abraham lincoln

  1. R

    US lawmakers are afraid to admit Israel’s nukes

    Every political aware person knows that Israel is the only country in the Middle East which has nuclear bombs (240-400) – but American lawmakers including president Barack Obama are afraid to talk about it. Watch below Obama and other pathetic anti-Iran lawmakers making excuses for the Zionist...
  2. 100th Monkey

    The President Who Told The TRUTH ... and he paid the price, may his words and soul live on

    Uploader says: This vid contains one of the most awesome, inspiring and truthful speeches ever given by a president. This very speech must have caused a lot of panic among the higher echelons of the elite. Kennedy had been in office for only 3 months and he was already taking unprecedented...
  3. Boiling Frog

    Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy Conspiracy

    Got this in in email I thought it would go good on this site: History Mystery. Have a history teacher explain this----- if they can. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F...
  4. Denise

    Famous people speculated to have Asperger's Syndrome:

    Abraham Lincoln,1809-1865, US Politician Alan Turing, 1912-1954, English mathematician, computer scientist and cryptographer Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, German/American theoretical physicist Alexander Graham Bell, 1847-1922, Scottish/Canadian/American inventor of the telephone Anton Bruckner ...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Great Fakes !!! Famous Doctored Photographs

    This is Great Knockoffs Famous Doctored Photographs. Regardless of the causes of the modifications, the pictures are fascinating and span dating back to Abraham Lincoln subsequently. http://photos.denverpost.com/mediace...tographs/#name
  6. R

    Hersh: Anti-Islam Ziofacists control the US

    In his address at the Georgetown University, Doha on January 17, 2011 – The Pulitzer Prize winner American-Jewish investigating journalist, Seymour Hersh, exposed the control of the ‘Israel-First’ anti-Muslim neoconservatives (mostly Jewish) cabal over American foreign policy in the Middle East...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Jesse James Poisoned Lincoln's Assassin

    (Brothers Jesse,below, and Frank James strike a Masonic pose) After he was poisoned for breaking his Masonic oath of silence, John Wilkes Booth's corpse was rented out to carnivals and sideshows. by Mark Owen (for henrymakow.com) The outlaw Jesse James killed the actor John Wilkes Booth...
  8. Unhypnotized

    How the Rothschild Banksters Destroyed the United States

    11-20-2010 05:56 AM 'Satanic Psychopaths will be Satanic Psychopaths. It isn't about greed as much as it is about power. The United States has been under the Rothschild's thumb since its inception. The Bank of England took a minority interest in the first two "Banks of the United States"...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Praise For Lee And Jackson

    Chuck Baldwin Infowars.com December 8, 2010 January is often referred to as “Generals Month” since no less than four famous Confederate Generals claimed January as their birth month: James Longstreet (Jan. 8, 1821), Robert E. Lee (Jan. 19, 1807), Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson (Jan...
  10. Unhypnotized

    5 Reasons that Corporate Media Coverage is Pro-War

    Washington’s Blog Saturday, Dec 5th, 2009 Note: McClatchy and several other large news sources are exceptions which have reported well on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. There are five reasons that the mainstream media is worthless. 1. Self-Censorship by Journalists Initially, there is...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Tea Party Co-founder Laments Hijacking of Movement

    Kurt Nimmo Infowars November 30, 2009 In an editorial posted on the CAIVN (California Independent Voter Network), Chad Peace, a co-founder of the original Tea Party movement, blasts the establishment Republican takeover of the movement. The establishment is grooming Sarah...
  12. Unhypnotized

    H1N1: Fact or Fiction?

    Barbara Loe Fisher Infowars November 14, 2009 It’s been about six months since the Department of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Homeland Security followed the World Health Organization and declared a very scary pandemic influenza public health emergency in the United States...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Is The Day Of Great Leaders Past?

    Chuck Baldwin Infowars November 11, 2009 A recent column co-authored by John Eidsmoe and Ben DuPré struck me. They titled their column, “What makes a ‘great’ president?“ James K. Polk. The basic thrust of the column...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Who sunk the titanic?

    WHO SUNK THE TITANIC? by Doug Yurchey The above title does not read: What sunk the Titanic? It says: Who? The information below appeared inside my Outlook Express e-mailbox. The following is stunning and inspired me to write. When we think of great mysteries, controversies, conspiracies or...
  15. R

    Schwarzenegger Thought About Ditching the GOP Feb 24, 2009

    Schwarzenegger Thought About Ditching the GOP Feb 24, 2009 White House / Eric Draper Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biographer has revealed that the California governor recently thought about leaving the Republican Party, but decided he wouldn’t gain much by doing so, politically. Camp...
  16. R

    Obama cabinet: Unlucky or naive?

    Feb 13.09 Obama cabinet: Unlucky or naive? By Jonathan Beale BBC News, Washington The US president appears to be struggling to build up his Cabinet Picking a Cabinet? Easier said than done. Just ask Barack Obama. The president came to power with a powerful promise of change and a...