The one thing that irritates me most about movies, is probably when you have a victim fleeing from a bad guy. The whole time they are falling slipping, so helpless with nothing to save them from their fate. Meanwhile I am standing up hands over my face screaming at how stupid they are. That and I can never watch a movie without figuring out what happens before the movie is even at its climax.