
  1. Truth Vibrations

    The Voynich Manuscript Finally Decyphered?

    Apparently it's coded Arabic and it's about Sufism. It looks like they have decoded it. I have been interested in this for a long time. Source: voynich2arabic | voynich2arabic: Deciphering Voynich Manuscript as from Phonetic Arabic., by Joachim Dathe.
  2. R

    An open letter to Israeli Knesset

    It’s reported that the incumbent prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to forge an alliance with second-runner Yair Lapid. Both have agreed on some ministerial portfolios which really bother me. For example, the selection of John Forbes Kerry as foreign minister, Chuck Hagel for minister of...
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    Smoking Gun: Iran trains pro-Assad guerrilla force

    Rami Abdel Rahman, the founder-director of London-based Srian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), claimed on the week-end that president Bashar al-Assad’s regime has put together a new paramilitary force of men and women, some trained by key ally, Islamic Republic, to fight a guerrilla war...
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    President Morsi: From “brother” to “antisemite”

    Zionist Jews are never known for their loyalty since they collaborated with Nazis. They’re neither loyal to Jews nor their goyim supporters – but only loyal to their own kind. The latest example of Zionists’ loyalty is Egyptian president Dr. Mohammed Morsi. In November 2012, when Israel needed...
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    Egypt and the Zionist Jews

    “Islam is an act of G-d’s mercy,” says German-born US-Israeli Jewish historian Dr. Shelomo Dov Goitein (died 1985) in book ‘Jews and Arabs’. “Jews in the near East, north Africa and Spain threw their support behind advancing Muslim Arab armies,” says Professor Merlin L. Swartz (Islamic Studies...
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    President Assad: ‘I’m not leaving Syria’

    Zionist media’s recent lies that Syrian president Bashar Assad has been cornered by Western-supported armed rebels groups fighting under FSA umbrella and Russia was looking for a safe heaven for Assad family, but in Russia itself. The other lie was that Israel is making contacts with the actors...
  7. R

    Israeli Jewish spy arrested in Yemen

    Yemeni intelligence has arrested Abraham al-Deri, an Israeli citizen in the southern province of Taiz, allegedly being a member of Israeli Mossad. The man has visited Israel and several Arab countries with a faked passport under Muslim name Abdullah Muhsan al-Himi al-Siari, Reuters quoted...
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    Gazans say ‘Thank You Iran’

    Israeli daily Jerusalem Post reported on November 27 that “billboards on three major junction roads in Gaza, featuring depiction of Fajr 5 missiles fired at Israel, express gratitude to Iran“. The billboards show ‘Thank You Iran’ written in English, Hebrew, Arabic and Persian languages. The...
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    The ‘Gaza Doctor’ and the Jewish hasbra spin!

    Jane Eisner, editor-in-chief of America’s oldest Jewish daily Forward, posted an Israeli hasbra (propaganda) piece on November 20, 2012, The ‘Gaza Doctor’ Speaks in Anguish‘. Her choice of the title, shows she wanted to prove to her readers that Izzeldine, while on phone, was not talking...
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    German Jew comedian makes fun of Holocaust!

    Oliver Polak is not ashamed to tell his audience on stage that he doesn’t believe in Zionist narrative of the Holocaust; ‘Six Million Died’. Polaks, known as ”the only German Jew comedian“ has been criticized by Israel lobby group for making fun of the new Jewish religion. Polaks response has...
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    Gen. Petraeus sacked over his mistress!

    For the last two days, Zionist-controlled mainstream media is pre-occupied by the latest Clinton-Monica sex affair (Monica worked for Mossad). James Clapper, director National Intelligence said in a written statement on Friday that the retired media hero of Iraq and Afghan wars, Gen. David H...
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    Muslim France

    “By the end of the 18th century, relationships with the Muslim world were so common as to have become banal. People walked about Paris not even blinking when they saw someone wearing a turban, because they were so used to it,” says Ian Calder, a history professor and author of 2009 book, ‘Arab...
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    Yemen’s Zionist Jew Dictator

    Pro-Israel Zionist Jew, Gerald Michael Feierstein, is the US ambassador to Yemen and a defacto new ruler of the Muslim Shia majority country (52%), where there have been strong pro-democracy protests. Yemen is a nation where the Israeli Mossad has long run a false-flag terror operation known as...
  14. L

    Most beautiful month in the year

    Most beautiful month in the year Each year, Islamic and Arab nation well And Muslims all over the world to the health and happiness allah says in the Holy Qur'an 185. The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the...
  15. R

    International Holy Qur’an recitation competitions

    Both Iran and Malaysia held international Qur’an competitions within the last three weeks ahead of the arrival of Islamic month of Ramazan (the month of fasting), begining on July 21, subject to sighting of Moon. Kuala Lumpur concluded its 54th international Qur’an competition on July 13...
  16. R

    Israel marks its 2006 defeat by threatening Hizbullah

    On July 5, 2012 – the Israel Occupation Force’s northern command held a press conference to mark the six year of its military defeat. The IOF Generals used the conference to issue new threats to Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, whose less than 2000 guerilla-fighters defeated 32,000 Jewish...
  17. R

    US-Israel war against Ethiopian Muslims

    “Imperialist powers have always labeled as terrorists the people who fight for their right. Irishmen were terrorists until they signed an agreement. Abbas was a terrorist. Now, he is a friend,” Mohamed Hassan, former Ethiopian diplomat in Washington, Beijing and Brussels. “Israel sees Islam as...
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    Israel and ‘Jewish identity’: The search goes on!

    After learning the true nature of the state of Israel hiding behind the ‘Jewish facade’ – more and more Jewish intellectuals are searching for their ‘Jewish identity’. Rabbi Michael Lerner (Beyt Tikkun synagogue in Berkeley), Gilad Atzmon, Roger Tucker, Israel Shamir, Hilda Silverman and...
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    Talmud goes Arabic – Jewish groups hit ‘The Wall’

    Several pro-Israel Jewish groups lead by Abraham Foxman have urged Jordanian government to take action to ensure that the recent Arabic translation of Jewish Talmud is not used to teach hatred of Jews and Israel among the Arabs. A group of some 90 Jordanian Muslim and Christian scholars and...
  20. R

    Holocaust Day, Iran and Muslim Holocaust survivor

    This year’s Holocaust Day was no different than the last year’s event. The Israeli, American, German, British, French and Canadian Zionist leaders who attended this year showcase event – all gave speeches about the Islamic Republic and its nuclear program being an ‘existential’ to the Zionist...