
  1. Denise


    Ascension Activation ~Seven Mighty Archangels: In meditation, call forth Archangel Michael and call forth a downpouring of his energies of protection with help from his legion of angels. ]Secondly, call forth Archangel Jophiel and request the ascension energies of illumination and wisdom...

    How We Got to Be This Way

    Once, in graduate school I gave my friends a feast— six gallons of Vino Fino, cheap rib roast from Hi-Vee. Next day, half my guests swore off alcohol, and two of them joined AA. Though proud that I had fed and intoxicated so many on my TA's salary— less than the Army paid me during my tour of...
  3. Unhypnotized

    “Conspiracies” Are Common Everyday Events

    Paul Craig Roberts July 4, 2011 In a June column, I concluded that “conspiracy theory” is a term applied to any fact, analysis, or truth that is politically, ideologically, or emotionally unacceptable. This column is about how common real conspiracies are. Every happening...
  4. R

    The Kosher Tax racket and Israel

    According to the Wall Street Jornal (April 18, 2011), the Kosher market is worth $12.5 billion per year. The Organized Kashrut Laboratories (Brooklyn), listed as a non-profit organization, has rabbis in China, Japan, India, Israel and Belgium who certify nearly 500,000 products from about 3,000...
  5. Denise

    Message from Matthew ~ Towards a Greater Understanding ~ June 11, 2011

    All light beings are beaming love to you, and some are walking beside you, unseen but ever present. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Even the most dedicated lightworkers have occasional moments of doubt that everything long promised can be...
  6. Denise

    Matthew Ward Message June 11, 2011

    Golden Age threshhold on target; reasons for imminent arrival of space family; effects of high and low frequencies, suggestions for relief; spiritual perspective of dark ones on the planet; no mass exodus during Earth's ascension; lightworkers' participation in world transformation...
  7. Unhypnotized

    Wannabe experts claim healthy eating is a mental disorder

    Jonathan Benson Natural News May 3, 2011 Do you avoid foods that contain artificial colors and sweeteners, and stick to whole, unprocessed foods instead? If so, you just might have orthorexia, an imaginary “disease” created in 1997 by Dr. Steven Bratman that appears to be gaining more attention...
  8. Unhypnotized

    Meat Glue: The Meat Industry’s Dirty Secret

    Miriam Kresh Green Prophet April 8, 2011 The white powder sold by the kilo, above, is the meat industry’s dirty little secret. It’s “meat glue.” It makes pieces of beef, lamb, chicken or fish that would normally be thrown out stick together so closely that it looks like a solid piece of meat...

    Mexico City street gangs mimic cartel violence

    MEXICO CITY – Two headless bodies are dumped on a street in suburban Mexico City along with a message sent by a mysterious group called "The Hand with Eyes." Days later, a severed head shows up in a car abandoned outside an elementary school in the same suburb. For drug lords, this sprawling...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Whats really going on in Libya?

    Al-Qaeda doens't exist!! So who's ramping up the trouble?? CIA?? Why? Muammar al-Gaddafi was born in a bedouin tent in the desert near Sirt in 1942. At age 27 Gaddafi, with a taste for safari suits and sunglasses, sought to become the new "Che Guevara of the age". On 1 September 1969, a...
  11. R

    Islamic Republic Beyond Israeli Hasbara

    “The most important thing that I can convey about Iran in general – my most memorable reaction in retrospect – is this simple concept: Americans need to ignore anything and everything they hear about modern-day Iran, its leader, its culture, and its people from the mass media in America,”...
  12. CASPER

    Galliano faces anti-Semitism accusations in Paris

    37 mins ago PARIS – John Galliano arrived Monday at a Paris police station to face accusations that he made illegal anti-Semitic slurs, hours after a video emerged of the famed fashion designer praising Adolf Hitler. The Gibraltar-born designer, wearing a wide-brimmed black hat, made no...
  13. CASPER

    Wikileaks: Gadhafi family a web of greed, nepotism

    CAIRO – The children of Moammar Gadhafi were increasingly engaged in recent months in covering up scandals fit for a "Libyan soap opera," including negative publicity from extravagant displays of wealth, such as a million-dollar private concert by pop diva Beyonce, according to a new batch of...
  14. Truth Vibrations

    Claims 'drunk' mother smothered baby

    -- More than eight months after claiming that her 3-month-old baby mysteriously died overnight, a West Virginia mother now stands accused of drunkenly falling on the child and smothering her to death. Investigators said Friday that Leslie Erin Boggs' story has long seemed inconsistent with the...
  15. T

    Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia)

    Low blood sugar is usually caused naturally when your blood sugar level drops below normal due to your Diabetes medications or eating habits. However, Low blood sugar can also be caused by the following conditions: • Skipping meals or diabetic diet sample plan • Eating too little •...
  16. Truth Vibrations

    Fugitive Hells Angels member captured

    -- Paul Merle Eischeid, one of the U.S. Marshals Service's "15 Most Wanted" fugitives, is no longer on the run. Eischeid, 39, was captured Thursday in Buenos Aires by Argentine authorities, according to a statement released by the U.S. Department of Justice. Federal law enforcement officials...
  17. R

    Erdogan is a ‘radical Muslim’

    Turks are set to vote for the next general election in June 2011. The result of a poll released on January 16, 2011 – showed that AKP ruling party led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to win its third term with 46% votes. This is not a good news for the local pro-Western elites and...
  18. funbunz29

    If I'm Pregnant, Is There a Safe Amount of Alcohol I Can Drink?

    Alcohol is definitely contraindicated in pregnancy. Clearly, a woman who finds out that she's pregnant and had a few drinks before she knew it has not hurt her baby in any way. But she doesn't want to continue drinking throughout the pregnancy, because there's this entity called fetal alcohol...
  19. Truth Vibrations

    Alcohol a factor in fatal crash: RCMP

    Police say alcohol was a factor in a northern Alberta crash that left one person dead early Saturday morning. Fairview RCMP were called to a single-car accident on Highway 65, west of Hines Creek, just before 1 a.m. MT. Officers found a Chevrolet truck rolled into the highway's south ditch. A...
  20. CASPER

    What Causes Cancer? 7 Strange Cancer Claims Explained

    Bras, deodorant, and mouthwash*—just a few of the everyday products that have been linked to cancer at some point during the past several decades. Preposterous? Not at the time, and new suspects have been added to the list. The following slides reveal the real story behind ordinary household...