agent orange

  1. Unhypnotized

    11 yrs old exposes monsanto

    this is great!! more kids need to get out of the whole brainwashed mindset.. and start looking into this themselves! this kid has some balls... and he doesn't care what people think( the most important thing!!) ALOT OF PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW THAT MONSANTO IS A WEAPONS COMPANY THEY CREATED...
  2. R

    Weird X-Files skin disease treated as a psychological disorder

    Weird X-Files skin disease treated as a psychological disorder April 13/09 “The doctors are very dismissive. One doctor sent the fibres off to a lab, but all she said was that nothing abnormal had been detected.” Among Morgellons sufferers, this is a common experience. Most experts believe the...
  3. R

    Agent Orange-like Chemical to Be Used at U.S.-Mexico Border

    Agent Orange-like Chemical to Be Used at U.S.-Mexico Border Wed, 25 Mar 2009 Summary: The most controversial removal method calls for helicopters spraying Imazapyr directly on the cane – repeatedly – until all plant life in the area is poisoned. The Border Patrol said that after using the...
  4. R

    Monsanto cover up on food contamination.

    Here is one of my very good friends new blog site with very informative info on many things he should be along sometime soon to become a member of this site and start posting as well. This clip is regarding a Monsanto cover up on food contamination.Growth hormones ignorance is never...