Benjamin Fulford, April 1 2014

100th Monkey

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Monotheism in crisis as high level insiders claim the Qu’ran and the New Testament were Vatican P2 lodge propaganda

In a sign we are living in historic times, high level insiders have begun claiming that Jesus Christ was a fictitious character and that the Qu’ran was written by Vatican propaganda experts. This is evidence the 2000 year old Roman plan to create a unified, mono-cultural fascist world government is unravelling and that, as a result, ancient secrets are pouring out. The details of the new revelations can be seen at the end of the article.

Meanwhile nuclear and earthquake terror threats are being made by the US military industrial complex, Russia, Israel, the gnostic Illuminati, the North Koreans and others as a back-drop to negotiations aimed at forming a world federation of free states and sovereign humans.

During the last week the Russians, the gnostic Illuminati, the federation of world martial arts societies, the British, the North Koreans and others have contacted the White Dragon Society to offer support for its plan to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

Also last week, a man claiming to represent “Russian television” sent a reporter to record a planned one hour special documentary about the White Dragon Society. The individual failed to offer any proof he represented Russian television but nonetheless, he was shown proof the WDS had the capability, if necessary, to raise a 200 million person army against the cabal.

The cabal, through the P2 freemason lodge, also contacted the WDS last week to say...

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Benjamin Fulford April 1, 2014 Monotheism in crisis as high level insiders claim the Qu?ran and the New Testament were Vatican P2 lodge propaganda | Politics