
  1. R

    The ‘Al-Jewzeera’!

    “I wish all Arab media were like Al-Jazeera,” – Gideon Ezra, former deputy head of Israeli General Security Service, quoted in ‘Foreign Policy (FP)’, July/August 2006 issue. Al-Jazeera was launched in November, 1996 by Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa at the cost of US$150 million. Its...
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    French Muslim Revolution: ‘Made in USA’

    “When US globalists (aka Zionists) pose as friends of Muslims, the latter should sup with the Great Shaitan with an exceedingly long spoon,” Dr. K.R. Bolton. Recently I noticed two articles by Dr. K.R. Bolton. One is entitled The Rivkin Project while the other is titled The Red Face of Israel...
  3. R

    Syria’s ‘Color Revolution’

    One wonders why Zionist Jew George Soro’s Freedom House would be so worried about the human rights of Syrian Muslims, while it never gave a hoot to the gross Israeli violations against Native Muslims and Christians for the last 60 years? On March 21, 2011 – the Freedom House in its ’Press...
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    The ‘Jewish influence’ on ME Revolutions

    Eric Herschthal writing in ‘The Jewish Week’ (February 15, 2011) had claimed that Gene Sharp’s 90-page manual ‘From Dictatorships to Democracy’ had “the Jewish influence on Egypt’s glorious revolution’. In order to clear the ‘fog’ – he immediately informed his readers that Gene Sharp (born 1928)...
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    Miral – The movie Jewish Lobby don’t want you to see

    On March 14, 2011 – the screening at the United Nations of the movie Miral, directed by Julian Schnabel, has been denounced by Israel’s delegation to the United Nations, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and other Jewish organizations as an effort to portray...
  6. Unhypnotized

    3 World Wars Planned by Illuminati Alber Pike in 1871! Everything About NWO!

    Pike's Letter to Mazzini (August 15, 1871) This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. It is a commonly believed fallacy...
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    Victoria and Israel’s Sea Piracy

    Some of the readers may have heard about the tatest Israeli hoax: “Israel navy Iranian arms shipment’. The hoax with all its Zionist ‘lies-and-twists’ is really amusing. For example, two Iranian Navy vessels were let pass through Suez Canal after a thorough inspection by the Israel’s ally...
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    Fogel: ‘thou shalt not demand your wages’

    Israel’s racist FM Avigdor Lieberman, while visiting the Fogel’s house in the illegal Jewish settlement of Itamar build on a land stolen from the native Palestinians, said: “This is a house of death reminiscent of the Kishinev pogrom. The State of Israel must show the world that anyone who...

    Kuwait awaits protests but no stranger to upheaval

    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The next scheduled stop on the Arab protest tour: Kuwait. This, however, is more of a return engagement. Calls for anti-government rallies Tuesday are an extension of nasty political skirmishes in Kuwait that were under way long before the first glint of dissent...
  10. Unhypnotized

    David Icke's Newsletter - The Jet Fuel Of Tyranny ... Hypocrisy

    THE JET FUEL OF TYRANNY ... … HYPOCRISY The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday The wonder is that they don't choke on the words they speak, but then they are such seasoned liars I guess that the choking would come if they ever told the truth. I have been watching for weeks now as a...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Why the Banksters Hate Islam

    Tony Cartalucci Prison Thursday, March 3, 2011 Of course, all aspects of the Old World are slated for elimination, as ancient values, be they of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or even regional secular traditions, all pose a direct threat to the Anglo-American unipolar world...
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    Human-Rights Abuses: Turkey vs Israel

    On February 27, 2011, the President of the European Court of Human-Rights, French judge Jean-Paul Costa told journalists that Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine – are the worse violators of human-rights. On February 28, 2011 – Turkish Foreign Minister...
  13. CASPER

    Bahrain protesters seek to overthrow royal family

    MANAMA, Bahrain – A group of young protesters camped out in Bahrain's capital Monday called for the ouster of the entire ruling monarchy as part of sweeping demands to call off a weeklong uprising in the tiny, but strategically important Gulf nation. The call stakes out the most uncompromising...
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    Moses arrives thirty-year later

    In the 1980s – The leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, had called Egyptians to rise up: “I am hopefull that other countries will pay attention; will follow the Iranian nation. Egypt, don’t be satisfied with your oppressive government which states that it will destroy anyone who uses...
  15. Unhypnotized

    The Arabic Revolution: last step to the Reign of the Dajjal Maitreya Raj Patel

    This is interesting... What we are living just right now with the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions, and soon the The Yemen, Jordania, Algeria, ..., are very important events which are irreversible, and the Elites knows that. The anger of the people is genuine and real but the Revolution in...
  16. CASPER

    Analysis: Egypt's Al Jazeera bans shows channel's key role

    Egypt's decision on Sunday to close the offices of Al Jazeera illustrates the leading role the Arabic broadcaster has taken in reporting unprecedented popular revolts against Arab rulers. Egypt has often harassed the Qatar-based channel since it started in 1996, setting off a revolution in...
  17. Truth Vibrations

    Egypt-Americans across U.S. protest Mubarak rule -- Saturday saw protests across the United States, held to express solidarity with the anti-government demonstrations currently roiling Egypt. Whether on the East Coast or the West Coast, crowds carried banners, flags and...
  18. Truth Vibrations

    Twitter blocked as protests hit Egypt -- Protesters taking to the streets in Egypt on Wednesday felt the wrath of security forces, a day after an unparalleled display of public rage at...
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    Nasrallah and Tunisian ‘Yasmine Revolution’

    I am not sure if the term ‘Yasmine Revolution’ coined by the Western media for the current Tunisian public rising against former dictator Ben Ali and his local and foreign collaborators in the US, Israel, France, Germany and Itlay - is stolen from Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1987 ‘soft revotion’ or it’s...
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    The ‘Nice Jewish girl’ and the ‘Koran Baby’

    So what is common between Russian Anna Chapman and the Latvian Anna Fermanova (‘Nice Jewish girl’, NYDailyNews, July 28, 2010)? They’re both Russian Jewish spies busted in United States last year. Both also love to display their ‘sexy’ bodies. Anna Vasil’yevna Chapman, the Russian spy who was...